2023-2024 TNCC Final Practice Exam 4 with Answers (49 Solved Questions)
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Sarah Anderson
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A 5-year old child presents to the ED with bruises to the upper arms and buttocks in
various stages of healing and multiple small, clean, round burns to the back. There are
no abnormalities found based on the pediatric assessment triangle or primary survey.
Which of the following is the priority nursing intervention?
Answer: A - ansA) report your suspicion of the maltreatment in accordance with local
regulations ***
B) apply ice to the bruises and consult wound care
C) engage in therapeutic communication to determine the MOI
D) provide the family with injury prevention resourse
A 20-year old male presents to the ED c/o severe lower abd pain after landing hard on
the bicycle cross bars which performing an aerial BMX maneuver. Secondary
assessment reveals lower abd tenderness and scrotal ecchymosis. Which of the
following orders would the nurse questions?
Answer: C - ansA) Fast exam
B) CT scan
C) straight cath for urine sample ***
D) ice and elevation of the scrotum
A 35-year old male presents with facial trauma after bring struck inthe face with a
baseball. a tear-drop shaped left pupil is noted on exam. What type of injury is
Answer: B - ansA) oculomotor nerve palsy
B) globe rupture ***
C) uncal herniation
D) retinal detachment
A 36-year old female has a deformity of the left wrist after a fall. She is reluctant to
move her hand due to pain. Which of the following is the most appropriate intervention?
Answer: B - ansA) apply a sling and elevate the extremity to the level of the heart.
B) apply a splint and ELEVATE ABOVE THE LEVEL OF THE HEART ***
C) Apply a sling and elevate the extremity above the level of the heart
D) apply a splint and elevate the extremity to the level of the heart.
A 49-year old restrained driver involved in a MVC presents to the trauma center c/o abd,
pelvic, and bil lower extremity pain Vitals signs are stable. The nurse can anticipate all
of these negative fast exam except which of the following?
Answer: A
A 5-year old child presents to the ED with bruises to the upper arms and buttocks in
various stages of healing and multiple small, clean, round burns to the back. There are
no abnormalities found based on the pediatric assessment triangle or primary survey.
Which of the following is the priority nursing intervention?
Answer: A - ansA) report your suspicion of the maltreatment in accordance with local
regulations ***
B) apply ice to the bruises and consult wound care
C) engage in therapeutic communication to determine the MOI
D) provide the family with injury prevention resourse
A 20-year old male presents to the ED c/o severe lower abd pain after landing hard on
the bicycle cross bars which performing an aerial BMX maneuver. Secondary
assessment reveals lower abd tenderness and scrotal ecchymosis. Which of the
following orders would the nurse questions?
Answer: C - ansA) Fast exam
B) CT scan
C) straight cath for urine sample ***
D) ice and elevation of the scrotum
A 35-year old male presents with facial trauma after bring struck inthe face with a
baseball. a tear-drop shaped left pupil is noted on exam. What type of injury is
Answer: B - ansA) oculomotor nerve palsy
B) globe rupture ***
C) uncal herniation
D) retinal detachment
A 36-year old female has a deformity of the left wrist after a fall. She is reluctant to
move her hand due to pain. Which of the following is the most appropriate intervention?
Answer: B - ansA) apply a sling and elevate the extremity to the level of the heart.
B) apply a splint and ELEVATE ABOVE THE LEVEL OF THE HEART ***
C) Apply a sling and elevate the extremity above the level of the heart
D) apply a splint and elevate the extremity to the level of the heart.
A 49-year old restrained driver involved in a MVC presents to the trauma center c/o abd,
pelvic, and bil lower extremity pain Vitals signs are stable. The nurse can anticipate all
of these negative fast exam except which of the following?
Answer: A
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Trauma Nursing Core Course