CompTIA A+ Complete Review Guide: Core 1 Exam 220-1101 and Core 2 Exam 220-1102 (2022)
CompTIA A+ Complete Review Guide: Core 1 Exam 220-1101 and Core 2 Exam 220-1102 (2022) is the ultimate study tool to help you pass your exam on the first try.
Christopher Lee
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Complete Review Guide
Core 1 Exam 220-1101 and Core 2 Exam 220-1102
Fifth Edition
Troy McMillan
Complete Review Guide
Core 1 Exam 220-1101 and Core 2 Exam 220-1102
Fifth Edition
Troy McMillan
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Copyright © 2022 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.
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ISBN: 978-1-119- 86107-2
ISBN: 978-1-119- 86109-6 (ebk.)
ISBN: 978-1-119- 86108-9 (ebk.)
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This book is dedicated to my sweet wife, Heike.
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I would like to thank Kim Wimpsett for helping to keep me on track, Ken Brown for
continuing to publish my work, and Buzz Murphy for his work in making sure I’m
technically correct.
I would like to thank Kim Wimpsett for helping to keep me on track, Ken Brown for
continuing to publish my work, and Buzz Murphy for his work in making sure I’m
technically correct.
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About the Author
Troy McMillan writes practice tests, study guides, and online course materials for
CyberVista while also running his own consulting and training business. He holds more than
30 industry certifications and also appears in training videos for OnCourse Learning and
Pearson Press. Troy can be reached at
About the Technical Editor
George Murphy, (Buzz) is a public speaker, corporate trainer, author, and cybersecurity
evangelist who has instructed of thousands of cyber security professionals around the world
over the past 25 years with courses, seminars and consulting presentations on a variety
of technical and cybersecurity topics. A former Dell technology training executive, he has
addressed audiences at RSA, Comdex, Networld, and the National Computer Conference as
well as major corporations and educational institutions such as Princeton University. Buzz
has earned more than twenty-nine IT and cybersecurity certifications from such prestigious
organizations as ISC2 , CompTIA, PMI, and Microsoft, and other industry certification orga-
nizations. He is an ISC2 Authorized Instructor.
Troy McMillan writes practice tests, study guides, and online course materials for
CyberVista while also running his own consulting and training business. He holds more than
30 industry certifications and also appears in training videos for OnCourse Learning and
Pearson Press. Troy can be reached at
About the Technical Editor
George Murphy, (Buzz) is a public speaker, corporate trainer, author, and cybersecurity
evangelist who has instructed of thousands of cyber security professionals around the world
over the past 25 years with courses, seminars and consulting presentations on a variety
of technical and cybersecurity topics. A former Dell technology training executive, he has
addressed audiences at RSA, Comdex, Networld, and the National Computer Conference as
well as major corporations and educational institutions such as Princeton University. Buzz
has earned more than twenty-nine IT and cybersecurity certifications from such prestigious
organizations as ISC2 , CompTIA, PMI, and Microsoft, and other industry certification orga-
nizations. He is an ISC2 Authorized Instructor.
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Contents at a Glance
Introduction xxiii
Part I CompTIA A+ Core 1 Exam 220-1101 1
Chapter 1 Mobile Devices 3
Chapter 2 Networking 45
Chapter 3 Hardware 95
Chapter 4 Virtualization and Cloud Computing 197
Chapter 5 Hardware and Network Troubleshooting 209
Part II CompTIA A+ Core 2 Exam 220-1102 251
Chapter 6 Operating Systems 253
Chapter 7 Security 419
Chapter 8 Software Troubleshooting 501
Chapter 9 Operational Procedures 531
Appendix Answers to the Review Questions 587
Index 607
Introduction xxiii
Part I CompTIA A+ Core 1 Exam 220-1101 1
Chapter 1 Mobile Devices 3
Chapter 2 Networking 45
Chapter 3 Hardware 95
Chapter 4 Virtualization and Cloud Computing 197
Chapter 5 Hardware and Network Troubleshooting 209
Part II CompTIA A+ Core 2 Exam 220-1102 251
Chapter 6 Operating Systems 253
Chapter 7 Security 419
Chapter 8 Software Troubleshooting 501
Chapter 9 Operational Procedures 531
Appendix Answers to the Review Questions 587
Index 607
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Introduction xxiii
Part I CompTIA A+ Core 1 Exam 220-1101 1
Chapter 1 Mobile Devices 3
1.1 Given a scenario, install and configure laptop
hardware and components 5
Hardware/device replacement 5
Physical privacy and security components 9
Exam essentials 10
1.2 Compare and contrast the display components
of mobile devices 10
Types 11
Mobile display components 13
Exam essentials 14
1.3 Given a scenario, set up and configure accessories
and ports of mobile devices 14
Connection methods 15
Accessories 20
Exam essentials 26
1.4 Given a scenario, configure basic mobile-device
network connectivity and application support 26
Wireless/cellular data network (enable/disable) 27
Bluetooth 29
Location services 32
Mobile device management (MDM)/mobile application
management (MAM) 32
Mobile device synchronization 36
Exam essentials 40
Review Questions 41
Chapter 2 Networking 45
2.1 Compare and contrast Transmission Control
Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) ports,
protocols, and their purposes 50
Ports and protocols 50
TCP vs. UDP 53
Exam essentials 54
Introduction xxiii
Part I CompTIA A+ Core 1 Exam 220-1101 1
Chapter 1 Mobile Devices 3
1.1 Given a scenario, install and configure laptop
hardware and components 5
Hardware/device replacement 5
Physical privacy and security components 9
Exam essentials 10
1.2 Compare and contrast the display components
of mobile devices 10
Types 11
Mobile display components 13
Exam essentials 14
1.3 Given a scenario, set up and configure accessories
and ports of mobile devices 14
Connection methods 15
Accessories 20
Exam essentials 26
1.4 Given a scenario, configure basic mobile-device
network connectivity and application support 26
Wireless/cellular data network (enable/disable) 27
Bluetooth 29
Location services 32
Mobile device management (MDM)/mobile application
management (MAM) 32
Mobile device synchronization 36
Exam essentials 40
Review Questions 41
Chapter 2 Networking 45
2.1 Compare and contrast Transmission Control
Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) ports,
protocols, and their purposes 50
Ports and protocols 50
TCP vs. UDP 53
Exam essentials 54
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xii Contents
2.2 Compare and contrast common networking hardware 54
Routers 55
Switches 55
Access points 55
Patch panel 56
Firewall 56
Power over Ethernet (PoE) 56
Hub 58
Cable modem 58
Digital subscriber line (DSL) 58
Optical network terminal (ONT) 59
Network interface card (NIC) 59
Software-defined networking (SDN) 60
Exam essentials 61
2.3 Compare and contrast protocols for wireless networking 61
Frequencies 61
Channels 62
Bluetooth 63
802.11 63
Long-range fixed wireless 64
NFC 65
Radio-frequency identification (RFID) 65
Exam essentials 65
2.4 Summarize services provided by networked hosts 66
Server roles 66
Internet appliances 68
Legacy/embedded systems 69
Internet of Things (IoT) devices 70
Exam essentials 70
2.5 Given a scenario, install and configure basic
wired/wireless small office/home office (SOHO) networks 71
Internet Protocol (IP) addressing 71
Exam essentials 79
2.6 Compare and contrast common network
configuration concepts 79
DNS 79
Virtual LAN (VLAN) 82
Virtual private network (VPN) 83
Exam essentials 83
2.7 Compare and contrast Internet connection types,
network types, and their features 84
Internet connection types 84
2.2 Compare and contrast common networking hardware 54
Routers 55
Switches 55
Access points 55
Patch panel 56
Firewall 56
Power over Ethernet (PoE) 56
Hub 58
Cable modem 58
Digital subscriber line (DSL) 58
Optical network terminal (ONT) 59
Network interface card (NIC) 59
Software-defined networking (SDN) 60
Exam essentials 61
2.3 Compare and contrast protocols for wireless networking 61
Frequencies 61
Channels 62
Bluetooth 63
802.11 63
Long-range fixed wireless 64
NFC 65
Radio-frequency identification (RFID) 65
Exam essentials 65
2.4 Summarize services provided by networked hosts 66
Server roles 66
Internet appliances 68
Legacy/embedded systems 69
Internet of Things (IoT) devices 70
Exam essentials 70
2.5 Given a scenario, install and configure basic
wired/wireless small office/home office (SOHO) networks 71
Internet Protocol (IP) addressing 71
Exam essentials 79
2.6 Compare and contrast common network
configuration concepts 79
DNS 79
Virtual LAN (VLAN) 82
Virtual private network (VPN) 83
Exam essentials 83
2.7 Compare and contrast Internet connection types,
network types, and their features 84
Internet connection types 84
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Contents xiii
Network types 85
Exam essentials 87
2.8 Given a scenario, use networking tools 87
Crimper 87
Cable stripper 87
WiFi analyzer 87
Toner probe 88
Punchdown tool 88
Cable tester 88
Loopback plug 89
Network tap 89
Exam essentials 89
Review Questions 90
Chapter 3 Hardware 95
3.1 Explain basic cable types and their connectors,
features, and purposes 102
Network cables 102
Peripheral cables 107
Video cables 108
Hard drive cables 111
Adapters 117
Connector types 119
Exam essentials 124
3.2 Given a scenario, install the appropriate RAM 124
RAM types 124
Single-channel/Dual-channel 127
Triple Channel 127
Quad-channel 128
Exam essentials 128
3.3 Given a scenario, select and install storage devices 129
Hard drives 129
SSDs 131
Drive configurations 132
Removable storage 134
Exam essentials 139
3.4 Given a scenario, install and configure
motherboards, central processing units (CPUs),
and add-on cards 139
Motherboard form factor 139
Motherboard connector types 142
Motherboard compatibility 148
Basic Input/Output System (BIOS)/Unified
Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) settings 153
Network types 85
Exam essentials 87
2.8 Given a scenario, use networking tools 87
Crimper 87
Cable stripper 87
WiFi analyzer 87
Toner probe 88
Punchdown tool 88
Cable tester 88
Loopback plug 89
Network tap 89
Exam essentials 89
Review Questions 90
Chapter 3 Hardware 95
3.1 Explain basic cable types and their connectors,
features, and purposes 102
Network cables 102
Peripheral cables 107
Video cables 108
Hard drive cables 111
Adapters 117
Connector types 119
Exam essentials 124
3.2 Given a scenario, install the appropriate RAM 124
RAM types 124
Single-channel/Dual-channel 127
Triple Channel 127
Quad-channel 128
Exam essentials 128
3.3 Given a scenario, select and install storage devices 129
Hard drives 129
SSDs 131
Drive configurations 132
Removable storage 134
Exam essentials 139
3.4 Given a scenario, install and configure
motherboards, central processing units (CPUs),
and add-on cards 139
Motherboard form factor 139
Motherboard connector types 142
Motherboard compatibility 148
Basic Input/Output System (BIOS)/Unified
Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) settings 153
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xiv Contents
Encryption 155
CPU architecture 155
Expansion cards 156
Cooling 159
Exam essentials 160
3.5 Given a scenario, install or replace the appropriate
power supply 160
Input 115V vs. 220V 161
Output 3.3V vs. 5V vs. 12V 161
20-pin to 24-pin motherboard adapter 161
Redundant power supply 162
Modular power supply 162
Wattage rating 162
Exam essentials 163
3.6 Given a scenario, deploy and configure
multifunction devices/printers and settings 163
Properly unboxing a device – setup location considerations 163
Use appropriate drivers for a given OS 164
Device connectivity 164
Public/shared devices 165
Configuration settings 167
Security 168
Network scan services 169
Automatic document feeder (ADF)/flatbed scanner 169
Exam essentials 170
3.7 Given a scenario, install and replace printer consumables 170
Laser 170
Inkjet 181
Thermal 184
Impact 186
Exam essentials 188
Review Questions 190
Chapter 4 Virtualization and Cloud Computing 197
4.1 Summarize cloud computing concepts 199
Common cloud models 199
Cloud characteristics 200
Desktop virtualization 201
Exam essentials 201
4.2 Summarize aspects of client-side virtualization 202
Purpose of virtual machines 202
Exam essentials 205
Review Questions 206
Encryption 155
CPU architecture 155
Expansion cards 156
Cooling 159
Exam essentials 160
3.5 Given a scenario, install or replace the appropriate
power supply 160
Input 115V vs. 220V 161
Output 3.3V vs. 5V vs. 12V 161
20-pin to 24-pin motherboard adapter 161
Redundant power supply 162
Modular power supply 162
Wattage rating 162
Exam essentials 163
3.6 Given a scenario, deploy and configure
multifunction devices/printers and settings 163
Properly unboxing a device – setup location considerations 163
Use appropriate drivers for a given OS 164
Device connectivity 164
Public/shared devices 165
Configuration settings 167
Security 168
Network scan services 169
Automatic document feeder (ADF)/flatbed scanner 169
Exam essentials 170
3.7 Given a scenario, install and replace printer consumables 170
Laser 170
Inkjet 181
Thermal 184
Impact 186
Exam essentials 188
Review Questions 190
Chapter 4 Virtualization and Cloud Computing 197
4.1 Summarize cloud computing concepts 199
Common cloud models 199
Cloud characteristics 200
Desktop virtualization 201
Exam essentials 201
4.2 Summarize aspects of client-side virtualization 202
Purpose of virtual machines 202
Exam essentials 205
Review Questions 206
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Contents xv
Chapter 5 Hardware and Network Troubleshooting 209
5.1 Given a scenario, apply the best practice methodology
to resolve problems 213
Always consider corporate policies, procedures, and
impacts before implementing changes 213
1. Identify the problem 214
2. Establish a theory of probable cause
(question the obvious) 214
3. Test the theory to determine cause 215
4. Establish a plan of action to resolve the problem
and implement the solution 215
5. Verify full system functionality and, if applicable,
implement preventive measures 216
6. Document the findings, actions, and outcomes 216
Exam essentials 216
5.2 Given a scenario, troubleshoot problems related to
motherboards, RAM, CPU, and power 216
Common symptoms 217
Exam essentials 224
5.3 Given a scenario, troubleshoot and diagnose problems
with storage drives and RAID arrays 225
Common symptoms 225
Exam essentials 228
5.4 Given a scenario, troubleshoot video, projector, and
display issues 229
Common symptoms 229
Exam essentials 232
5.5 Given a scenario, troubleshoot common issues with mobile
devices 232
Common symptoms 233
Exam essentials 237
5.6 Given a scenario, troubleshoot and resolve printer issues 238
Common symptoms 238
Exam essentials 244
5.7 Given a scenario, troubleshoot problems with wired
and wireless networks 244
Common symptoms 244
Exam essentials 247
Review Questions 248
Part II CompTIA A+ Core 2 Exam 220-1102 251
Chapter 6 Operating Systems 253
1.1 Identify basic features of Microsoft Windows editions 263
Windows 10 editions 263
Windows 11 264
Chapter 5 Hardware and Network Troubleshooting 209
5.1 Given a scenario, apply the best practice methodology
to resolve problems 213
Always consider corporate policies, procedures, and
impacts before implementing changes 213
1. Identify the problem 214
2. Establish a theory of probable cause
(question the obvious) 214
3. Test the theory to determine cause 215
4. Establish a plan of action to resolve the problem
and implement the solution 215
5. Verify full system functionality and, if applicable,
implement preventive measures 216
6. Document the findings, actions, and outcomes 216
Exam essentials 216
5.2 Given a scenario, troubleshoot problems related to
motherboards, RAM, CPU, and power 216
Common symptoms 217
Exam essentials 224
5.3 Given a scenario, troubleshoot and diagnose problems
with storage drives and RAID arrays 225
Common symptoms 225
Exam essentials 228
5.4 Given a scenario, troubleshoot video, projector, and
display issues 229
Common symptoms 229
Exam essentials 232
5.5 Given a scenario, troubleshoot common issues with mobile
devices 232
Common symptoms 233
Exam essentials 237
5.6 Given a scenario, troubleshoot and resolve printer issues 238
Common symptoms 238
Exam essentials 244
5.7 Given a scenario, troubleshoot problems with wired
and wireless networks 244
Common symptoms 244
Exam essentials 247
Review Questions 248
Part II CompTIA A+ Core 2 Exam 220-1102 251
Chapter 6 Operating Systems 253
1.1 Identify basic features of Microsoft Windows editions 263
Windows 10 editions 263
Windows 11 264
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xvi Contents
Feature differences 264
Upgrade paths 266
Exam essentials 267
1.2 Given a scenario, use the appropriate Microsoft
command-line tool 268
Navigation 268
Command-line tools 271
Exam essentials 290
1.3 Given a scenario, use features and tools of the
Microsoft Windows 10 operating system (OS) 290
Task Manager 291
Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in 296
Additional tools 312
Exam essentials 320
1.4 Given a scenario, use the appropriate Microsoft
Windows 10 Control Panel utility 320
Internet Options 320
Devices and Printers 327
Programs and Features 329
Network and Sharing Center 331
System 331
Windows Defender Firewall 335
Mail 335
Sound 336
User Accounts 337
Device Manager 339
Indexing Options 340
Administrative Tools 340
File Explorer Options 342
Power Options 346
Ease of Access 348
Exam essentials 349
1.5 Given a scenario, use the appropriate Windows settings 349
Time and Language 350
Update and Security 351
Personalization 352
Apps 355
Privacy 356
System 357
Devices 357
Network and Internet 359
Gaming 361
Accounts 362
Exam essentials 362
Feature differences 264
Upgrade paths 266
Exam essentials 267
1.2 Given a scenario, use the appropriate Microsoft
command-line tool 268
Navigation 268
Command-line tools 271
Exam essentials 290
1.3 Given a scenario, use features and tools of the
Microsoft Windows 10 operating system (OS) 290
Task Manager 291
Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in 296
Additional tools 312
Exam essentials 320
1.4 Given a scenario, use the appropriate Microsoft
Windows 10 Control Panel utility 320
Internet Options 320
Devices and Printers 327
Programs and Features 329
Network and Sharing Center 331
System 331
Windows Defender Firewall 335
Mail 335
Sound 336
User Accounts 337
Device Manager 339
Indexing Options 340
Administrative Tools 340
File Explorer Options 342
Power Options 346
Ease of Access 348
Exam essentials 349
1.5 Given a scenario, use the appropriate Windows settings 349
Time and Language 350
Update and Security 351
Personalization 352
Apps 355
Privacy 356
System 357
Devices 357
Network and Internet 359
Gaming 361
Accounts 362
Exam essentials 362
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Contents xvii
1.6 Given a scenario, configure Microsoft Windows
networking features on a client/desktop 364
Workgroup vs. domain setup 364
Local OS firewall settings 368
Client network configuration 369
Establish network connections 370
Proxy settings 371
Exam essentials 373
1.7 Given a scenario, apply application installation and
configuration concepts 374
System requirements for applications 374
OS requirements for applications 375
Distribution methods 376
Other considerations for new applications 377
Exam essentials 378
1.8 Explain common OS types and their purposes 378
Workstation OSs 378
Cell phone/tablet OSs 379
Various filesystem types 380
Vendor life-cycle limitations 381
Compatibility concerns between OSs 381
Exam essentials 382
1.9 Given a scenario, perform OS installations and
upgrades in a diverse OS environment 382
Boot methods 382
Types of installations 384
Partitioning 388
Drive format 389
Upgrade considerations 390
Feature updates 390
Exam essentials 391
1.10 Identify common features and tools of the
macOS/desktop OS 391
Installation and uninstallation of applications 391
Apple ID and corporate restrictions 392
Best practices 393
System Preferences 394
Features 398
Disk Utility 401
FileVault 402
Terminal 402
Force Quit 403
Exam essentials 404
1.6 Given a scenario, configure Microsoft Windows
networking features on a client/desktop 364
Workgroup vs. domain setup 364
Local OS firewall settings 368
Client network configuration 369
Establish network connections 370
Proxy settings 371
Exam essentials 373
1.7 Given a scenario, apply application installation and
configuration concepts 374
System requirements for applications 374
OS requirements for applications 375
Distribution methods 376
Other considerations for new applications 377
Exam essentials 378
1.8 Explain common OS types and their purposes 378
Workstation OSs 378
Cell phone/tablet OSs 379
Various filesystem types 380
Vendor life-cycle limitations 381
Compatibility concerns between OSs 381
Exam essentials 382
1.9 Given a scenario, perform OS installations and
upgrades in a diverse OS environment 382
Boot methods 382
Types of installations 384
Partitioning 388
Drive format 389
Upgrade considerations 390
Feature updates 390
Exam essentials 391
1.10 Identify common features and tools of the
macOS/desktop OS 391
Installation and uninstallation of applications 391
Apple ID and corporate restrictions 392
Best practices 393
System Preferences 394
Features 398
Disk Utility 401
FileVault 402
Terminal 402
Force Quit 403
Exam essentials 404
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xviii Contents
1.11 Identify common features and tools of the Linux
client/desktop OS 404
Common commands 404
Best practices 411
Tools 414
Exam essentials 415
Review Questions 416
Chapter 7 Security 419
2.1 Summarize various security measures and their
purposes 427
Physical security 427
Physical security for staff 432
Logical security 435
Mobile device management (MDM) 436
Active Directory 437
Exam essentials 439
2.2 Compare and contrast wireless security protocols
and authentication methods 439
Protocols and encryption 439
Authentication 441
Exam essentials 442
2.3 Given a scenario, detect, remove, and prevent
malware using the appropriate tools and methods 443
Malware 443
Tools and methods 449
Exam essentials 452
2.4 Explain common social-engineering attacks, threats,
and vulnerabilities 452
Social engineering 452
Threats 455
Vulnerabilities 458
Exam essentials 459
2.5 Given a scenario, manage and configure basic
security settings in the Microsoft Windows OS 459
Defender Antivirus 459
Firewall 461
Users and Groups 462
Login OS Options 463
NTFS vs. share permissions 464
Shared files and folders 467
Run as administrator vs. standard user 468
BitLocker 470
BitLocker To Go 470
1.11 Identify common features and tools of the Linux
client/desktop OS 404
Common commands 404
Best practices 411
Tools 414
Exam essentials 415
Review Questions 416
Chapter 7 Security 419
2.1 Summarize various security measures and their
purposes 427
Physical security 427
Physical security for staff 432
Logical security 435
Mobile device management (MDM) 436
Active Directory 437
Exam essentials 439
2.2 Compare and contrast wireless security protocols
and authentication methods 439
Protocols and encryption 439
Authentication 441
Exam essentials 442
2.3 Given a scenario, detect, remove, and prevent
malware using the appropriate tools and methods 443
Malware 443
Tools and methods 449
Exam essentials 452
2.4 Explain common social-engineering attacks, threats,
and vulnerabilities 452
Social engineering 452
Threats 455
Vulnerabilities 458
Exam essentials 459
2.5 Given a scenario, manage and configure basic
security settings in the Microsoft Windows OS 459
Defender Antivirus 459
Firewall 461
Users and Groups 462
Login OS Options 463
NTFS vs. share permissions 464
Shared files and folders 467
Run as administrator vs. standard user 468
BitLocker 470
BitLocker To Go 470
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Contents xix
Encrypting File System (EFS) 470
Exam essentials 471
2.6 Given a scenario, configure a workstation to meet
best practices for security 471
Data-at-rest encryption 472
Password best practices 472
End-user best practices 473
Account management 474
Change default administrator’s user account/password 475
Disable AutoRun 475
Disable Autoplay 476
Exam essentials 476
2.7 Explain common methods for securing mobile and
embedded devices 476
Screen locks 477
Remote wipes 478
Locator applications 478
OS updates 478
Device encryption 479
Remote backup applications 479
Failed login attempts restrictions 479
Antivirus/anti-malware 479
Firewalls 480
Policies and procedures 480
Internet of Things (IoT) 480
Exam essentials 480
2.8 Given a scenario, use common data destruction
and disposal methods 481
Physical destruction 481
Recycling or repurposing best practices 482
Outsourcing concepts 484
Exam essentials 484
2.9 Given a scenario, configure appropriate security
settings on small office/home office (SOHO) wireless
and wired networks 485
Home router settings 485
Wireless specific 488
Firewall settings 491
Exam essentials 491
2.10 Given a scenario, install and configure browsers
and relevant security settings 492
Browser download/installation 492
Extensions and plug-ins 492
Encrypting File System (EFS) 470
Exam essentials 471
2.6 Given a scenario, configure a workstation to meet
best practices for security 471
Data-at-rest encryption 472
Password best practices 472
End-user best practices 473
Account management 474
Change default administrator’s user account/password 475
Disable AutoRun 475
Disable Autoplay 476
Exam essentials 476
2.7 Explain common methods for securing mobile and
embedded devices 476
Screen locks 477
Remote wipes 478
Locator applications 478
OS updates 478
Device encryption 479
Remote backup applications 479
Failed login attempts restrictions 479
Antivirus/anti-malware 479
Firewalls 480
Policies and procedures 480
Internet of Things (IoT) 480
Exam essentials 480
2.8 Given a scenario, use common data destruction
and disposal methods 481
Physical destruction 481
Recycling or repurposing best practices 482
Outsourcing concepts 484
Exam essentials 484
2.9 Given a scenario, configure appropriate security
settings on small office/home office (SOHO) wireless
and wired networks 485
Home router settings 485
Wireless specific 488
Firewall settings 491
Exam essentials 491
2.10 Given a scenario, install and configure browsers
and relevant security settings 492
Browser download/installation 492
Extensions and plug-ins 492
Loading page 22...
xx Contents
Password managers 493
Secure connections/sites – valid certificates 493
Settings 493
Exam essentials 496
Review Questions 497
Chapter 8 Software Troubleshooting 501
3.1 Given a scenario, troubleshoot common Windows OS
problems 505
Common symptoms 505
Common troubleshooting steps 510
Exam essentials 514
3.2 Given a scenario, troubleshoot common personal
computer (PC) security issues 514
Common symptoms 514
Browser-related symptoms 517
Exam essentials 518
3.3 Given a scenario, use best practice procedures for malware
removal 518
1. Investigate and verify malware symptoms 518
2. Quarantine infected systems 519
3. Disable System Restore in Windows 519
4. Remediate infected systems 519
5. Schedule scans and run updates 519
6. Enable System Restore and create a restore point
in Windows 520
7. Educate the end user 520
Exam essentials 520
3.4 Given a scenario, troubleshoot common mobile OS
and application issues 520
Common symptoms 521
Exam essentials 524
3.5 Given a scenario, troubleshoot common mobile OS
and application security issues 524
Security concerns 524
Common symptoms 526
Exam essentials 527
Review Questions 528
Chapter 9 Operational Procedures 531
4.1 Given a scenario, implement best practices associated
with documentation and support systems information
management 538
Ticketing systems 538
Asset management 540
Password managers 493
Secure connections/sites – valid certificates 493
Settings 493
Exam essentials 496
Review Questions 497
Chapter 8 Software Troubleshooting 501
3.1 Given a scenario, troubleshoot common Windows OS
problems 505
Common symptoms 505
Common troubleshooting steps 510
Exam essentials 514
3.2 Given a scenario, troubleshoot common personal
computer (PC) security issues 514
Common symptoms 514
Browser-related symptoms 517
Exam essentials 518
3.3 Given a scenario, use best practice procedures for malware
removal 518
1. Investigate and verify malware symptoms 518
2. Quarantine infected systems 519
3. Disable System Restore in Windows 519
4. Remediate infected systems 519
5. Schedule scans and run updates 519
6. Enable System Restore and create a restore point
in Windows 520
7. Educate the end user 520
Exam essentials 520
3.4 Given a scenario, troubleshoot common mobile OS
and application issues 520
Common symptoms 521
Exam essentials 524
3.5 Given a scenario, troubleshoot common mobile OS
and application security issues 524
Security concerns 524
Common symptoms 526
Exam essentials 527
Review Questions 528
Chapter 9 Operational Procedures 531
4.1 Given a scenario, implement best practices associated
with documentation and support systems information
management 538
Ticketing systems 538
Asset management 540
Loading page 23...
Contents xxi
Types of documents 542
Knowledge base/articles 545
Exam essentials 545
4.2 Explain basic change-management best practices 545
Documented business processes 546
Change management 546
Exam essentials 548
4.3 Given a scenario, implement workstation backup and
recovery methods 548
Backup and recovery 548
Backup testing 550
Backup rotation schemes 550
Exam essentials 551
4.4 Given a scenario, use common safety procedures 552
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) straps 552
ESD mats 553
Equipment grounding 554
Proper power handling 555
Proper component handling and storage 555
Antistatic bags 555
Compliance with government regulations 555
Personal safety 555
Exam essentials 557
4.5 Summarize environmental impacts and local
environmental controls 557
Material safety data sheet (MSDS)/documentation
for handling and disposal 557
Temperature, humidity-level awareness, and proper
ventilation 559
Power surges, brownouts, and blackouts 562
Exam essentials 564
4.6 Explain the importance of prohibited content/activity
and privacy, licensing, and policy concepts 565
Incident response 565
Licensing/digital rights management (DRM)/end-user
license agreement (EULA) 567
Regulated data 568
Exam essentials 569
4.7 Given a scenario, use proper communication techniques
and professionalism 569
Professional appearance and attire 570
Use proper language and avoid jargon, acronyms,
and slang, when applicable 570
Types of documents 542
Knowledge base/articles 545
Exam essentials 545
4.2 Explain basic change-management best practices 545
Documented business processes 546
Change management 546
Exam essentials 548
4.3 Given a scenario, implement workstation backup and
recovery methods 548
Backup and recovery 548
Backup testing 550
Backup rotation schemes 550
Exam essentials 551
4.4 Given a scenario, use common safety procedures 552
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) straps 552
ESD mats 553
Equipment grounding 554
Proper power handling 555
Proper component handling and storage 555
Antistatic bags 555
Compliance with government regulations 555
Personal safety 555
Exam essentials 557
4.5 Summarize environmental impacts and local
environmental controls 557
Material safety data sheet (MSDS)/documentation
for handling and disposal 557
Temperature, humidity-level awareness, and proper
ventilation 559
Power surges, brownouts, and blackouts 562
Exam essentials 564
4.6 Explain the importance of prohibited content/activity
and privacy, licensing, and policy concepts 565
Incident response 565
Licensing/digital rights management (DRM)/end-user
license agreement (EULA) 567
Regulated data 568
Exam essentials 569
4.7 Given a scenario, use proper communication techniques
and professionalism 569
Professional appearance and attire 570
Use proper language and avoid jargon, acronyms,
and slang, when applicable 570
Loading page 24...
xxii Contents
Maintain a positive attitude/project confidence 571
Actively listen, take notes, and avoid interrupting
the customer 571
Be culturally sensitive 571
Be on time (if late, contact the customer) 572
Avoid distractions 572
Dealing with difficult customers or situations 573
Set and meet expectations/time line and communicate
status with the customer 574
Deal appropriately with customers’ confidential and
private materials 575
Exam essentials 576
4.8 Identify the basics of scripting 576
Script file types 576
Use cases for scripting 577
Other considerations when using scripts 578
Exam essentials 579
4.9 Given a scenario, use remote access technologies 579
Methods/tools 579
Security considerations of each access method 582
Exam essentials 582
Review Questions 583
Appendix Answers to the Review Questions 587
Chapter 1: Mobile Devices 588
Chapter 2: Networking 589
Chapter 3: Hardware 591
Chapter 4: Virtualization and Cloud Computing 595
Chapter 5: Hardware and Network Troubleshooting 596
Chapter 6: Operating Systems 598
Chapter 7: Security 599
Chapter 8: Software Troubleshooting 602
Chapter 9: Operational Procedures 603
Index 607
Maintain a positive attitude/project confidence 571
Actively listen, take notes, and avoid interrupting
the customer 571
Be culturally sensitive 571
Be on time (if late, contact the customer) 572
Avoid distractions 572
Dealing with difficult customers or situations 573
Set and meet expectations/time line and communicate
status with the customer 574
Deal appropriately with customers’ confidential and
private materials 575
Exam essentials 576
4.8 Identify the basics of scripting 576
Script file types 576
Use cases for scripting 577
Other considerations when using scripts 578
Exam essentials 579
4.9 Given a scenario, use remote access technologies 579
Methods/tools 579
Security considerations of each access method 582
Exam essentials 582
Review Questions 583
Appendix Answers to the Review Questions 587
Chapter 1: Mobile Devices 588
Chapter 2: Networking 589
Chapter 3: Hardware 591
Chapter 4: Virtualization and Cloud Computing 595
Chapter 5: Hardware and Network Troubleshooting 596
Chapter 6: Operating Systems 598
Chapter 7: Security 599
Chapter 8: Software Troubleshooting 602
Chapter 9: Operational Procedures 603
Index 607
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The A+ certification program was developed by the Computing Technology Industry
Association (CompTIA) to provide an industry-wide means of certifying the competency of
computer service technicians. The A+ certification is granted to those who have attained the
level of knowledge and troubleshooting skills that are needed to provide capable support in
the field of personal computers. CompTIA is a widely respected industry leader in this area.
CompTIA’s A+ exam objectives are periodically updated to keep the certification appli-
cable to the most recent hardware and software. This is necessary because a technician must
be able to work on the latest equipment. The most recent revisions to the objectives—and to
the whole program—were introduced in 2022 and are reflected in this book.
This book and the Sybex CompTIA A+ Complete Study Guide (both the Standard and
Deluxe Editions) are tools to help you prepare for this certification—and for the new areas
of focus of a modern computer technician’s job.
What Is A+ Certification?
The A+ certification program was created to offer a wide-ranging certification, in the sense
that it’s intended to certify competence with personal computers from many different
makers/vendors. Everyone must take and pass two exams: 220-1101 and 220-1102.
You don’t have to take the 220-1101 exam and the 220-1102 exam at the same time. The
A+ certification isn’t awarded until you’ve passed both tests. For the latest pricing on the
exams and updates to the registration procedures, call Pearson VUE at (877) 551-7587. You
can also go to Pearson VUE for additional information or to register online at www If you have further questions about the scope of the exams or
related CompTIA programs, refer to the CompTIA website at
Who Should Buy This Book?
If you want to acquire a solid foundation in personal computer basics and your goal is to
prepare for the exams by filling in any gaps in your knowledge, this book is for you. You’ll
find clear explanations of the concepts you need to grasp and plenty of help to achieve the
high level of professional competency you need to succeed in your chosen field.
If you want to become certified as an A+ holder, this book is definitely what you need.
However, if you just want to attempt to pass the exam without really understanding the
basics of personal computers, this guide isn’t for you. It’s written for people who want to
acquire skills and knowledge of personal computer basics.
The A+ certification program was developed by the Computing Technology Industry
Association (CompTIA) to provide an industry-wide means of certifying the competency of
computer service technicians. The A+ certification is granted to those who have attained the
level of knowledge and troubleshooting skills that are needed to provide capable support in
the field of personal computers. CompTIA is a widely respected industry leader in this area.
CompTIA’s A+ exam objectives are periodically updated to keep the certification appli-
cable to the most recent hardware and software. This is necessary because a technician must
be able to work on the latest equipment. The most recent revisions to the objectives—and to
the whole program—were introduced in 2022 and are reflected in this book.
This book and the Sybex CompTIA A+ Complete Study Guide (both the Standard and
Deluxe Editions) are tools to help you prepare for this certification—and for the new areas
of focus of a modern computer technician’s job.
What Is A+ Certification?
The A+ certification program was created to offer a wide-ranging certification, in the sense
that it’s intended to certify competence with personal computers from many different
makers/vendors. Everyone must take and pass two exams: 220-1101 and 220-1102.
You don’t have to take the 220-1101 exam and the 220-1102 exam at the same time. The
A+ certification isn’t awarded until you’ve passed both tests. For the latest pricing on the
exams and updates to the registration procedures, call Pearson VUE at (877) 551-7587. You
can also go to Pearson VUE for additional information or to register online at www If you have further questions about the scope of the exams or
related CompTIA programs, refer to the CompTIA website at
Who Should Buy This Book?
If you want to acquire a solid foundation in personal computer basics and your goal is to
prepare for the exams by filling in any gaps in your knowledge, this book is for you. You’ll
find clear explanations of the concepts you need to grasp and plenty of help to achieve the
high level of professional competency you need to succeed in your chosen field.
If you want to become certified as an A+ holder, this book is definitely what you need.
However, if you just want to attempt to pass the exam without really understanding the
basics of personal computers, this guide isn’t for you. It’s written for people who want to
acquire skills and knowledge of personal computer basics.
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xxiv Introduction
How to Use This Book
We’ve included several learning tools in the book. These tools will help you retain vital exam
content as well as prepare to sit for the actual exams.
Exam Essentials Each chapter includes a number of exam essentials. These are the key
topics that you should take from the chapter in terms of areas on which you should focus
when preparing for the exam.
Chapter Review Questions To test your knowledge as you progress through the book, there
are review questions at the end of each chapter. As you finish each chapter, answer the review
questions and then check your answers—the correct answers are in the appendix. You can
go back to reread the section that deals with each question you got wrong to ensure that you
answer correctly the next time you’re tested on the material.
Interactive Online Learning Environment
and Test Bank
The interactive online learning environment that accompanies CompTIA® A+® Complete
Review Guide: Core 1 Exam 220-1101 and Core 2 Exam 220-1102, Fifth Edition, provides
a test bank with study tools to help you prepare for the certification exam—and increase
your chances of passing it the first time! The test bank includes the following:
Sample Tests All the questions in this book are provided, including the review questions
at the end of each chapter. In addition, there are four practice exams. Use these questions
to test your knowledge of the study guide material. The online test bank runs on mul-
tiple devices.
Flashcards Two sets of questions are provided in digital flashcard format (a question fol-
lowed by a single correct answer). You can use the flashcards to reinforce your learning and
provide last-minute test prep before the exam.
Other Study Tools A glossary of key terms from this book and their definitions is available
as a fully searchable PDF.
How to Use This Book
We’ve included several learning tools in the book. These tools will help you retain vital exam
content as well as prepare to sit for the actual exams.
Exam Essentials Each chapter includes a number of exam essentials. These are the key
topics that you should take from the chapter in terms of areas on which you should focus
when preparing for the exam.
Chapter Review Questions To test your knowledge as you progress through the book, there
are review questions at the end of each chapter. As you finish each chapter, answer the review
questions and then check your answers—the correct answers are in the appendix. You can
go back to reread the section that deals with each question you got wrong to ensure that you
answer correctly the next time you’re tested on the material.
Interactive Online Learning Environment
and Test Bank
The interactive online learning environment that accompanies CompTIA® A+® Complete
Review Guide: Core 1 Exam 220-1101 and Core 2 Exam 220-1102, Fifth Edition, provides
a test bank with study tools to help you prepare for the certification exam—and increase
your chances of passing it the first time! The test bank includes the following:
Sample Tests All the questions in this book are provided, including the review questions
at the end of each chapter. In addition, there are four practice exams. Use these questions
to test your knowledge of the study guide material. The online test bank runs on mul-
tiple devices.
Flashcards Two sets of questions are provided in digital flashcard format (a question fol-
lowed by a single correct answer). You can use the flashcards to reinforce your learning and
provide last-minute test prep before the exam.
Other Study Tools A glossary of key terms from this book and their definitions is available
as a fully searchable PDF.
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Introduction xxv
Tips for Taking the A+ Exams
Here are some general tips for taking your exams successfully:
■ Bring two forms of ID with you. One must be a photo ID, such as a driver’s license. The
other can be a major credit card or a passport. Both forms must include a signature.
■ Arrive early at the exam center so that you can relax and review your study materials,
particularly tables and lists of exam-related information.
■ Read the questions carefully. Don’t be tempted to jump to an early conclusion. Make
sure you know exactly what the question is asking.
■ Don’t leave any unanswered questions. Unanswered questions are scored against you.
■ There will be questions with multiple correct responses. When there is more than one
correct answer, a message at the bottom of the screen will prompt you to either “Choose
two” or “Choose all that apply.” Be sure to read the messages displayed to know how
many correct answers you must choose.
■ When answering multiple-choice questions you’re not sure about, use a process of elim-
ination to get rid of the obviously incorrect answers first. Doing so will improve your
odds if you need to make an educated guess.
■ On form-based tests (nonadaptive), because the hard questions will eat up the most
time, save them for last. You can move forward and backward through the exam.
■ For the latest pricing on the exams and updates to the registration procedures, visit
CompTIA’s website at
CompTIA A+ 1100 Series Exam
CompTIA goes to great lengths to ensure that its certification programs accurately reflect the
IT industry’s best practices. The company does this by establishing Cornerstone Committees
for each of its exam programs. Each committee consists of a small group of IT professionals,
training providers, and publishers who are responsible for establishing the exam’s baseline
competency level and who determine the appropriate target audience level.
Once these factors are determined, CompTIA shares this information with a group of
hand-selected subject-matter experts (SMEs). These folks are the true brainpower behind
the certification program. They review the committee’s findings, refine them, and shape them
into the objectives you see before you. CompTIA calls this process a job task analysis (JTA).
Finally, CompTIA conducts a survey to ensure that the objectives and weightings truly
reflect the job requirements. Only then can the SMEs go to work writing the hundreds of
questions needed for the exam. And, in many cases, they have to go back to the drawing
Tips for Taking the A+ Exams
Here are some general tips for taking your exams successfully:
■ Bring two forms of ID with you. One must be a photo ID, such as a driver’s license. The
other can be a major credit card or a passport. Both forms must include a signature.
■ Arrive early at the exam center so that you can relax and review your study materials,
particularly tables and lists of exam-related information.
■ Read the questions carefully. Don’t be tempted to jump to an early conclusion. Make
sure you know exactly what the question is asking.
■ Don’t leave any unanswered questions. Unanswered questions are scored against you.
■ There will be questions with multiple correct responses. When there is more than one
correct answer, a message at the bottom of the screen will prompt you to either “Choose
two” or “Choose all that apply.” Be sure to read the messages displayed to know how
many correct answers you must choose.
■ When answering multiple-choice questions you’re not sure about, use a process of elim-
ination to get rid of the obviously incorrect answers first. Doing so will improve your
odds if you need to make an educated guess.
■ On form-based tests (nonadaptive), because the hard questions will eat up the most
time, save them for last. You can move forward and backward through the exam.
■ For the latest pricing on the exams and updates to the registration procedures, visit
CompTIA’s website at
CompTIA A+ 1100 Series Exam
CompTIA goes to great lengths to ensure that its certification programs accurately reflect the
IT industry’s best practices. The company does this by establishing Cornerstone Committees
for each of its exam programs. Each committee consists of a small group of IT professionals,
training providers, and publishers who are responsible for establishing the exam’s baseline
competency level and who determine the appropriate target audience level.
Once these factors are determined, CompTIA shares this information with a group of
hand-selected subject-matter experts (SMEs). These folks are the true brainpower behind
the certification program. They review the committee’s findings, refine them, and shape them
into the objectives you see before you. CompTIA calls this process a job task analysis (JTA).
Finally, CompTIA conducts a survey to ensure that the objectives and weightings truly
reflect the job requirements. Only then can the SMEs go to work writing the hundreds of
questions needed for the exam. And, in many cases, they have to go back to the drawing
Loading page 28...
xxvi Introduction
board for further refinements before the exam is ready to go live in its final state. So, rest
assured, the content you’re about to learn will serve you long after you take the exam.
Exam objectives are subject to change at any time without prior notice and at
CompTIA’s sole discretion. Please visit the certification page of CompTIA’s website at for the most current listing of exam objectives.
CompTIA also publishes relative weightings for each of the exam’s objectives. The fol-
lowing tables list the objective domains and the extent to which they’re represented on
each exam:
220-1101 Exam Domains Percent of Exam
1.0 Mobile Devices 15%
2.0 Networking 20%
3.0 Hardware 25%
4.0 Virtualization and Cloud Computing 11%
5.0 Hardware and Network Troubleshooting 29%
Total 100%
220-1102 Exam Domains Percent of Exam
1.0 Operating Systems 31%
2.0 Security 25%
3.0 Software Troubleshooting 22%
4.0 Operational Procedures 22%
Total 100%
board for further refinements before the exam is ready to go live in its final state. So, rest
assured, the content you’re about to learn will serve you long after you take the exam.
Exam objectives are subject to change at any time without prior notice and at
CompTIA’s sole discretion. Please visit the certification page of CompTIA’s website at for the most current listing of exam objectives.
CompTIA also publishes relative weightings for each of the exam’s objectives. The fol-
lowing tables list the objective domains and the extent to which they’re represented on
each exam:
220-1101 Exam Domains Percent of Exam
1.0 Mobile Devices 15%
2.0 Networking 20%
3.0 Hardware 25%
4.0 Virtualization and Cloud Computing 11%
5.0 Hardware and Network Troubleshooting 29%
Total 100%
220-1102 Exam Domains Percent of Exam
1.0 Operating Systems 31%
2.0 Security 25%
3.0 Software Troubleshooting 22%
4.0 Operational Procedures 22%
Total 100%
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A+ Core 1
Exam 220-1101
A+ Core 1
Exam 220-1101
Loading page 30...
Chapter 1 Mobile Devices
Chapter 2 Networking
Chapter 3 Hardware
Chapter 4 Virtualization and Cloud Computing
Chapter 5 Hardware and Network Troubleshooting
2 Part I ■ CompTIA A+ Core 1 Exam 220-1101
Chapter 2 Networking
Chapter 3 Hardware
Chapter 4 Virtualization and Cloud Computing
Chapter 5 Hardware and Network Troubleshooting
2 Part I ■ CompTIA A+ Core 1 Exam 220-1101
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CompTIA Certifications