CASP+ CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner Study Guide: Exam CAS-004 (2022)
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Lucas Taylor
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Study Guide
Exam CAS-004
Fourth Edition
Study Guide
Exam CAS-004
Fourth Edition
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Study Guide
Exam CAS-004
Fourth Edition
Nadean H. Tanner
Jeff T. Parker
Study Guide
Exam CAS-004
Fourth Edition
Nadean H. Tanner
Jeff T. Parker
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Copyright © 2023 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.
Published simultaneously in Canada and the United Kingdom.
ISBN: 978-1-119- 80316-4
ISBN: 978-1-119- 80318-8 (ebk.)
ISBN: 978-1-119- 80317-1 (ebk.)
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My first three books were dedicated to Kenneth, Shelby, and Gavin: thank you for your love
and support and all your electronical advice.
To Kelly Talbot, my editor, thank you for your kind patience and making things easy
when you could, which wasn’t often.
To Chris Crayton, my technical editor, you were right—most of the time. As a woman in
IT for 20+ years, I know there are still man-made disasters.
And to Ophelia. . .because I can, so I did.
My first three books were dedicated to Kenneth, Shelby, and Gavin: thank you for your love
and support and all your electronical advice.
To Kelly Talbot, my editor, thank you for your kind patience and making things easy
when you could, which wasn’t often.
To Chris Crayton, my technical editor, you were right—most of the time. As a woman in
IT for 20+ years, I know there are still man-made disasters.
And to Ophelia. . .because I can, so I did.
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About the Authors
Nadean H. Tanner is the senior manager of consulting at Mandiant, working most recently
on building real-world cyber range engagements to practice threat hunting and incident
response. She has been in IT for more than 20 years and specifically in cybersecurity for
more than a decade. She holds more than 30 industry certifications including CompTIA
CASP+, Security+, and (ISC)2 CISSP.
Tanner has trained and consulted for Fortune 500 companies and the U.S. Department
of Defense in cybersecurity, forensics, analysis, red/blue teaming, vulnerability management,
and security awareness.
She is the author of the Cybersecurity Blue Team Toolkit, published by Wiley in 2019,
and CASP+ Practice Tests: Exam CAS-004, published by Sybex in 2020. She also was the
technical editor for the CompTIA Security+ Study Guide: Exam SY0-601 and CompTIA
PenTest+ Study Guide: Exam PT0-002 written by Mike Chapple and David Seidl.
In her spare time, Tanner enjoys speaking at technical conferences such as Black Hat,
Wild West Hacking Fest, and OWASP events.
Jeff T. Parker is an information security professional with more than 20 years’ experience in
cybersecurity consulting and IT risk management. Jeff started in information security while
working as a software engineer for HP in Boston, Massachusetts. Jeff then took the role
of a global IT risk manager for Deutsche Post to enjoy Prague in the Czech Republic with
his family for several years. There he developed and oversaw the implementation of a new
IT risk management strategy. Today, Jeff most enjoys time with his two children in Nova
Scotia. Currently, Jeff is developing custom e-learning courses in security awareness for
Mariner Innovations.
Jeff maintains several certifications, including CISSP, CEH, and CompTIA’s CySA+ and
ITT+. He also coauthored the book Wireshark for Security Professionals: Using Wireshark
and the Metasploit Framework (Wiley, 2017) with Jessey Bullock. Jeff also has written Wiley
practice exam books for the CompTIA certifications CySA+ and the A+ (2018 and 2019,
Nadean H. Tanner is the senior manager of consulting at Mandiant, working most recently
on building real-world cyber range engagements to practice threat hunting and incident
response. She has been in IT for more than 20 years and specifically in cybersecurity for
more than a decade. She holds more than 30 industry certifications including CompTIA
CASP+, Security+, and (ISC)2 CISSP.
Tanner has trained and consulted for Fortune 500 companies and the U.S. Department
of Defense in cybersecurity, forensics, analysis, red/blue teaming, vulnerability management,
and security awareness.
She is the author of the Cybersecurity Blue Team Toolkit, published by Wiley in 2019,
and CASP+ Practice Tests: Exam CAS-004, published by Sybex in 2020. She also was the
technical editor for the CompTIA Security+ Study Guide: Exam SY0-601 and CompTIA
PenTest+ Study Guide: Exam PT0-002 written by Mike Chapple and David Seidl.
In her spare time, Tanner enjoys speaking at technical conferences such as Black Hat,
Wild West Hacking Fest, and OWASP events.
Jeff T. Parker is an information security professional with more than 20 years’ experience in
cybersecurity consulting and IT risk management. Jeff started in information security while
working as a software engineer for HP in Boston, Massachusetts. Jeff then took the role
of a global IT risk manager for Deutsche Post to enjoy Prague in the Czech Republic with
his family for several years. There he developed and oversaw the implementation of a new
IT risk management strategy. Today, Jeff most enjoys time with his two children in Nova
Scotia. Currently, Jeff is developing custom e-learning courses in security awareness for
Mariner Innovations.
Jeff maintains several certifications, including CISSP, CEH, and CompTIA’s CySA+ and
ITT+. He also coauthored the book Wireshark for Security Professionals: Using Wireshark
and the Metasploit Framework (Wiley, 2017) with Jessey Bullock. Jeff also has written Wiley
practice exam books for the CompTIA certifications CySA+ and the A+ (2018 and 2019,
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About the Technical Editor
Chris Crayton is a technical consultant, trainer, author, and industry-leading technical editor.
He has worked as a computer technology and networking instructor, information security
director, network administrator, network engineer, and PC specialist. Chris has authored
several print and online books on PC repair, CompTIA A+, CompTIA Security+, and Micro-
soft Windows. He has also served as technical editor and content contributor on numerous
technical titles for several of the leading publishing companies. He holds numerous industry
certifications, has been recognized with many professional and teaching awards, and has
served as a state-level SkillsUSA final competition judge.
Chris Crayton is a technical consultant, trainer, author, and industry-leading technical editor.
He has worked as a computer technology and networking instructor, information security
director, network administrator, network engineer, and PC specialist. Chris has authored
several print and online books on PC repair, CompTIA A+, CompTIA Security+, and Micro-
soft Windows. He has also served as technical editor and content contributor on numerous
technical titles for several of the leading publishing companies. He holds numerous industry
certifications, has been recognized with many professional and teaching awards, and has
served as a state-level SkillsUSA final competition judge.
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Contents at a Glance
Introduction xxv
Assessment Test xxxv
Chapter 1 Risk Management 1
Chapter 2 Configure and Implement Endpoint Security Controls 43
Chapter 3 Security Operations Scenarios 63
Chapter 4 Security Ops: Vulnerability Assessments and Operational Risk 91
Chapter 5 Compliance and Vendor Risk 165
Chapter 6 Cryptography and PKI 211
Chapter 7 Incident Response and Forensics 265
Chapter 8 Security Architecture 301
Chapter 9 Secure Cloud and Virtualization 415
Chapter 10 Mobility and Emerging Technologies 467
Appendix Answers to Review Questions 505
Index 529
Introduction xxv
Assessment Test xxxv
Chapter 1 Risk Management 1
Chapter 2 Configure and Implement Endpoint Security Controls 43
Chapter 3 Security Operations Scenarios 63
Chapter 4 Security Ops: Vulnerability Assessments and Operational Risk 91
Chapter 5 Compliance and Vendor Risk 165
Chapter 6 Cryptography and PKI 211
Chapter 7 Incident Response and Forensics 265
Chapter 8 Security Architecture 301
Chapter 9 Secure Cloud and Virtualization 415
Chapter 10 Mobility and Emerging Technologies 467
Appendix Answers to Review Questions 505
Index 529
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Introduction xxv
Assessment Test xxxv
Chapter 1 Risk Management 1
Risk Terminology 4
The Risk Assessment Process 6
Asset Identification 6
Information Classification 8
Risk Assessment 9
Risk Assessment Options 14
Implementing Controls 16
Policies Used to Manage Employees 17
Pre-Employment Policies 18
Employment Policies 18
End of Employment and Termination Procedures 20
Cost-Benefit Analysis 21
Continuous Monitoring 22
Enterprise Security Architecture Frameworks and Governance 23
Training and Awareness for Users 24
Best Practices for Risk Assessments 25
Business Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery 27
Reviewing the Effectiveness of Existing Security Controls 28
Conducting Lessons Learned and After-Action Reviews 30
Creation, Collection, and Analysis of Metrics 31
Metrics 31
Trend Data 32
Analyzing Security Solutions to Ensure They Meet Business Needs 32
Testing Plans 33
Internal and External Audits 34
Using Judgment to Solve Difficult Problems 35
Summary 35
Exam Essentials 36
Review Questions 38
Chapter 2 Configure and Implement Endpoint
Security Controls 43
Hardening Techniques 45
Address Space Layout Randomization Use 47
Hardware Security Module and Trusted Platform Module 48
Trusted Operating Systems 52
Compensating Controls 55
Introduction xxv
Assessment Test xxxv
Chapter 1 Risk Management 1
Risk Terminology 4
The Risk Assessment Process 6
Asset Identification 6
Information Classification 8
Risk Assessment 9
Risk Assessment Options 14
Implementing Controls 16
Policies Used to Manage Employees 17
Pre-Employment Policies 18
Employment Policies 18
End of Employment and Termination Procedures 20
Cost-Benefit Analysis 21
Continuous Monitoring 22
Enterprise Security Architecture Frameworks and Governance 23
Training and Awareness for Users 24
Best Practices for Risk Assessments 25
Business Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery 27
Reviewing the Effectiveness of Existing Security Controls 28
Conducting Lessons Learned and After-Action Reviews 30
Creation, Collection, and Analysis of Metrics 31
Metrics 31
Trend Data 32
Analyzing Security Solutions to Ensure They Meet Business Needs 32
Testing Plans 33
Internal and External Audits 34
Using Judgment to Solve Difficult Problems 35
Summary 35
Exam Essentials 36
Review Questions 38
Chapter 2 Configure and Implement Endpoint
Security Controls 43
Hardening Techniques 45
Address Space Layout Randomization Use 47
Hardware Security Module and Trusted Platform Module 48
Trusted Operating Systems 52
Compensating Controls 55
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xvi Contents
Summary 57
Exam Essentials 58
Review Questions 59
Chapter 3 Security Operations Scenarios 63
Threat Management 66
Types of Intelligence 66
Threat Hunting 67
Threat Emulation 67
Actor Types 67
Intelligence Collection Methods 71
Open-Source Intelligence 71
Human Intelligence and Social Engineering 73
Frameworks 74
MITRE Adversarial Tactics, Techniques and Common
Knowledge 74
ATT&CK for Industrial Control Systems 75
Cyber Kill Chain 76
Diamond Model of Intrusion Analysis 76
Indicators of Compromise 77
Reading the Logs 77
Intrusion Detection and Prevention 78
Notifications and Responses to IoCs 79
Response 80
Summary 85
Exam Essentials 85
Review Questions 86
Chapter 4 Security Ops: Vulnerability Assessments and
Operational Risk 91
Terminology 97
Vulnerability Management 98
Security Content Automation Protocol 103
Self-Assessment vs. Third-Party Vendor Assessment 105
Patch Management 108
Information Sources 110
Tools 112
Assessments 124
Penetration Testing 129
Assessment Types 131
Vulnerabilities 134
Buffer Overflow 134
Integer Overflow 135
Memory Leaks 136
Summary 57
Exam Essentials 58
Review Questions 59
Chapter 3 Security Operations Scenarios 63
Threat Management 66
Types of Intelligence 66
Threat Hunting 67
Threat Emulation 67
Actor Types 67
Intelligence Collection Methods 71
Open-Source Intelligence 71
Human Intelligence and Social Engineering 73
Frameworks 74
MITRE Adversarial Tactics, Techniques and Common
Knowledge 74
ATT&CK for Industrial Control Systems 75
Cyber Kill Chain 76
Diamond Model of Intrusion Analysis 76
Indicators of Compromise 77
Reading the Logs 77
Intrusion Detection and Prevention 78
Notifications and Responses to IoCs 79
Response 80
Summary 85
Exam Essentials 85
Review Questions 86
Chapter 4 Security Ops: Vulnerability Assessments and
Operational Risk 91
Terminology 97
Vulnerability Management 98
Security Content Automation Protocol 103
Self-Assessment vs. Third-Party Vendor Assessment 105
Patch Management 108
Information Sources 110
Tools 112
Assessments 124
Penetration Testing 129
Assessment Types 131
Vulnerabilities 134
Buffer Overflow 134
Integer Overflow 135
Memory Leaks 136
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Contents xvii
Race Conditions (TOC/TOU) 136
Resource Exhaustion 137
Data Remnants 138
Use of Third-Party Libraries 138
Code Reuse 138
Cryptographic Vulnerabilities 138
Broken Authentication 139
Security Misconfiguration 140
Inherently Vulnerable System/Application 140
Client-Side Processing vs. Server-Side Processing 141
Attacks 145
Proactive Detection 153
Incident Response 153
Countermeasures 153
Deceptive Technology 154
USB Key Drops 155
Simulation 155
Security Data Analytics 155
Application Control 156
Allow and Block Lists 157
Security Automation 157
Physical Security 158
Summary 159
Exam Essentials 160
Review Questions 161
Chapter 5 Compliance and Vendor Risk 165
Shared Responsibility in Cloud Computing 168
Cloud Service/Infrastructure Models 169
Cloud Computing Providers and Hosting Options 169
Benefits of Cloud Computing 171
Security of On-Demand/Elastic Cloud Computing 174
Geographic Location 175
Infrastructure 175
Compute 175
Storage 175
Networking 176
Managing and Mitigating Risk 182
Security Concerns of Integrating Diverse Industries 185
Regulations, Accreditations, and Standards 187
GDPR 190
ISO 192
CMMI 193
Race Conditions (TOC/TOU) 136
Resource Exhaustion 137
Data Remnants 138
Use of Third-Party Libraries 138
Code Reuse 138
Cryptographic Vulnerabilities 138
Broken Authentication 139
Security Misconfiguration 140
Inherently Vulnerable System/Application 140
Client-Side Processing vs. Server-Side Processing 141
Attacks 145
Proactive Detection 153
Incident Response 153
Countermeasures 153
Deceptive Technology 154
USB Key Drops 155
Simulation 155
Security Data Analytics 155
Application Control 156
Allow and Block Lists 157
Security Automation 157
Physical Security 158
Summary 159
Exam Essentials 160
Review Questions 161
Chapter 5 Compliance and Vendor Risk 165
Shared Responsibility in Cloud Computing 168
Cloud Service/Infrastructure Models 169
Cloud Computing Providers and Hosting Options 169
Benefits of Cloud Computing 171
Security of On-Demand/Elastic Cloud Computing 174
Geographic Location 175
Infrastructure 175
Compute 175
Storage 175
Networking 176
Managing and Mitigating Risk 182
Security Concerns of Integrating Diverse Industries 185
Regulations, Accreditations, and Standards 187
GDPR 190
ISO 192
CMMI 193
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xviii Contents
NIST 194
HIPAA, SOX, and GLBA 197
Contract and Agreement Types 198
Third-Party Attestation ofCompliance 202
Legal Considerations 203
Summary 204
Exam Essentials 205
Review Questions 206
Chapter 6 Cryptography and PKI 211
The History of Cryptography 216
Cryptographic Goals and Requirements 217
Supporting Security Requirements 218
Compliance and Policy Requirements 219
Privacy and Confidentiality Requirements 219
Integrity Requirements 220
Nonrepudiation 220
Risks with Data 221
Data at Rest 221
Data in Transit 222
Data in Process/Data in Use 222
Hashing 223
Message Digest 225
Secure Hash Algorithm 225
Message Authentication Code 226
Hashed Message Authentication Code 226
RACE Integrity Primitives Evaluation Message Digest 226
Poly1305 226
Symmetric Algorithms 227
Data Encryption Standard 230
Triple DES 231
Rijndael and the Advanced Encryption Standard 231
ChaCha 232
Salsa20 232
International Data Encryption Algorithm 232
Rivest Cipher Algorithms 233
Counter Mode 233
Asymmetric Encryption 233
Diffie–Hellman 235
RSA 236
Elliptic Curve Cryptography 237
NIST 194
HIPAA, SOX, and GLBA 197
Contract and Agreement Types 198
Third-Party Attestation ofCompliance 202
Legal Considerations 203
Summary 204
Exam Essentials 205
Review Questions 206
Chapter 6 Cryptography and PKI 211
The History of Cryptography 216
Cryptographic Goals and Requirements 217
Supporting Security Requirements 218
Compliance and Policy Requirements 219
Privacy and Confidentiality Requirements 219
Integrity Requirements 220
Nonrepudiation 220
Risks with Data 221
Data at Rest 221
Data in Transit 222
Data in Process/Data in Use 222
Hashing 223
Message Digest 225
Secure Hash Algorithm 225
Message Authentication Code 226
Hashed Message Authentication Code 226
RACE Integrity Primitives Evaluation Message Digest 226
Poly1305 226
Symmetric Algorithms 227
Data Encryption Standard 230
Triple DES 231
Rijndael and the Advanced Encryption Standard 231
ChaCha 232
Salsa20 232
International Data Encryption Algorithm 232
Rivest Cipher Algorithms 233
Counter Mode 233
Asymmetric Encryption 233
Diffie–Hellman 235
RSA 236
Elliptic Curve Cryptography 237
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Contents xix
ElGamal 238
Hybrid Encryption and Electronic Data Exchange (EDI) 238
Public Key Infrastructure Hierarchy 239
Certificate Authority 240
Registration Authority 241
Digital Certificates 241
Certificate Revocation List 243
Certificate Types 243
Certificate Distribution 244
The Client’s Role in PKI 245
Implementation of Cryptographic Solutions 247
Application Layer Encryption 248
Transport Layer Encryption 249
Internet Layer Controls 250
Additional Authentication Protocols 251
Cryptocurrency 252
Digital Signatures 252
Recognizing Cryptographic Attacks 254
Troubleshooting Cryptographic Implementations 256
Summary 259
Exam Essentials 259
Review Questions 261
Chapter 7 Incident Response and Forensics 265
The Incident Response Framework 268
Event Classifications 268
Triage Events 269
Pre-Escalation Tasks 270
The Incident Response Process 270
Response Playbooks and Processes 273
Communication Plan and Stakeholder Management 274
Forensic Concepts 277
Principles, Standards, and Practices 278
The Forensic Process 279
Forensic Analysis Tools 283
File Carving Tools 284
Binary Analysis Tools 284
Analysis Tools 286
Imaging Tools 288
Hashing Utilities 289
Live Collection vs. Postmortem Tools 290
Summary 294
Exam Essentials 294
Review Questions 295
ElGamal 238
Hybrid Encryption and Electronic Data Exchange (EDI) 238
Public Key Infrastructure Hierarchy 239
Certificate Authority 240
Registration Authority 241
Digital Certificates 241
Certificate Revocation List 243
Certificate Types 243
Certificate Distribution 244
The Client’s Role in PKI 245
Implementation of Cryptographic Solutions 247
Application Layer Encryption 248
Transport Layer Encryption 249
Internet Layer Controls 250
Additional Authentication Protocols 251
Cryptocurrency 252
Digital Signatures 252
Recognizing Cryptographic Attacks 254
Troubleshooting Cryptographic Implementations 256
Summary 259
Exam Essentials 259
Review Questions 261
Chapter 7 Incident Response and Forensics 265
The Incident Response Framework 268
Event Classifications 268
Triage Events 269
Pre-Escalation Tasks 270
The Incident Response Process 270
Response Playbooks and Processes 273
Communication Plan and Stakeholder Management 274
Forensic Concepts 277
Principles, Standards, and Practices 278
The Forensic Process 279
Forensic Analysis Tools 283
File Carving Tools 284
Binary Analysis Tools 284
Analysis Tools 286
Imaging Tools 288
Hashing Utilities 289
Live Collection vs. Postmortem Tools 290
Summary 294
Exam Essentials 294
Review Questions 295
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xx Contents
Chapter 8 Security Architecture 301
Security Requirements and Objectives for a Secure Network
Architecture 310
Services 310
Segmentation 334
Deperimeterization/Zero Trust 344
Merging Networks from Various Organizations 352
Software-Defined Networking 357
Organizational Requirements for Infrastructure Security Design 358
Scalability 358
Resiliency 359
Automation 359
Containerization 360
Virtualization 361
Content Delivery Network 361
Integrating Applications Securely into an Enterprise Architecture 362
Baseline and Templates 362
Software Assurance 367
Considerations of Integrating Enterprise Applications 370
Integrating Security into the Development Life Cycle 373
Data Security Techniques for Securing Enterprise Architecture 384
Data Loss Prevention 384
Data Loss Detection 387
Data Classification, Labeling, and Tagging 388
Obfuscation 390
Anonymization 390
Encrypted vs. Unencrypted 390
Data Life Cycle 391
Data Inventory and Mapping 391
Data Integrity Management 391
Data Storage, Backup, and Recovery 392
Security Requirements and Objectives for Authentication
and Authorization Controls 394
Credential Management 394
Password Policies 396
Federation 398
Access Control 399
Protocols 401
Multifactor Authentication 403
One-Time Passwords 404
Hardware Root of Trust 404
Single Sign-On 405
Chapter 8 Security Architecture 301
Security Requirements and Objectives for a Secure Network
Architecture 310
Services 310
Segmentation 334
Deperimeterization/Zero Trust 344
Merging Networks from Various Organizations 352
Software-Defined Networking 357
Organizational Requirements for Infrastructure Security Design 358
Scalability 358
Resiliency 359
Automation 359
Containerization 360
Virtualization 361
Content Delivery Network 361
Integrating Applications Securely into an Enterprise Architecture 362
Baseline and Templates 362
Software Assurance 367
Considerations of Integrating Enterprise Applications 370
Integrating Security into the Development Life Cycle 373
Data Security Techniques for Securing Enterprise Architecture 384
Data Loss Prevention 384
Data Loss Detection 387
Data Classification, Labeling, and Tagging 388
Obfuscation 390
Anonymization 390
Encrypted vs. Unencrypted 390
Data Life Cycle 391
Data Inventory and Mapping 391
Data Integrity Management 391
Data Storage, Backup, and Recovery 392
Security Requirements and Objectives for Authentication
and Authorization Controls 394
Credential Management 394
Password Policies 396
Federation 398
Access Control 399
Protocols 401
Multifactor Authentication 403
One-Time Passwords 404
Hardware Root of Trust 404
Single Sign-On 405
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Contents xxi
JavaScript Object Notation Web Token 405
Attestation and Identity Proofing 406
Summary 406
Exam Essentials 407
Review Questions 410
Chapter 9 Secure Cloud and Virtualization 415
Implement Secure Cloud and Virtualization Solutions 418
Virtualization Strategies 419
Deployment Models and Considerations 425
Service Models 429
Cloud Provider Limitations 433
Extending Appropriate On-Premises Controls 433
Storage Models 439
How Cloud Technology Adoption Impacts Organization Security 445
Automation and Orchestration 445
Encryption Configuration 445
Logs 446
Monitoring Configurations 447
Key Ownership and Location 448
Key Life-Cycle Management 448
Backup and Recovery Methods 449
Infrastructure vs. Serverless Computing 450
Software-Defined Networking 450
Misconfigurations 451
Collaboration Tools 451
Bit Splitting 461
Data Dispersion 461
Summary 461
Exam Essentials 462
Review Questions 463
Chapter 10 Mobility and Emerging Technologies 467
Emerging Technologies and Their Impact on Enterprise
Security and Privacy 471
Artificial Intelligence 472
Machine Learning 472
Deep Learning 472
Quantum Computing 473
Blockchain 473
Homomorphic Encryption 474
Distributed Consensus 475
Big Data 475
JavaScript Object Notation Web Token 405
Attestation and Identity Proofing 406
Summary 406
Exam Essentials 407
Review Questions 410
Chapter 9 Secure Cloud and Virtualization 415
Implement Secure Cloud and Virtualization Solutions 418
Virtualization Strategies 419
Deployment Models and Considerations 425
Service Models 429
Cloud Provider Limitations 433
Extending Appropriate On-Premises Controls 433
Storage Models 439
How Cloud Technology Adoption Impacts Organization Security 445
Automation and Orchestration 445
Encryption Configuration 445
Logs 446
Monitoring Configurations 447
Key Ownership and Location 448
Key Life-Cycle Management 448
Backup and Recovery Methods 449
Infrastructure vs. Serverless Computing 450
Software-Defined Networking 450
Misconfigurations 451
Collaboration Tools 451
Bit Splitting 461
Data Dispersion 461
Summary 461
Exam Essentials 462
Review Questions 463
Chapter 10 Mobility and Emerging Technologies 467
Emerging Technologies and Their Impact on Enterprise
Security and Privacy 471
Artificial Intelligence 472
Machine Learning 472
Deep Learning 472
Quantum Computing 473
Blockchain 473
Homomorphic Encryption 474
Distributed Consensus 475
Big Data 475
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xxii Contents
Virtual/Augmented Reality 475
3D Printing 476
Passwordless Authentication 476
Nano Technology 477
Biometric Impersonation 477
Secure Enterprise Mobility Configurations 478
Managed Configurations 479
Deployment Scenarios 486
Mobile Device Security Considerations 487
Security Considerations for Technologies, Protocols, and Sectors 495
Embedded Technologies 495
ICS/Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition 496
Protocols 498
Sectors 499
Summary 500
Exam Essentials 500
Review Questions 501
Appendix Answers to Review Questions 505
Chapter 1: Risk Management 506
Chapter 2: Configure and Implement Endpoint
Security Controls 507
Chapter 3: Security Operations Scenarios 509
Chapter 4: Security Ops: Vulnerability Assessments
and Operational Risk 511
Chapter 5: Compliance and Vendor Risk 513
Chapter 6: Cryptography and PKI 514
Chapter 7: Incident Response and Forensics 516
Chapter 8: Security Architecture 519
Chapter 9: Secure Cloud and Virtualization 522
Chapter 10: Mobility and Emerging Technologies 524
Index 529
Virtual/Augmented Reality 475
3D Printing 476
Passwordless Authentication 476
Nano Technology 477
Biometric Impersonation 477
Secure Enterprise Mobility Configurations 478
Managed Configurations 479
Deployment Scenarios 486
Mobile Device Security Considerations 487
Security Considerations for Technologies, Protocols, and Sectors 495
Embedded Technologies 495
ICS/Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition 496
Protocols 498
Sectors 499
Summary 500
Exam Essentials 500
Review Questions 501
Appendix Answers to Review Questions 505
Chapter 1: Risk Management 506
Chapter 2: Configure and Implement Endpoint
Security Controls 507
Chapter 3: Security Operations Scenarios 509
Chapter 4: Security Ops: Vulnerability Assessments
and Operational Risk 511
Chapter 5: Compliance and Vendor Risk 513
Chapter 6: Cryptography and PKI 514
Chapter 7: Incident Response and Forensics 516
Chapter 8: Security Architecture 519
Chapter 9: Secure Cloud and Virtualization 522
Chapter 10: Mobility and Emerging Technologies 524
Index 529
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Table of Exercises
Exercise 1.1 Calculating Annualized Loss Expectancy 12
Exercise 1.2 Reviewing the Employee Termination Process 21
Exercise 2.1 Running a Security Scanner to Identify Vulnerabilities 50
Exercise 2.2 Bypassing Command Shell Restrictions 51
Exercise 3.1 Using WinDump to Sniff Traffic 79
Exercise 3.2 Reviewing and Assessing ACLs 84
Exercise 4.1 Tracking Vulnerabilities in Software 103
Exercise 4.2 Performing Passive Reconnaissance on Your Company, School,
or Another Organization 114
Exercise 5.1 What Services Should Be Moved to the Cloud? 171
Exercise 5.2 Identifying Risks and Issues with Cloud Computing 180
Exercise 5.3 Reviewing Documents 200
Exercise 8.1 Configuring iptables 317
Exercise 8.2 Using Pingdom Full Page Test 323
Exercise 8.3 Testing Your Antivirus Program 333
Exercise 8.4 Reviewing and Assessing ACLs 343
Exercise 9.1 Creating a Virtual Machine 420
Exercise 9.2 Identifying What Services Should Be Moved to the Cloud 428
Exercise 9.3 Identifying Risks and Issues with Cloud Computing 436
Exercise 9.4 Understanding Online Storage 441
Exercise 9.5 Turning to the Cloud for Storage and Large File Transfer 444
Exercise 9.6 Eavesdropping on Web Conferences 452
Exercise 9.7 Sniffing Email with Wireshark 457
Exercise 9.8 Sniffing VoIP with Cain & Abel 459
Exercise 1.1 Calculating Annualized Loss Expectancy 12
Exercise 1.2 Reviewing the Employee Termination Process 21
Exercise 2.1 Running a Security Scanner to Identify Vulnerabilities 50
Exercise 2.2 Bypassing Command Shell Restrictions 51
Exercise 3.1 Using WinDump to Sniff Traffic 79
Exercise 3.2 Reviewing and Assessing ACLs 84
Exercise 4.1 Tracking Vulnerabilities in Software 103
Exercise 4.2 Performing Passive Reconnaissance on Your Company, School,
or Another Organization 114
Exercise 5.1 What Services Should Be Moved to the Cloud? 171
Exercise 5.2 Identifying Risks and Issues with Cloud Computing 180
Exercise 5.3 Reviewing Documents 200
Exercise 8.1 Configuring iptables 317
Exercise 8.2 Using Pingdom Full Page Test 323
Exercise 8.3 Testing Your Antivirus Program 333
Exercise 8.4 Reviewing and Assessing ACLs 343
Exercise 9.1 Creating a Virtual Machine 420
Exercise 9.2 Identifying What Services Should Be Moved to the Cloud 428
Exercise 9.3 Identifying Risks and Issues with Cloud Computing 436
Exercise 9.4 Understanding Online Storage 441
Exercise 9.5 Turning to the Cloud for Storage and Large File Transfer 444
Exercise 9.6 Eavesdropping on Web Conferences 452
Exercise 9.7 Sniffing Email with Wireshark 457
Exercise 9.8 Sniffing VoIP with Cain & Abel 459
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The CASP+ certification was developed by the Computer Technology Industry Association
(CompTIA) to provide an industry-wide means of certifying the competency of security pro-
fessionals who have a minimum of 10 years’ general hands-on IT experience with at least 5
years’ hands-on IT security experience. The security professional’s job is to protect the confi-
dentiality, integrity, and availability of an organization’s valuable information assets. As such,
these individuals need to have the ability to apply critical thinking and judgment.
According to CompTIA, the CASP+ certification is a vendor-neutral cre-
dential. CASP+ validates advanced-level security skills and knowledge
internationally. There is no prerequisite, but CASP+ certification is
intended to follow CompTIA Network+, Security+, CySA+, Cloud+, and
PenTest+ or equivalent certifications/experience and has a technical,
“hands- on” focus at the enterprise level.
Many certification books present material for you to memorize before the exam, but this
book goes a step further in that it offers best practices, tips, and hands-on exercises that help
those in the field of security better protect critical assets, build defense in depth, and accu-
rately assess risk.
If you’re preparing to take the CASP+ exam, it is a good idea to find out as much
information as possible about computer security practices and techniques. Because this test
is designed for those with years of experience, you will be better prepared by having the
most hands-on experience possible; this study guide was written with this in mind. We have
included hands-on exercises, real-world scenarios, and review questions at the end of each
chapter to give you some idea as to what the exam is like. You should be able to answer at
least 90 percent of the test questions in this book correctly before attempting the exam; if
you’re unable to do so, reread the problematic chapters and try the questions again. Your
score should improve.
Before You Begin the CompTIA CASP+
Certification Exam
Before you begin studying for the exam, it’s good for you to know that the CASP+
certification is offered by CompTIA (an industry association responsible for many certifica-
tions) and is granted to those who obtain a passing score on a single exam. Before you begin
studying for the exam, learn all you can about the certification.
The CASP+ certification was developed by the Computer Technology Industry Association
(CompTIA) to provide an industry-wide means of certifying the competency of security pro-
fessionals who have a minimum of 10 years’ general hands-on IT experience with at least 5
years’ hands-on IT security experience. The security professional’s job is to protect the confi-
dentiality, integrity, and availability of an organization’s valuable information assets. As such,
these individuals need to have the ability to apply critical thinking and judgment.
According to CompTIA, the CASP+ certification is a vendor-neutral cre-
dential. CASP+ validates advanced-level security skills and knowledge
internationally. There is no prerequisite, but CASP+ certification is
intended to follow CompTIA Network+, Security+, CySA+, Cloud+, and
PenTest+ or equivalent certifications/experience and has a technical,
“hands- on” focus at the enterprise level.
Many certification books present material for you to memorize before the exam, but this
book goes a step further in that it offers best practices, tips, and hands-on exercises that help
those in the field of security better protect critical assets, build defense in depth, and accu-
rately assess risk.
If you’re preparing to take the CASP+ exam, it is a good idea to find out as much
information as possible about computer security practices and techniques. Because this test
is designed for those with years of experience, you will be better prepared by having the
most hands-on experience possible; this study guide was written with this in mind. We have
included hands-on exercises, real-world scenarios, and review questions at the end of each
chapter to give you some idea as to what the exam is like. You should be able to answer at
least 90 percent of the test questions in this book correctly before attempting the exam; if
you’re unable to do so, reread the problematic chapters and try the questions again. Your
score should improve.
Before You Begin the CompTIA CASP+
Certification Exam
Before you begin studying for the exam, it’s good for you to know that the CASP+
certification is offered by CompTIA (an industry association responsible for many certifica-
tions) and is granted to those who obtain a passing score on a single exam. Before you begin
studying for the exam, learn all you can about the certification.
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xxvi Introduction
A list of the CASP+ CAS- 004 exam objectives is presented in this intro-
duction. See the section “The CASP+ Exam Objective Map.”
Obtaining CASP+ certification demonstrates that you can help your organization design
and maintain system and network security services to secure the organization’s assets. By
obtaining CASP+ certification, you show that you have the technical knowledge and skills
required to conceptualize, design, and engineer secure solutions across complex enterprise
Who Should Read This Book
The CompTIA CASP+ Study Guide: Exam CAS-004, Fourth Edition, is designed to give you
insight into the working world of IT security, and it describes the types of tasks and activ-
ities that a security professional with 5–10 years of experience carries out. Organized classes
and study groups are the ideal structures for obtaining and practicing with the recommended
College classes, training classes, and boot camps are recommended
ways to gain proficiency with the tools and techniques discussed in the
book. However, nothing delivers hands- on learning like experiencing your
own attempts, successes, and mistakes—on a home lab. More on home
labs later.
What You Will Learn
This CompTIA CASP+ Study Guide covers all you need to know to pass the CASP+ exam.
The exam is based on exam objectives, and this study guide is based on the current iteration
of the CASP+ exam, version CAS-004.
Per the CASP+ CompTIA objectives for exam version CAS-004, the four domains include
the following:
■ Domain 1.0 Security Architecture
■ Domain 2.0 Security Operations
■ Domain 3.0 Security Engineering and Cryptography
■ Domain 4.0 Governance, Risk, and Compliance
Each of these four domains further divide into objectives. For example, the fourth
domain, “Governance, Risk, and Compliance,” is covered across three objectives:
A list of the CASP+ CAS- 004 exam objectives is presented in this intro-
duction. See the section “The CASP+ Exam Objective Map.”
Obtaining CASP+ certification demonstrates that you can help your organization design
and maintain system and network security services to secure the organization’s assets. By
obtaining CASP+ certification, you show that you have the technical knowledge and skills
required to conceptualize, design, and engineer secure solutions across complex enterprise
Who Should Read This Book
The CompTIA CASP+ Study Guide: Exam CAS-004, Fourth Edition, is designed to give you
insight into the working world of IT security, and it describes the types of tasks and activ-
ities that a security professional with 5–10 years of experience carries out. Organized classes
and study groups are the ideal structures for obtaining and practicing with the recommended
College classes, training classes, and boot camps are recommended
ways to gain proficiency with the tools and techniques discussed in the
book. However, nothing delivers hands- on learning like experiencing your
own attempts, successes, and mistakes—on a home lab. More on home
labs later.
What You Will Learn
This CompTIA CASP+ Study Guide covers all you need to know to pass the CASP+ exam.
The exam is based on exam objectives, and this study guide is based on the current iteration
of the CASP+ exam, version CAS-004.
Per the CASP+ CompTIA objectives for exam version CAS-004, the four domains include
the following:
■ Domain 1.0 Security Architecture
■ Domain 2.0 Security Operations
■ Domain 3.0 Security Engineering and Cryptography
■ Domain 4.0 Governance, Risk, and Compliance
Each of these four domains further divide into objectives. For example, the fourth
domain, “Governance, Risk, and Compliance,” is covered across three objectives:
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Introduction xxvii
4.1 Given a set of requirements, apply the appropriate risk strategies.
4.2 Explain the importance of managing and mitigating vendor risk.
4.3 Explain compliance frameworks and legal considerations, and their organiza-
tional impact.
4.4 Explain the importance of business continuity and disaster recovery concepts.
These objectives read like a job task, but they are more akin to a named subset of
knowledge. Many subobjectives and topics are found under each objective. These are listed
hierarchically, ranging from 20 to 50 topics per objective. Yes, that’s a lot of topics when
you add it all up. In short, there is a lot of material to cover. Next, we address how the book
tackles it all.
How This Book Is Organized
Remember how we just explained the CASP+ exam is based on domains and objectives?
Your goal for exam preparation is essentially to cover all of those subobjectives and
topics. That was our goal, too, in writing this study guide, so that’s how we structured this
book—around the same exam objectives, specifically calling out every subobjective and
topic. If a topic or phrase from the exam objectives list isn’t specifically called out, the con-
cepts and understanding behind that topic or phrase are discussed thoroughly in the relevant
Nonetheless, CompTIA didn’t structure the exam objectives to make for good reading
or an easy flow. It would be simple to tell you that each chapter correlates exactly to two or
three objectives. Instead, the book is laid out to create a balance between a relevant flow of
information for learning and relatable coverage of the exam objectives. This book structure
then serves to be most helpful for identifying and filling any knowledge gaps that you might
have in a certain area and, in turn, best prepare you for the exam.
Extra Bits
Beyond what the exam requires, there is of course some “added value” in the form of tips,
notes, stories, and URLs where you can go for additional information online. This is typ-
ical for the Sybex study guide format. The extra bits are obviously set apart from the study
guide text, and they can be enjoyed as you wish. In most cases, URLs will point to a recent
news event related to the topic at hand, a link to the cited regulation, or the site where a tool
can be downloaded. If a particular concept interests you, you are encouraged to follow up
with that article or URL. What you will learn in this study guide is exactly what you need
to know to prepare for the CASP+ certification exam. What you will learn from those tips,
notes, and URLs is additional context in which the topic at hand may be better understood.
Next, we discuss what you should already have in order to be successful when learning from
this book.
4.1 Given a set of requirements, apply the appropriate risk strategies.
4.2 Explain the importance of managing and mitigating vendor risk.
4.3 Explain compliance frameworks and legal considerations, and their organiza-
tional impact.
4.4 Explain the importance of business continuity and disaster recovery concepts.
These objectives read like a job task, but they are more akin to a named subset of
knowledge. Many subobjectives and topics are found under each objective. These are listed
hierarchically, ranging from 20 to 50 topics per objective. Yes, that’s a lot of topics when
you add it all up. In short, there is a lot of material to cover. Next, we address how the book
tackles it all.
How This Book Is Organized
Remember how we just explained the CASP+ exam is based on domains and objectives?
Your goal for exam preparation is essentially to cover all of those subobjectives and
topics. That was our goal, too, in writing this study guide, so that’s how we structured this
book—around the same exam objectives, specifically calling out every subobjective and
topic. If a topic or phrase from the exam objectives list isn’t specifically called out, the con-
cepts and understanding behind that topic or phrase are discussed thoroughly in the relevant
Nonetheless, CompTIA didn’t structure the exam objectives to make for good reading
or an easy flow. It would be simple to tell you that each chapter correlates exactly to two or
three objectives. Instead, the book is laid out to create a balance between a relevant flow of
information for learning and relatable coverage of the exam objectives. This book structure
then serves to be most helpful for identifying and filling any knowledge gaps that you might
have in a certain area and, in turn, best prepare you for the exam.
Extra Bits
Beyond what the exam requires, there is of course some “added value” in the form of tips,
notes, stories, and URLs where you can go for additional information online. This is typ-
ical for the Sybex study guide format. The extra bits are obviously set apart from the study
guide text, and they can be enjoyed as you wish. In most cases, URLs will point to a recent
news event related to the topic at hand, a link to the cited regulation, or the site where a tool
can be downloaded. If a particular concept interests you, you are encouraged to follow up
with that article or URL. What you will learn in this study guide is exactly what you need
to know to prepare for the CASP+ certification exam. What you will learn from those tips,
notes, and URLs is additional context in which the topic at hand may be better understood.
Next, we discuss what you should already have in order to be successful when learning from
this book.
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xxviii Introduction
Requirements: Practice and Experience
To be most successful in reading and learning from this book, you will need to bring
something to the table yourself, that is, your experience.
You’re preparing to take one of CompTIA’s most advanced certification exams. CompTIA’s
website associates the CASP+ exam with the SANS Institute GIAC Certified Enterprise
Defender (GCED) exam, as only these two exams focus on “cybersecurity practitioner skills”
at an advanced level. In comparison, the Certified Information Systems Security Professional
(CISSP) and Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) exams focus on cybersecurity
management skills.
The CASP+ exam covers a very wide range of information security topics. Understand-
ably, the range is as wide as the range of information security job disciplines. As each of us
grows from a junior level to the higher-level, technical lead roles, the time we spend working
in one specialty area overshadows our exposure to other specialties. For example, three
senior security practitioners working as an Active Directory engineer, a malware reverse
engineer, and a network administrator might be highly skilled in their respective jobs yet
have only a simple understanding of each other’s roles. The exam topics include specific
techniques and technologies that would be familiar to people who have held lead roles in
the corresponding area of information security. Someone with experience in one or more
technical areas has a great advantage, and that experience will benefit the candidate studying
from this book and taking the CASP+ exam.
Last, CompTIA’s recommended level of experience is a minimum of 10 years of gen-
eral hands-on IT experience, including at least five years of hands-on technical security
experience. If you have the five years, it is very likely that you have had at least minimal
exposure to or understanding of most topics covered, enough for you to benefit from reading
this book.
Given that the certification’s title includes the word practitioner, you are expected to have,
or be capable of building, a home lab for yourself. This does not mean that you need a 42U
rack full of servers and network hardware in the basement (though it might bring up a lot of
excitement at home). A home lab can be as simple as having one or two virtualized machines
(VMs) running on your laptop or desktop with adequate CPU and RAM. This can be done
using VirtualBox or VMware Workstation Player, both of which are free. There are many
prebuilt VMs available online, designed specifically for security practice. A home lab can be
started at little to no cost and be running within 15 minutes. No excuses.
Dedicating some routine time on a home lab will advance your skills and experience as
well as demonstrate your passion for the subject. Current and future managers will love it!
Seriously, though, when you make time to build, tweak, break, and rebuild systems in your
home lab, not only do you readily advance your skills and learn new technologies, but you
do so without the consequences of bringing down production.
Requirements: Practice and Experience
To be most successful in reading and learning from this book, you will need to bring
something to the table yourself, that is, your experience.
You’re preparing to take one of CompTIA’s most advanced certification exams. CompTIA’s
website associates the CASP+ exam with the SANS Institute GIAC Certified Enterprise
Defender (GCED) exam, as only these two exams focus on “cybersecurity practitioner skills”
at an advanced level. In comparison, the Certified Information Systems Security Professional
(CISSP) and Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) exams focus on cybersecurity
management skills.
The CASP+ exam covers a very wide range of information security topics. Understand-
ably, the range is as wide as the range of information security job disciplines. As each of us
grows from a junior level to the higher-level, technical lead roles, the time we spend working
in one specialty area overshadows our exposure to other specialties. For example, three
senior security practitioners working as an Active Directory engineer, a malware reverse
engineer, and a network administrator might be highly skilled in their respective jobs yet
have only a simple understanding of each other’s roles. The exam topics include specific
techniques and technologies that would be familiar to people who have held lead roles in
the corresponding area of information security. Someone with experience in one or more
technical areas has a great advantage, and that experience will benefit the candidate studying
from this book and taking the CASP+ exam.
Last, CompTIA’s recommended level of experience is a minimum of 10 years of gen-
eral hands-on IT experience, including at least five years of hands-on technical security
experience. If you have the five years, it is very likely that you have had at least minimal
exposure to or understanding of most topics covered, enough for you to benefit from reading
this book.
Given that the certification’s title includes the word practitioner, you are expected to have,
or be capable of building, a home lab for yourself. This does not mean that you need a 42U
rack full of servers and network hardware in the basement (though it might bring up a lot of
excitement at home). A home lab can be as simple as having one or two virtualized machines
(VMs) running on your laptop or desktop with adequate CPU and RAM. This can be done
using VirtualBox or VMware Workstation Player, both of which are free. There are many
prebuilt VMs available online, designed specifically for security practice. A home lab can be
started at little to no cost and be running within 15 minutes. No excuses.
Dedicating some routine time on a home lab will advance your skills and experience as
well as demonstrate your passion for the subject. Current and future managers will love it!
Seriously, though, when you make time to build, tweak, break, and rebuild systems in your
home lab, not only do you readily advance your skills and learn new technologies, but you
do so without the consequences of bringing down production.
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CompTIA Certifications