MCA Microsoft Office Specialist Study Guide: PowerPoint Associate Exam MO-300 (2021)
MCA Microsoft Office Specialist Study Guide: PowerPoint Associate Exam MO-300 (2021) covers key exam topics to help you succeed on test day.
William Chen
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Microsoft® Office Specialist
(Office 365 and Office 2019)
Study Guide
PowerPoint Associate Exam
Eric Butow
Microsoft® Office Specialist
(Office 365 and Office 2019)
Study Guide
PowerPoint Associate Exam
Eric Butow
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Copyright © 2021 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
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ISBN: 978-1-119-71846-8
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To my family and friends
I have many people to thank, starting with my literary agent, Matt Wagner. He connected
me with Sybex to write this book and managed our relationship well. Next, I want to give a
shout-out to my excellent editing team: Gary Schwartz, Barath Kumar Rajasekaran,
Christine O’Connor, and Senior Acquisitions Editor Kenyon Brown.
And, as always, I want to thank my family and friends for their everlasting support. I
couldn’t write this book without them.
—Eric Butow
I have many people to thank, starting with my literary agent, Matt Wagner. He connected
me with Sybex to write this book and managed our relationship well. Next, I want to give a
shout-out to my excellent editing team: Gary Schwartz, Barath Kumar Rajasekaran,
Christine O’Connor, and Senior Acquisitions Editor Kenyon Brown.
And, as always, I want to thank my family and friends for their everlasting support. I
couldn’t write this book without them.
—Eric Butow
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About the Author
Eric Butow is the owner of Butow Communications Group (BCG) in Jackson, California.
BCG offers website development, online marketing, and technical writing services. Eric is a
native Californian who started working with his friend’s Apple II Plus and Radio Shack TRS-
80 Model III in 1980 when he lived in Fresno, California. He learned about programming,
graphic design, and desktop publishing in the Fresno PC Users Group in his professional
career, and when he started BCG in 1994.
Eric has written 38 other technical books as an author, co-author
or, in one case, as a ghostwriter. Most of Eric’s works were written
for the general book market, but some were written for specific cli-
ents, including HP and F5 Networks. Two of his books have been
translated into Chinese and Italian. Eric’s most recent books are
Programming Interviews for Dummies (For Dummies, 2019) with
John Sonmez; Ultimate Guide to Social Media Marketing (Entrepre-
neur Press, 2020) with Jenn Herman, Stephanie Liu, Amanda Rob-
inson, and Mike Allton; and Instagram for Business for Dummies,
Second Edition (For Dummies, 2021) with Jenn Herman and Corey Walker.
Upon his graduation from California State University, Fresno in 1996 with a master’s
degree in communication, Eric moved to Roseville, California, where he lived for 13 years.
Eric continued to build his business and worked as a technical writer for a wide variety of
businesses, from startups to large companies, including Intel, Wells Fargo Wachovia, TASQ
Technology, Cisco Systems, and Hewlett-Packard. Many of those clients required their
technical writers to know Microsoft PowerPoint, which Eric has used since the early 1990s.
From 1997 to 1999, during his off-time, Eric produced 30 issues of Sacra Blue, the award-
winning monthly magazine of the Sacramento PC Users Group.
When Eric isn’t working in (and on) his business or writing books, you can find him
enjoying time with friends, walking around the historic Gold Rush town of Jackson, and
helping his mother manage her infant and toddler daycare business.
About the Technical Editor
Kristen Merritt is an experienced technical editor who has reviewed books for several pub-
lishers, including Wiley and Microsoft Press. Kristen spent 12 years in technical sales, and
she is currently employed as a digital marketer.
Eric Butow is the owner of Butow Communications Group (BCG) in Jackson, California.
BCG offers website development, online marketing, and technical writing services. Eric is a
native Californian who started working with his friend’s Apple II Plus and Radio Shack TRS-
80 Model III in 1980 when he lived in Fresno, California. He learned about programming,
graphic design, and desktop publishing in the Fresno PC Users Group in his professional
career, and when he started BCG in 1994.
Eric has written 38 other technical books as an author, co-author
or, in one case, as a ghostwriter. Most of Eric’s works were written
for the general book market, but some were written for specific cli-
ents, including HP and F5 Networks. Two of his books have been
translated into Chinese and Italian. Eric’s most recent books are
Programming Interviews for Dummies (For Dummies, 2019) with
John Sonmez; Ultimate Guide to Social Media Marketing (Entrepre-
neur Press, 2020) with Jenn Herman, Stephanie Liu, Amanda Rob-
inson, and Mike Allton; and Instagram for Business for Dummies,
Second Edition (For Dummies, 2021) with Jenn Herman and Corey Walker.
Upon his graduation from California State University, Fresno in 1996 with a master’s
degree in communication, Eric moved to Roseville, California, where he lived for 13 years.
Eric continued to build his business and worked as a technical writer for a wide variety of
businesses, from startups to large companies, including Intel, Wells Fargo Wachovia, TASQ
Technology, Cisco Systems, and Hewlett-Packard. Many of those clients required their
technical writers to know Microsoft PowerPoint, which Eric has used since the early 1990s.
From 1997 to 1999, during his off-time, Eric produced 30 issues of Sacra Blue, the award-
winning monthly magazine of the Sacramento PC Users Group.
When Eric isn’t working in (and on) his business or writing books, you can find him
enjoying time with friends, walking around the historic Gold Rush town of Jackson, and
helping his mother manage her infant and toddler daycare business.
About the Technical Editor
Kristen Merritt is an experienced technical editor who has reviewed books for several pub-
lishers, including Wiley and Microsoft Press. Kristen spent 12 years in technical sales, and
she is currently employed as a digital marketer.
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Contents at a Glance
Introduction xi
Assessment Test xv
Chapter 1 Creating Presentations 1
Chapter 2 Managing Slides 87
Chapter 3 Inserting and Formatting Text, Shapes, and Images 119
Chapter 4 Inserting Tables, Charts, SmartArt, 3D Models, and Media 169
Chapter 5 Applying Transitions and215
Appendix Answers to Review253
Index 259
Introduction xi
Assessment Test xv
Chapter 1 Creating Presentations 1
Chapter 2 Managing Slides 87
Chapter 3 Inserting and Formatting Text, Shapes, and Images 119
Chapter 4 Inserting Tables, Charts, SmartArt, 3D Models, and Media 169
Chapter 5 Applying Transitions and215
Appendix Answers to Review253
Index 259
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Introduction xi
Assessment Test xv
Chapter 1 Creating Presentations 1
Modifying Slide Masters, Handout Masters, and
Note Masters 3
Changing the Slide Master Theme or Background 4
Modifying Slide Master Content 9
Creating Slide Layouts 10
Modify Slide Layouts 15
Modifying the Handout Master 19
Modifying the Notes Master 26
Changing Presentation Options and Views 32
Changing the Slide Size 32
Displaying Presentations in Different Views 34
Setting Basic File Properties 36
Configuring Print Settings for Presentations 37
Printing All or Part of a Presentation 37
Printing Notes Pages 39
Printing Handouts 40
Printing in Color, Grayscale, or Black and White 41
Configuring and Presenting
Slideshows 43
Creating Custom Slideshows 43
Configuring Slideshow Options 48
Rehearsing Slideshow Timing 49
Setting Up Slideshow Recording Options 53
Presenting Slideshows by Using Presenter View 56
Preparing Presentations for Collaboration 62
Mark Presentations as Final 63
Protecting Presentations by Using Passwords 64
Inspecting Presentations for Issues 65
Adding and Managing Comments 67
Preserving Presentation Content 72
Exporting Presentations to Other Formats 73
Summary 82
Key Terms 83
Exam Essentials 83
Review Questions 85
Introduction xi
Assessment Test xv
Chapter 1 Creating Presentations 1
Modifying Slide Masters, Handout Masters, and
Note Masters 3
Changing the Slide Master Theme or Background 4
Modifying Slide Master Content 9
Creating Slide Layouts 10
Modify Slide Layouts 15
Modifying the Handout Master 19
Modifying the Notes Master 26
Changing Presentation Options and Views 32
Changing the Slide Size 32
Displaying Presentations in Different Views 34
Setting Basic File Properties 36
Configuring Print Settings for Presentations 37
Printing All or Part of a Presentation 37
Printing Notes Pages 39
Printing Handouts 40
Printing in Color, Grayscale, or Black and White 41
Configuring and Presenting
Slideshows 43
Creating Custom Slideshows 43
Configuring Slideshow Options 48
Rehearsing Slideshow Timing 49
Setting Up Slideshow Recording Options 53
Presenting Slideshows by Using Presenter View 56
Preparing Presentations for Collaboration 62
Mark Presentations as Final 63
Protecting Presentations by Using Passwords 64
Inspecting Presentations for Issues 65
Adding and Managing Comments 67
Preserving Presentation Content 72
Exporting Presentations to Other Formats 73
Summary 82
Key Terms 83
Exam Essentials 83
Review Questions 85
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Contents vii
Chapter 2 Managing Slides 87
Inserting Slides 88
Importing Word Document Outlines 88
Inserting Slides from Another Presentation 91
Inserting Slides and Selecting Slide Layouts 93
Inserting Summary Zoom Slides 95
Duplicating Slides 100
Modifying Slides 101
Hiding and Unhiding Slides 102
Modifying Individual Slide Backgrounds 103
Inserting Slide Headers, Footers, and Page Numbers 106
Ordering and Grouping Slides 110
Creating Sections 110
Modifying the Slide Order 112
Renaming Sections 114
Summary 115
Key Terms 116
Exam Essentials 116
Review Questions 117
Chapter 3 Inserting and Formatting Text, Shapes, and Images 119
Formatting Text 121
Applying Formatting and Styles to Text 121
Formatting Text in Multiple Columns 127
Creating Bulleted and Numbered Lists 128
Inserting Links 130
Inserting Hyperlinks 130
Inserting Section Zoom Links and Slide Zoom Links 131
Inserting and Formatting Images 135
Resizing and Cropping Images 137
Applying Built-In Styles and Effects to Images 139
Inserting Screenshots and Screen Clippings 141
Inserting and Formatting Graphic Elements 144
Inserting and Changing Shapes 144
Drawing by Using Digital Ink 146
Adding Text to Shapes and Text Boxes 149
Resizing Shapes and Text Boxes 151
Formatting Shapes and Text Boxes 153
Applying Built-In Styles to Shapes and Text Boxes 155
Adding Alt Text to Graphic Elements for Accessibility 158
Ordering and Grouping Objects on Slides 160
Ordering Shapes, Images, and Text Boxes 160
Aligning Shapes, Images, and Text Boxes 161
Grouping Shapes and Images 163
Displaying Alignment Tools 164
Chapter 2 Managing Slides 87
Inserting Slides 88
Importing Word Document Outlines 88
Inserting Slides from Another Presentation 91
Inserting Slides and Selecting Slide Layouts 93
Inserting Summary Zoom Slides 95
Duplicating Slides 100
Modifying Slides 101
Hiding and Unhiding Slides 102
Modifying Individual Slide Backgrounds 103
Inserting Slide Headers, Footers, and Page Numbers 106
Ordering and Grouping Slides 110
Creating Sections 110
Modifying the Slide Order 112
Renaming Sections 114
Summary 115
Key Terms 116
Exam Essentials 116
Review Questions 117
Chapter 3 Inserting and Formatting Text, Shapes, and Images 119
Formatting Text 121
Applying Formatting and Styles to Text 121
Formatting Text in Multiple Columns 127
Creating Bulleted and Numbered Lists 128
Inserting Links 130
Inserting Hyperlinks 130
Inserting Section Zoom Links and Slide Zoom Links 131
Inserting and Formatting Images 135
Resizing and Cropping Images 137
Applying Built-In Styles and Effects to Images 139
Inserting Screenshots and Screen Clippings 141
Inserting and Formatting Graphic Elements 144
Inserting and Changing Shapes 144
Drawing by Using Digital Ink 146
Adding Text to Shapes and Text Boxes 149
Resizing Shapes and Text Boxes 151
Formatting Shapes and Text Boxes 153
Applying Built-In Styles to Shapes and Text Boxes 155
Adding Alt Text to Graphic Elements for Accessibility 158
Ordering and Grouping Objects on Slides 160
Ordering Shapes, Images, and Text Boxes 160
Aligning Shapes, Images, and Text Boxes 161
Grouping Shapes and Images 163
Displaying Alignment Tools 164
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viii Contents
Summary 165
Key Terms 166
Exam Essentials 166
Review Questions 167
Chapter 4 Inserting Tables, Charts, SmartArt, 3D Models,
and Media 169
Inserting and Formatting Tables 170
Creating and Inserting Tables 170
Inserting and Deleting Table Rows and Columns 171
Applying Built-In Table Styles 174
Inserting and Modifying Charts 177
Creating and Inserting Charts 177
Modifying Charts 180
Inserting and Formatting SmartArt Graphics 186
Inserting SmartArt Graphics 186
Converting Lists to SmartArt Graphics 186
Adding and Modifying SmartArt Graphic Content 189
Inserting and Modifying 3D Models 191
Inserting 3D Models 191
Modifying 3D Models 193
Inserting and Managing Media 194
Inserting Audio and Video Clips 194
Creating and Inserting Screen Recordings 202
Configuring Media Playback Options 207
Summary 210
Key Terms 211
Exam Essentials 211
Review Questions 213
Chapter 5 Applying Transitions and Animations 215
Applying and Configuring Slide Transitions 216
Applying Basic and 3D Slide Transitions 216
Configuring Transition Effects 218
Animating Slide Content 222
Animating Text and Graphic Elements 222
Animating 3D Models 232
Configuring Animation Effects 235
Configuring Animation Paths 238
Reordering Animations on a Slide 243
Setting Timing for Transitions 245
Setting Transition Effect Duration 245
Configuring Transition Start and Finish Options 246
Summary 248
Key Terms 248
Summary 165
Key Terms 166
Exam Essentials 166
Review Questions 167
Chapter 4 Inserting Tables, Charts, SmartArt, 3D Models,
and Media 169
Inserting and Formatting Tables 170
Creating and Inserting Tables 170
Inserting and Deleting Table Rows and Columns 171
Applying Built-In Table Styles 174
Inserting and Modifying Charts 177
Creating and Inserting Charts 177
Modifying Charts 180
Inserting and Formatting SmartArt Graphics 186
Inserting SmartArt Graphics 186
Converting Lists to SmartArt Graphics 186
Adding and Modifying SmartArt Graphic Content 189
Inserting and Modifying 3D Models 191
Inserting 3D Models 191
Modifying 3D Models 193
Inserting and Managing Media 194
Inserting Audio and Video Clips 194
Creating and Inserting Screen Recordings 202
Configuring Media Playback Options 207
Summary 210
Key Terms 211
Exam Essentials 211
Review Questions 213
Chapter 5 Applying Transitions and Animations 215
Applying and Configuring Slide Transitions 216
Applying Basic and 3D Slide Transitions 216
Configuring Transition Effects 218
Animating Slide Content 222
Animating Text and Graphic Elements 222
Animating 3D Models 232
Configuring Animation Effects 235
Configuring Animation Paths 238
Reordering Animations on a Slide 243
Setting Timing for Transitions 245
Setting Transition Effect Duration 245
Configuring Transition Start and Finish Options 246
Summary 248
Key Terms 248
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Contents ix
Exam Essentials 249
Review Questions 250
Appendix Answers to Review253
Chapter 1: Creating Presentations 254
Chapter 2: Managing Slides 254
Chapter 3: Inserting and Formatting Text, Shapes, and Images 255
Chapter 4: Inserting Tables, Charts, SmartArt, 3D Models,
and Media 256
Chapter 5: Applying Transitions and Animations 256
Index 259
Exam Essentials 249
Review Questions 250
Appendix Answers to Review253
Chapter 1: Creating Presentations 254
Chapter 2: Managing Slides 254
Chapter 3: Inserting and Formatting Text, Shapes, and Images 255
Chapter 4: Inserting Tables, Charts, SmartArt, 3D Models,
and Media 256
Chapter 5: Applying Transitions and Animations 256
Index 259
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x Table of Exercises
Table of Exercises
Exercise 1.1 Modifying Slide Masters, Handout Masters, and Note Masters 32
Exercise 1.2 Changing Presentation Options and Views 37
Exercise 1.3 Configuring Print Settings for Presentations 42
Exercise 1.4 Configuring and Presenting Slideshows 62
Exercise 1.5 Preparing Presentations for Collaboration 82
Exercise 2.1 Inserting Slides 101
Exercise 2.2 Modifying Slides 109
Exercise 2.3 Ordering and Grouping Slides 115
Exercise 3.1 Formatting Text 130
Exercise 3.2 Inserting Links 135
Exercise 3.3 Inserting and Formatting Images 144
Exercise 3.4 Inserting and Formatting Graphic Elements 160
Exercise 3.5 Ordering and Grouping Objects on Slides 165
Exercise 4.1 Inserting and Formatting Tables 176
Exercise 4.2 Inserting and Modifying Charts 185
Exercise 4.3 Inserting and Formatting SmartArt Graphics 191
Exercise 4.4 Inserting and Modifying 3D Models 194
Exercise 4.5 Inserting and Managing Media 210
Exercise 5.1 Applying and Configuring Slide Transitions 222
Exercise 5.2 Animating Slide Content 244
Exercise 5.3 Setting Timing for Transitions 248
Table of Exercises
Exercise 1.1 Modifying Slide Masters, Handout Masters, and Note Masters 32
Exercise 1.2 Changing Presentation Options and Views 37
Exercise 1.3 Configuring Print Settings for Presentations 42
Exercise 1.4 Configuring and Presenting Slideshows 62
Exercise 1.5 Preparing Presentations for Collaboration 82
Exercise 2.1 Inserting Slides 101
Exercise 2.2 Modifying Slides 109
Exercise 2.3 Ordering and Grouping Slides 115
Exercise 3.1 Formatting Text 130
Exercise 3.2 Inserting Links 135
Exercise 3.3 Inserting and Formatting Images 144
Exercise 3.4 Inserting and Formatting Graphic Elements 160
Exercise 3.5 Ordering and Grouping Objects on Slides 165
Exercise 4.1 Inserting and Formatting Tables 176
Exercise 4.2 Inserting and Modifying Charts 185
Exercise 4.3 Inserting and Formatting SmartArt Graphics 191
Exercise 4.4 Inserting and Modifying 3D Models 194
Exercise 4.5 Inserting and Managing Media 210
Exercise 5.1 Applying and Configuring Slide Transitions 222
Exercise 5.2 Animating Slide Content 244
Exercise 5.3 Setting Timing for Transitions 248
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Welcome to this book about becoming a Microsoft Certified Office Specialist for Microsoft
PowerPoint, which is a component of the Microsoft 365 suite of productivity applications to
which you can subscribe. You can also use this book with the one-time purchase version of
PowerPoint, which Microsoft calls PowerPoint 2019.
Microsoft 365 allows you to use the different versions of PowerPoint on many platforms,
including Windows, macOS, iOS, iPadOS, and Android. You can even use the web version
of PowerPoint on the free online version of Microsoft 365. This book, however, talks about
using the most popular version of PowerPoint on the most popular operating system, which
happens to be PowerPoint for Microsoft 365 running on Windows 10.
You may already know about a lot of PowerPoint features by working with it, but no
matter if you use PowerPoint for your regular slideshow tasks, or if you’re new to the appli-
cation, you’ll learn a lot about the ability that PowerPoint gives you to create all kinds of
Who Should Read This Book
If you want to prepare to take Exam MO-300: Microsoft PowerPoint (PowerPoint and
PowerPoint 2019)—which will help you become a certified PowerPoint specialist and hope-
fully increase your stature, marketability, and income—then this is the book for you. Even
if you’re not going to take the exam, but you want to learn how to use PowerPoint more
effectively, this book will show you how to get the most out of using PowerPoint based on
features that Microsoft believes are important for you to know.
What You’ll Learn from This Book
What you learn in this book hews to the topics in Exam MO-300, because this book is
designed to help you learn about the topics in the exam and pass it on the first try.
After you finish reading the book and complete all the exercises, you’ll have an in-depth
understanding of PowerPoint that you can use to become more productive at work and at
home (or in your home office).
Hardware and Software Requirements
You should be running a computer with Windows 10 installed, and you should have Power-
Point for Microsoft 365 or PowerPoint 2019 installed and running too before you dive into
this book. Either version of PowerPoint contains all the features that are documented in this
book so that you can pass the exam.
Welcome to this book about becoming a Microsoft Certified Office Specialist for Microsoft
PowerPoint, which is a component of the Microsoft 365 suite of productivity applications to
which you can subscribe. You can also use this book with the one-time purchase version of
PowerPoint, which Microsoft calls PowerPoint 2019.
Microsoft 365 allows you to use the different versions of PowerPoint on many platforms,
including Windows, macOS, iOS, iPadOS, and Android. You can even use the web version
of PowerPoint on the free online version of Microsoft 365. This book, however, talks about
using the most popular version of PowerPoint on the most popular operating system, which
happens to be PowerPoint for Microsoft 365 running on Windows 10.
You may already know about a lot of PowerPoint features by working with it, but no
matter if you use PowerPoint for your regular slideshow tasks, or if you’re new to the appli-
cation, you’ll learn a lot about the ability that PowerPoint gives you to create all kinds of
Who Should Read This Book
If you want to prepare to take Exam MO-300: Microsoft PowerPoint (PowerPoint and
PowerPoint 2019)—which will help you become a certified PowerPoint specialist and hope-
fully increase your stature, marketability, and income—then this is the book for you. Even
if you’re not going to take the exam, but you want to learn how to use PowerPoint more
effectively, this book will show you how to get the most out of using PowerPoint based on
features that Microsoft believes are important for you to know.
What You’ll Learn from This Book
What you learn in this book hews to the topics in Exam MO-300, because this book is
designed to help you learn about the topics in the exam and pass it on the first try.
After you finish reading the book and complete all the exercises, you’ll have an in-depth
understanding of PowerPoint that you can use to become more productive at work and at
home (or in your home office).
Hardware and Software Requirements
You should be running a computer with Windows 10 installed, and you should have Power-
Point for Microsoft 365 or PowerPoint 2019 installed and running too before you dive into
this book. Either version of PowerPoint contains all the features that are documented in this
book so that you can pass the exam.
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xii Introduction
How to Use This Book
Start by taking the Assessment Test after this introduction to see how well you know Pow-
erPoint already. Even if you’ve been using PowerPoint for a while, you may be surprised at
how much you don’t know about it.
Next, read each chapter and go through each of the exercises in the chapter to reinforce
the concepts in each section. When you reach the end of the chapter, answer each of the
10 Review Questions to test what you learned. You can check your answers in the appendix
at the back of the book.
If you’re indeed taking the exam, then there are two other pedagogical tools that you can
use: Flashcards and a Practice Exam. You may remember flashcards from when you were in
school, and they’re useful when you want to reinforce your knowledge. Use the Flashcards
with a friend or relative if you like. (They might appreciate learning about PowerPoint, too.)
The Practice Exam will help you further hone your ability to answer any question on the real
exam with no worries.
How to Contact Wiley or the Author
If you believe you have found an error in this book, and it is not listed on the book’s web
page, you can report the issue to our customer technical support team at support.wiley
You can email the author with your comments or questions at You
can also visit Eric’s website at
How This Book Is Organized
Chapter 1: Creating Presentations This chapter introduces you to managing presenta-
tions, including how to modify slide masters, handout masters, and note masters; change
presentation options and views; configure print settings for your presentation; configure
and present slideshows; and prepare presentations for collaboration with others.
Chapter 2: Managing Slides This chapter follows up by showing you how to insert
slides, including from Word and other presentations; insert Summary Zoom slides;
modify slides, including inserting slide headers and footers; as well as how to order and
group slides.
Chapter 3: Inserting and Formatting Text, Shapes, and Images This chapter shows
you how to format and apply styles to text in a slideshow; insert links; insert and format
images; insert and format graphic elements, including shapes and text boxes; as well as
order and group objects on slides.
Chapter 4: Inserting Tables, Charts, SmartArt, 3D Models, and Media This chapter
tells you how to insert and format tables, charts, SmartArt graphics, 3D models, audio
and video clips, and screen recordings into a slideshow.
Chapter 5: Applying Transitions and Animations This chapter covers how to apply
and configure transitions between slides, animate content within a slide, and set timing
for slide transitions.
How to Use This Book
Start by taking the Assessment Test after this introduction to see how well you know Pow-
erPoint already. Even if you’ve been using PowerPoint for a while, you may be surprised at
how much you don’t know about it.
Next, read each chapter and go through each of the exercises in the chapter to reinforce
the concepts in each section. When you reach the end of the chapter, answer each of the
10 Review Questions to test what you learned. You can check your answers in the appendix
at the back of the book.
If you’re indeed taking the exam, then there are two other pedagogical tools that you can
use: Flashcards and a Practice Exam. You may remember flashcards from when you were in
school, and they’re useful when you want to reinforce your knowledge. Use the Flashcards
with a friend or relative if you like. (They might appreciate learning about PowerPoint, too.)
The Practice Exam will help you further hone your ability to answer any question on the real
exam with no worries.
How to Contact Wiley or the Author
If you believe you have found an error in this book, and it is not listed on the book’s web
page, you can report the issue to our customer technical support team at support.wiley
You can email the author with your comments or questions at You
can also visit Eric’s website at
How This Book Is Organized
Chapter 1: Creating Presentations This chapter introduces you to managing presenta-
tions, including how to modify slide masters, handout masters, and note masters; change
presentation options and views; configure print settings for your presentation; configure
and present slideshows; and prepare presentations for collaboration with others.
Chapter 2: Managing Slides This chapter follows up by showing you how to insert
slides, including from Word and other presentations; insert Summary Zoom slides;
modify slides, including inserting slide headers and footers; as well as how to order and
group slides.
Chapter 3: Inserting and Formatting Text, Shapes, and Images This chapter shows
you how to format and apply styles to text in a slideshow; insert links; insert and format
images; insert and format graphic elements, including shapes and text boxes; as well as
order and group objects on slides.
Chapter 4: Inserting Tables, Charts, SmartArt, 3D Models, and Media This chapter
tells you how to insert and format tables, charts, SmartArt graphics, 3D models, audio
and video clips, and screen recordings into a slideshow.
Chapter 5: Applying Transitions and Animations This chapter covers how to apply
and configure transitions between slides, animate content within a slide, and set timing
for slide transitions.
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Introduction xiii
Interactive Online Learning
Environment and Test Bank
Learning the material in the MCA Microsoft® Office Specialist (Office 365 and Office 2019)
Study Guide: PowerPoint Associate Exam MO-300 is an important part of preparing for the
exam, but we also provide additional tools to help you prepare. The online TestBank will
help you understand the types of questions that will appear on the certification exam.
The Sample Tests in the TestBank include all of the questions in each chapter as well as
the questions from the Assessment Test. In addition, there is a Practice Exam containing
50 questions. You can use this test to evaluate your understanding and identify areas that
may require additional study.
The Flashcards in the TestBank will push the limits of what you should know for the
certification exam. The Flashcards contain 100 questions provided in digital format. Each
flashcard has one question and one correct answer.
The online Glossary is a searchable list of key terms introduced in this Study Guide that
you should know for Exam MO-300.
To start using these to study for the exam, go to
and register your book to receive your unique PIN. Once you have the PIN, return to, find your book, and click Register, or log in and
follow the link to register a new account or add this book to an existing account.
Exam objectives are subject to change at any time without prior notice
and at Microsoft’s sole discretion. Please visit the Exam MO-300:
Microsoft PowerPoint (PowerPoint and PowerPoint 2019) website (docs for
the most current listing of exam objectives.
Objective Map
Objective Chapter
Section 1: Manage presentations
1.1 Modify slide masters, handout masters, and note masters 1
1.2 Change presentation options and views 1
1.3 Configure print settings for presentations 1
1.4 Configure and present slide shows 1
1.5 Prepare presentations for collaboration 1
Interactive Online Learning
Environment and Test Bank
Learning the material in the MCA Microsoft® Office Specialist (Office 365 and Office 2019)
Study Guide: PowerPoint Associate Exam MO-300 is an important part of preparing for the
exam, but we also provide additional tools to help you prepare. The online TestBank will
help you understand the types of questions that will appear on the certification exam.
The Sample Tests in the TestBank include all of the questions in each chapter as well as
the questions from the Assessment Test. In addition, there is a Practice Exam containing
50 questions. You can use this test to evaluate your understanding and identify areas that
may require additional study.
The Flashcards in the TestBank will push the limits of what you should know for the
certification exam. The Flashcards contain 100 questions provided in digital format. Each
flashcard has one question and one correct answer.
The online Glossary is a searchable list of key terms introduced in this Study Guide that
you should know for Exam MO-300.
To start using these to study for the exam, go to
and register your book to receive your unique PIN. Once you have the PIN, return to, find your book, and click Register, or log in and
follow the link to register a new account or add this book to an existing account.
Exam objectives are subject to change at any time without prior notice
and at Microsoft’s sole discretion. Please visit the Exam MO-300:
Microsoft PowerPoint (PowerPoint and PowerPoint 2019) website (docs for
the most current listing of exam objectives.
Objective Map
Objective Chapter
Section 1: Manage presentations
1.1 Modify slide masters, handout masters, and note masters 1
1.2 Change presentation options and views 1
1.3 Configure print settings for presentations 1
1.4 Configure and present slide shows 1
1.5 Prepare presentations for collaboration 1
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xiv Introduction
Objective Chapter
Section 2: Manage slides
2.1 Insert slides 2
2.2 Modify slides 2
2.3 Order and group slides 2
Section 3: Insert and format text, shapes, and images
3.1 Format text 3
3.2 Insert links 3
3.3 Insert and format images 3
3.4 Insert and format graphic elements 3
3.5 Order and group objects on slides 3
Section 4: Insert tables, charts, SmartArt, 3D models, and media
4.1 Insert and format tables 4
4.2 Insert and modify charts 4
4.3 Insert and format SmartArt graphics 4
4.4 Insert and modify 3D models 4
4.5 Insert and manage media 4
Section 5: Apply transitions and animations
5.1 Apply and configure slide transitions 5
5.2 Animate slide content 5
5.3 Set timing for transitions 5
Objective Chapter
Section 2: Manage slides
2.1 Insert slides 2
2.2 Modify slides 2
2.3 Order and group slides 2
Section 3: Insert and format text, shapes, and images
3.1 Format text 3
3.2 Insert links 3
3.3 Insert and format images 3
3.4 Insert and format graphic elements 3
3.5 Order and group objects on slides 3
Section 4: Insert tables, charts, SmartArt, 3D models, and media
4.1 Insert and format tables 4
4.2 Insert and modify charts 4
4.3 Insert and format SmartArt graphics 4
4.4 Insert and modify 3D models 4
4.5 Insert and manage media 4
Section 5: Apply transitions and animations
5.1 Apply and configure slide transitions 5
5.2 Animate slide content 5
5.3 Set timing for transitions 5
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Assessment Test xv
Assessment Test
1. In what menu ribbon do you add a bulleted or numbered list?
A. Design
B. Home
C. Insert
D. Slide Show
2. When you want to add a slide from another presentation, what option do you select in the
New Slide drop-down list?
A. Duplicate Selected Slides
B. The custom theme slide
C. Reuse Slides
D. Slides from Outline
3. What are the two ways to configure animation paths in a slideshow? (Select all answers
that apply.)
A. Motion paths
B. The Animation Pane
C. The Transitions ribbon
D. Morph
4. What are the four table row and column insertion types?
A. Row, Column, Header Row, First Column
B. Top, Bottom, Left, Right
C. Above, Below, Left, Right
D. Left End, Right End, Top, Bottom
5. What do you have to do to add information into a slide?
A. Add a theme
B. Add a new slide master
C. Modify the slide master content
D. Click in a placeholder area
6. Why do you add a link to a slide? (Select all answers that apply.)
A. To link to an email address
B. To connect with a website
C. To create a new slide
D. To link to another slide
Assessment Test
1. In what menu ribbon do you add a bulleted or numbered list?
A. Design
B. Home
C. Insert
D. Slide Show
2. When you want to add a slide from another presentation, what option do you select in the
New Slide drop-down list?
A. Duplicate Selected Slides
B. The custom theme slide
C. Reuse Slides
D. Slides from Outline
3. What are the two ways to configure animation paths in a slideshow? (Select all answers
that apply.)
A. Motion paths
B. The Animation Pane
C. The Transitions ribbon
D. Morph
4. What are the four table row and column insertion types?
A. Row, Column, Header Row, First Column
B. Top, Bottom, Left, Right
C. Above, Below, Left, Right
D. Left End, Right End, Top, Bottom
5. What do you have to do to add information into a slide?
A. Add a theme
B. Add a new slide master
C. Modify the slide master content
D. Click in a placeholder area
6. Why do you add a link to a slide? (Select all answers that apply.)
A. To link to an email address
B. To connect with a website
C. To create a new slide
D. To link to another slide
Loading page 18...
xvi Assessment Test
7. What options do you have when selecting a footer? (Select all answers that apply.)
A. Date and Time
B. Company
C. Don’t Show on Title Slide
D. Copyright information
8. When you want to add a SmartArt graphic, which menu option do you click?
A. Design
B. Slide Show
C. Insert
D. Home
9. What view do you use when you want to see thumbnail-sized images of slides?
A. Notes Page
B. Reading view
C. Slide Sorter
D. Outline view
10. What are some of the audio and video formats that you can add into a PowerPoint
slideshow? (Select all answers that apply.)
11. From what sources can you insert an image? (Select all answers that apply.)
B. Web images
C. Stock images
D. JPEG format images
12. What slide content can you animate? (Select all options that apply.)
A. Text
B. 3D Models
C. Pictures
D. SmartArt graphics
13. What menu option do you click to print a slideshow?
A. Home
B. View
7. What options do you have when selecting a footer? (Select all answers that apply.)
A. Date and Time
B. Company
C. Don’t Show on Title Slide
D. Copyright information
8. When you want to add a SmartArt graphic, which menu option do you click?
A. Design
B. Slide Show
C. Insert
D. Home
9. What view do you use when you want to see thumbnail-sized images of slides?
A. Notes Page
B. Reading view
C. Slide Sorter
D. Outline view
10. What are some of the audio and video formats that you can add into a PowerPoint
slideshow? (Select all answers that apply.)
11. From what sources can you insert an image? (Select all answers that apply.)
B. Web images
C. Stock images
D. JPEG format images
12. What slide content can you animate? (Select all options that apply.)
A. Text
B. 3D Models
C. Pictures
D. SmartArt graphics
13. What menu option do you click to print a slideshow?
A. Home
B. View
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Assessment Test xvii
C. File
D. Design
14. What can you move when you modify the order of slides? (Choose all that apply.)
A. Master slides
B. One or multiple slides
C. Sections
D. Layouts
15. What is the term for the effect that occurs when you move from one slide to another in your
A. Animation
B. Morph
C. Transition
D. Effect
16. What are the three ways to change the text appearance in a shape or text box? (Select all
answers that apply.)
A. Convert to SmartArt
B. Text Direction
C. Text Effects
D. Align Text
17. When you change your mind immediately after setting a new slide background, what do you
do? (Select all answers that apply.)
A. Change the slide background back to what it was.
B. Press Ctrl+Z.
C. Close the slideshow without saving it and then reopen it.
D. Click the Undo icon.
18. What are some of the elements that you can modify within a chart? (Select all answers
that apply.)
A. Numbers
B. Legend
C. Gridlines
D. Lines
19. Your boss wants you to create a slideshow that runs automatically for the big tradeshow
coming up. What do you do to set the transition time between each slide?
A. Set the duration in the Animations ribbon.
B. Use the tools in the View ribbon.
C. File
D. Design
14. What can you move when you modify the order of slides? (Choose all that apply.)
A. Master slides
B. One or multiple slides
C. Sections
D. Layouts
15. What is the term for the effect that occurs when you move from one slide to another in your
A. Animation
B. Morph
C. Transition
D. Effect
16. What are the three ways to change the text appearance in a shape or text box? (Select all
answers that apply.)
A. Convert to SmartArt
B. Text Direction
C. Text Effects
D. Align Text
17. When you change your mind immediately after setting a new slide background, what do you
do? (Select all answers that apply.)
A. Change the slide background back to what it was.
B. Press Ctrl+Z.
C. Close the slideshow without saving it and then reopen it.
D. Click the Undo icon.
18. What are some of the elements that you can modify within a chart? (Select all answers
that apply.)
A. Numbers
B. Legend
C. Gridlines
D. Lines
19. Your boss wants you to create a slideshow that runs automatically for the big tradeshow
coming up. What do you do to set the transition time between each slide?
A. Set the duration in the Animations ribbon.
B. Use the tools in the View ribbon.
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xviii Assessment Test
C. Select the After check box in the Transitions ribbon.
D. Change the theme in the Design ribbon.
20. How do you get a good idea where PowerPoint places objects in a slide? (Select all answers
that apply.)
A. An object snapping to a point within the slide
B. Gridlines
C. The mouse pointer
D. Guides
21. After you add a transition, how do you add an effect to it?
A. Change the theme in the Design ribbon.
B. Change the view to Slide Sorter in the View ribbon.
C. Click Effect Options in the Transitions ribbon.
D. Add a new slide in the Insert ribbon.
22. What are the types of custom slideshows that you can create? (Select all answers that apply.)
A. Simple
B. Multi-Slide
C. Hyperlinked
D. Timing
23. Where can you find 3D models to insert into a slide? (Select all answers that apply.)
A. The Insert ribbon
B. Stock models
C. On your computer
D. The Illustrations section in the Insert ribbon
24. Where do you modify the slide order in the PowerPoint window?
A. The Design ribbon
B. Right pane
C. The View ribbon
D. Left pane
25. What are the two ways that you can keep others from editing a slideshow? (Select all answers
that apply.)
A. Mark the slideshow as final.
B. Email the users to tell them not to edit the slideshow.
C. Add a slide that tells the users not to edit the slideshow.
D. Use a password.
C. Select the After check box in the Transitions ribbon.
D. Change the theme in the Design ribbon.
20. How do you get a good idea where PowerPoint places objects in a slide? (Select all answers
that apply.)
A. An object snapping to a point within the slide
B. Gridlines
C. The mouse pointer
D. Guides
21. After you add a transition, how do you add an effect to it?
A. Change the theme in the Design ribbon.
B. Change the view to Slide Sorter in the View ribbon.
C. Click Effect Options in the Transitions ribbon.
D. Add a new slide in the Insert ribbon.
22. What are the types of custom slideshows that you can create? (Select all answers that apply.)
A. Simple
B. Multi-Slide
C. Hyperlinked
D. Timing
23. Where can you find 3D models to insert into a slide? (Select all answers that apply.)
A. The Insert ribbon
B. Stock models
C. On your computer
D. The Illustrations section in the Insert ribbon
24. Where do you modify the slide order in the PowerPoint window?
A. The Design ribbon
B. Right pane
C. The View ribbon
D. Left pane
25. What are the two ways that you can keep others from editing a slideshow? (Select all answers
that apply.)
A. Mark the slideshow as final.
B. Email the users to tell them not to edit the slideshow.
C. Add a slide that tells the users not to edit the slideshow.
D. Use a password.
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Answers to Assessment Test xix
Answers to Assessment Test
1. B. You add a bulleted or numbered list using the tools in the Home ribbon. See Chapter 3 for
more information.
2. C. Select Reuse Slides from the bottom of the drop-down list to select a slide from another
slideshow to insert into your slideshow. See Chapter 2 for more information.
3. A, D. You can add motion paths to animate an object within a slide and use the Morph fea-
ture to animate objects between slides. See Chapter 5 for more information.
4. C. You can add a row above or below a selected table cell, as well as a column to the left or
right of the selected cell. See Chapter 4 for more information.
5. D. When you want to add information into a specific slide, you click in the appropriate place-
holder area, such as the area for the slide title, and then add your text and/or object(s). See
Chapter 1 for more information.
6. A, B, D. PowerPoint allows you to add various types of links, including to an email address,
website, and another slide within your slideshow. See Chapter 3 for more information.
7. A, C. You can add a date and time and slide number, and you can also choose not to show
the footer on the title slide in a slideshow. See Chapter 2 for more information.
8. C. Click the Insert icon to add a SmartArt graphic in the Illustrations section in the Insert
ribbon. See Chapter 4 for more information.
9. C. The Slide Sorter view shows thumbnail-sized images of all slides in your slideshow for
your review. See Chapter 1 for more information.
10. A, C. You can add audio and video MPEG files, WAV audio files, and many other audio and
video file formats. See Chapter 4 for more information.
11. A, C. You can insert images from, PowerPoint stock images, and images stored
on your computer. See Chapter 3 for more information.
12. A, B, D. You can animate text, 3D models, and SmartArt graphics in a slide. See Chapter 5
for more information.
13. C. Print a document by clicking the File menu option and then clicking Print in the menu on
the left side of the File screen. See Chapter 1 for more information.
14. B, C. You can move one or multiple slides as well as all slides in a section. See Chapter 2 for
more information.
15. C. A transition is the effect that happens when the slideshow moves from one slide to
another. See Chapter 5 for more information.
Answers to Assessment Test
1. B. You add a bulleted or numbered list using the tools in the Home ribbon. See Chapter 3 for
more information.
2. C. Select Reuse Slides from the bottom of the drop-down list to select a slide from another
slideshow to insert into your slideshow. See Chapter 2 for more information.
3. A, D. You can add motion paths to animate an object within a slide and use the Morph fea-
ture to animate objects between slides. See Chapter 5 for more information.
4. C. You can add a row above or below a selected table cell, as well as a column to the left or
right of the selected cell. See Chapter 4 for more information.
5. D. When you want to add information into a specific slide, you click in the appropriate place-
holder area, such as the area for the slide title, and then add your text and/or object(s). See
Chapter 1 for more information.
6. A, B, D. PowerPoint allows you to add various types of links, including to an email address,
website, and another slide within your slideshow. See Chapter 3 for more information.
7. A, C. You can add a date and time and slide number, and you can also choose not to show
the footer on the title slide in a slideshow. See Chapter 2 for more information.
8. C. Click the Insert icon to add a SmartArt graphic in the Illustrations section in the Insert
ribbon. See Chapter 4 for more information.
9. C. The Slide Sorter view shows thumbnail-sized images of all slides in your slideshow for
your review. See Chapter 1 for more information.
10. A, C. You can add audio and video MPEG files, WAV audio files, and many other audio and
video file formats. See Chapter 4 for more information.
11. A, C. You can insert images from, PowerPoint stock images, and images stored
on your computer. See Chapter 3 for more information.
12. A, B, D. You can animate text, 3D models, and SmartArt graphics in a slide. See Chapter 5
for more information.
13. C. Print a document by clicking the File menu option and then clicking Print in the menu on
the left side of the File screen. See Chapter 1 for more information.
14. B, C. You can move one or multiple slides as well as all slides in a section. See Chapter 2 for
more information.
15. C. A transition is the effect that happens when the slideshow moves from one slide to
another. See Chapter 5 for more information.
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xx Answers to Assessment Test
16. A, B, D. You can convert text to a SmartArt graphic, change the text direction, and change
the text alignment. See Chapter 3 for more information.
17. B, D. You can press Ctrl+Z or click the Undo icon in the Quick Access Toolbar. See Chapter 2
for more information.
18. B, C. You can change the legend, view gridlines, and modify many other elements in a chart.
See Chapter 4 for more information.
19. C. After you select the After check box in the Transitions ribbon, you can set the time for
each slide transition. See Chapter 5 for more information.
20. B, D. You can get visual cues of where PowerPoint places objects in a slide with gridlines,
guides, and rulers. See Chapter 3 for more information.
21. C. After you add a transition, click Effect Options in the Transitions ribbon to view all effects
that you can set for that transition. See Chapter 5 for more information.
22. A, C. You can create a simple custom slideshow that you create for a specific audience, as
well as a hyperlinked slideshow that contains links to custom slides for different audiences.
See Chapter 1 for more information.
23. B, C. When you add 3D models in the Illustrations section in the Insert ribbon, you can
add stock models installed with PowerPoint or 3D models stored on your computer. See
Chapter 4 for more information.
24. D. You modify the order from within the list of thumbnail-sized slides in the left pane. See
Chapter 2 for more information.
25. A, D. PowerPoint allows you to mark a slideshow as final and add a password to your slide-
show file. The latter is more effective at keeping reviewers from editing your presentation. See
Chapter 1 for more information.
16. A, B, D. You can convert text to a SmartArt graphic, change the text direction, and change
the text alignment. See Chapter 3 for more information.
17. B, D. You can press Ctrl+Z or click the Undo icon in the Quick Access Toolbar. See Chapter 2
for more information.
18. B, C. You can change the legend, view gridlines, and modify many other elements in a chart.
See Chapter 4 for more information.
19. C. After you select the After check box in the Transitions ribbon, you can set the time for
each slide transition. See Chapter 5 for more information.
20. B, D. You can get visual cues of where PowerPoint places objects in a slide with gridlines,
guides, and rulers. See Chapter 3 for more information.
21. C. After you add a transition, click Effect Options in the Transitions ribbon to view all effects
that you can set for that transition. See Chapter 5 for more information.
22. A, C. You can create a simple custom slideshow that you create for a specific audience, as
well as a hyperlinked slideshow that contains links to custom slides for different audiences.
See Chapter 1 for more information.
23. B, C. When you add 3D models in the Illustrations section in the Insert ribbon, you can
add stock models installed with PowerPoint or 3D models stored on your computer. See
Chapter 4 for more information.
24. D. You modify the order from within the list of thumbnail-sized slides in the left pane. See
Chapter 2 for more information.
25. A, D. PowerPoint allows you to mark a slideshow as final and add a password to your slide-
show file. The latter is more effective at keeping reviewers from editing your presentation. See
Chapter 1 for more information.
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✓✓ Manage presentations
✓■ Modify slide masters, handout masters, and note masters
✓■ Change the slide master theme or background
✓■ Modify slide master content
✓■ Create slide layouts
✓■ Modify slide layouts
✓■ Modify the handout master
✓■ Modify the notes master
✓■ Change presentation options and views
✓■ Change slide size
✓■ Display presentations in different views
✓■ Set basic file properties
✓■ Configure print settings for presentations
✓■ Print all or part of a presentation
✓■ Print notes pages
✓■ Print handouts
✓■ Print in color, grayscale, or black and white
✓■ Configure and present slide shows
✓■ Create custom slide shows
✓■ Configure slide show options
✓■ Rehearse slide show timing
✓■ Set up slide show recording options
✓■ Present slide shows by using Presenter View
✓✓ Manage presentations
✓■ Modify slide masters, handout masters, and note masters
✓■ Change the slide master theme or background
✓■ Modify slide master content
✓■ Create slide layouts
✓■ Modify slide layouts
✓■ Modify the handout master
✓■ Modify the notes master
✓■ Change presentation options and views
✓■ Change slide size
✓■ Display presentations in different views
✓■ Set basic file properties
✓■ Configure print settings for presentations
✓■ Print all or part of a presentation
✓■ Print notes pages
✓■ Print handouts
✓■ Print in color, grayscale, or black and white
✓■ Configure and present slide shows
✓■ Create custom slide shows
✓■ Configure slide show options
✓■ Rehearse slide show timing
✓■ Set up slide show recording options
✓■ Present slide shows by using Presenter View
Loading page 24...
✓■ Prepare presentations for collaboration
✓■ Mark presentations as final
✓■ Protect presentations by using passwords
✓■ Inspect presentations for issues
✓■ Add and manage comments
✓■ Preserve presentation content
✓■ Export presentations to other formats
✓■ Mark presentations as final
✓■ Protect presentations by using passwords
✓■ Inspect presentations for issues
✓■ Add and manage comments
✓■ Preserve presentation content
✓■ Export presentations to other formats
Loading page 25...
Greetings, and welcome to this Microsoft Office Specialist
Study Guide for PowerPoint, which is designed to help you
study for and pass the MO-300 Microsoft PowerPoint (Power-
Point and PowerPoint 2019) exam and become a certified Microsoft Office Specialist: Pow-
erPoint Associate. If you have your favorite beverage on your desk and you’re comfortable,
let’s get started.
In this chapter, I’ll start by showing you how to modify master slides, handouts, and notes
in PowerPoint. Next, I’ll show you how to change presentation options and views so that
your presentation will look the way you want.
After we finish creating a presentation, I’ll show you how to configure the presentation to
be printed in case you want to have your audience follow along with your presentation using
a printed version. You’ll also learn how to configure your presentation to get it ready to be
presented to your audience.
Finally, I’ll show you how to share your presentation with others so that they can provide
their feedback and allow you to manage the review process.
I’ll have an exercise at the end of every section in this chapter so that you can practice
doing different tasks. Then, at the end of this chapter, you’ll find a set of Review Questions
that mimic the test questions you’ll see on the MO-300 exam.
Modifying Slide Masters, Handout
Masters, and Note Masters
You may be familiar with styles in Word, which are small files that contain formatting
information that you can apply to selected text just by clicking on the style name. Though
PowerPoint doesn’t have styles, they use their equivalent: masters. That is, masters allow you
to create one slide with information that you always use in a slide, such as your company
logo and text with a specific font. You can also create more than one slide master, so when
you create a new slide, you can quickly apply the appropriate master.
Microsoft realizes that you may also want to give your audience handouts of the presen-
tation so that they can follow along and make notes of their own on the pages with each
Study Guide for PowerPoint, which is designed to help you
study for and pass the MO-300 Microsoft PowerPoint (Power-
Point and PowerPoint 2019) exam and become a certified Microsoft Office Specialist: Pow-
erPoint Associate. If you have your favorite beverage on your desk and you’re comfortable,
let’s get started.
In this chapter, I’ll start by showing you how to modify master slides, handouts, and notes
in PowerPoint. Next, I’ll show you how to change presentation options and views so that
your presentation will look the way you want.
After we finish creating a presentation, I’ll show you how to configure the presentation to
be printed in case you want to have your audience follow along with your presentation using
a printed version. You’ll also learn how to configure your presentation to get it ready to be
presented to your audience.
Finally, I’ll show you how to share your presentation with others so that they can provide
their feedback and allow you to manage the review process.
I’ll have an exercise at the end of every section in this chapter so that you can practice
doing different tasks. Then, at the end of this chapter, you’ll find a set of Review Questions
that mimic the test questions you’ll see on the MO-300 exam.
Modifying Slide Masters, Handout
Masters, and Note Masters
You may be familiar with styles in Word, which are small files that contain formatting
information that you can apply to selected text just by clicking on the style name. Though
PowerPoint doesn’t have styles, they use their equivalent: masters. That is, masters allow you
to create one slide with information that you always use in a slide, such as your company
logo and text with a specific font. You can also create more than one slide master, so when
you create a new slide, you can quickly apply the appropriate master.
Microsoft realizes that you may also want to give your audience handouts of the presen-
tation so that they can follow along and make notes of their own on the pages with each
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4 Chapter 1 ■ Creating Presentations
slide. PowerPoint allows you to make handout masters with information on each page of the
handout, such as your company logo in the lower-right corner of each page.
PowerPoint wouldn’t be a program worthy of the name presentation software if it didn’t
allow you to make notes that you can use to keep you on track during your presentation.
You can also create note masters with a format that works best for you as you give your
Design Your Masters First
When you create a new presentation, it’s a good idea to design all the masters first so that
you can figure out what everything is going to look like. Once you set up your masters, you
will find that slide creation goes more quickly. (It’s a lot like preparing a wall properly before
you start painting.)
If you edit any of the slide masters, PowerPoint does not make any changes to the affected
slides with those masters. Instead, you need to reapply the new master to a slide. So, if you
find that you need to make changes, do so early in the slide creation process. That way, you
won’t have to apply your master changes to very many slides and you save some time.
Changing the Slide Master Theme or Background
When you open a blank PowerPoint presentation, you see placeholders for adding a title and
subtitle. You also see the Design Ideas panel on the right side of the PowerPoint window.
When you want to change the slide master theme and/or background for your needs, you
can create a new master in Slide Master view.
Open the Slide Master screen by clicking the View menu option, and then click Slide
Master in the View menu ribbon (see Figure 1.1).
The Slide Master screen shows a variety of slide master templates on the right side of the
PowerPoint window, the slide itself on the right side, and options in the Slide Master menu
ribbon, as shown in Figure 1.2.
Within the Slide Master ribbon, you can change both the style theme as well as the
slide. PowerPoint allows you to make handout masters with information on each page of the
handout, such as your company logo in the lower-right corner of each page.
PowerPoint wouldn’t be a program worthy of the name presentation software if it didn’t
allow you to make notes that you can use to keep you on track during your presentation.
You can also create note masters with a format that works best for you as you give your
Design Your Masters First
When you create a new presentation, it’s a good idea to design all the masters first so that
you can figure out what everything is going to look like. Once you set up your masters, you
will find that slide creation goes more quickly. (It’s a lot like preparing a wall properly before
you start painting.)
If you edit any of the slide masters, PowerPoint does not make any changes to the affected
slides with those masters. Instead, you need to reapply the new master to a slide. So, if you
find that you need to make changes, do so early in the slide creation process. That way, you
won’t have to apply your master changes to very many slides and you save some time.
Changing the Slide Master Theme or Background
When you open a blank PowerPoint presentation, you see placeholders for adding a title and
subtitle. You also see the Design Ideas panel on the right side of the PowerPoint window.
When you want to change the slide master theme and/or background for your needs, you
can create a new master in Slide Master view.
Open the Slide Master screen by clicking the View menu option, and then click Slide
Master in the View menu ribbon (see Figure 1.1).
The Slide Master screen shows a variety of slide master templates on the right side of the
PowerPoint window, the slide itself on the right side, and options in the Slide Master menu
ribbon, as shown in Figure 1.2.
Within the Slide Master ribbon, you can change both the style theme as well as the
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Modifying Slide Masters, Handout Masters, and Note Masters 5
F I G U R E 1. 1 Slide Master option in the Master Views section
F I G U R E 1. 2 Slide Master screen
F I G U R E 1. 1 Slide Master option in the Master Views section
F I G U R E 1. 2 Slide Master screen
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6 Chapter 1 ■ Creating Presentations
Apply a Slide Master theme
A slide master theme is a saved group of format and layout settings for your slides. Apply a
slide master theme by clicking the Themes icon in the Edit Theme section in the Slide Master
ribbon. A list of themes appears in the drop-down list, and each theme appears as a thumb-
nail-sized tile so that you can see what each tile looks like, as shown in Figure 1.3.
Scroll up and down in the list to view all the themes. When you find one that you want to
use, click the tile. The slide shows the font, background for the slide, and any other features,
such as a footer area that you can click to change the footer text.
When you’re satisfied with the theme, click Close Master View in the Slide Master ribbon
to return to editing an individual slide.
F I G U R E 1. 3 Theme tiles in the drop-down list
Apply a Slide Master theme
A slide master theme is a saved group of format and layout settings for your slides. Apply a
slide master theme by clicking the Themes icon in the Edit Theme section in the Slide Master
ribbon. A list of themes appears in the drop-down list, and each theme appears as a thumb-
nail-sized tile so that you can see what each tile looks like, as shown in Figure 1.3.
Scroll up and down in the list to view all the themes. When you find one that you want to
use, click the tile. The slide shows the font, background for the slide, and any other features,
such as a footer area that you can click to change the footer text.
When you’re satisfied with the theme, click Close Master View in the Slide Master ribbon
to return to editing an individual slide.
F I G U R E 1. 3 Theme tiles in the drop-down list
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Modifying Slide Masters, Handout Masters, and Note Masters 7
If you have an existing style theme that you use for your slideshows, such
as one that your company requires you to use, you can open the theme
by clicking Browse For Themes at the bottom of the drop-down list. Then
you can browse to the appropriate folder and open the file, which will be
added to the tiles within the Themes drop-down menu.
Change the Slide Master Background
If your master slide has a blank background or a background that’s part of a theme, you
can change just the background to one that’s more to your liking. Start by opening the Slide
Master menu ribbon, which you learned to do earlier in this chapter.
Next, change the background style by clicking Background Styles in the Background sec-
tion in the Slide Master ribbon. A dozen tiles with different background types appear in the
drop-down menu, as shown in Figure 1.4.
F I G U R E 1. 4 Background tiles in the drop-down list
If you have an existing style theme that you use for your slideshows, such
as one that your company requires you to use, you can open the theme
by clicking Browse For Themes at the bottom of the drop-down list. Then
you can browse to the appropriate folder and open the file, which will be
added to the tiles within the Themes drop-down menu.
Change the Slide Master Background
If your master slide has a blank background or a background that’s part of a theme, you
can change just the background to one that’s more to your liking. Start by opening the Slide
Master menu ribbon, which you learned to do earlier in this chapter.
Next, change the background style by clicking Background Styles in the Background sec-
tion in the Slide Master ribbon. A dozen tiles with different background types appear in the
drop-down menu, as shown in Figure 1.4.
F I G U R E 1. 4 Background tiles in the drop-down list
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8 Chapter 1 ■ Creating Presentations
Move the mouse pointer over a tile to preview how the background will look in the slide.
Click a tile to apply the background to the slide master.
If none of the background tiles meets your fancy, select Format Background at the bottom
of the drop-down list. The Format Background pane appears at the right side of the Power-
Point window (see Figure 1.5).
By default, the Solid Fill option is selected so that you can change the color and trans-
parency of the fill. You can also add a gradient fill, picture or texture fill, or a pattern fill by
clicking the appropriate button. The options for editing the fill are different for each fill type.
As you make changes, your changes appear within the slide. When you finish making
changes, close the Format Background pane by clicking the Close (X) icon in the upper-right
corner of the pane. Now click Close Master View in the Slide Master ribbon to return to
editing an individual slide.
F I G U R E 1. 5 Format Background pane
Move the mouse pointer over a tile to preview how the background will look in the slide.
Click a tile to apply the background to the slide master.
If none of the background tiles meets your fancy, select Format Background at the bottom
of the drop-down list. The Format Background pane appears at the right side of the Power-
Point window (see Figure 1.5).
By default, the Solid Fill option is selected so that you can change the color and trans-
parency of the fill. You can also add a gradient fill, picture or texture fill, or a pattern fill by
clicking the appropriate button. The options for editing the fill are different for each fill type.
As you make changes, your changes appear within the slide. When you finish making
changes, close the Format Background pane by clicking the Close (X) icon in the upper-right
corner of the pane. Now click Close Master View in the Slide Master ribbon to return to
editing an individual slide.
F I G U R E 1. 5 Format Background pane
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