Test Bank for Business Statistics: A First Course, 3rd Edition
Test Bank for Business Statistics: A First Course, 3rd Edition helps you familiarize yourself with exam formats and key concepts.
William Chen
about 2 months ago
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Chapter 1: Data and Decisions– Quiz A Name_________________________
1.1.1 Identify various aspects of studies and experiments and/or classify variables.
1. Viamedia, the cable industry's leading independent cable rep firm and provider of
online advertising services, sponsored an online survey in June, 2013 to understand
television viewing habits. The survey was given to 2,029 American adults age 18 and
older, of whom 1,958 watch television programming. Of interest was how Americans
watched television –72% watch cable TV while 33% watch on a device (tablet,
smartphone, computer). Describe the W’s for the information given.
• Who:
• What:
• When:
• Where:
• How:
• Why:
1.2.2 Identify various aspects of studies and experiments and/or classify variables.
2. The following tables display some of the demographic data collected in a recent
(2012) Nielsen Global Survey analyzing Asian American purchasing behaviors and
television viewing patterns. List the variables in the data set. Indicate whether each
variable is categorical or quantitative. If the variable is quantitative, give the units.
% Total
% Asian-
0–9 13% 12%
10–17 11% 10%
18–24 10% 10%
25–34 13% 16%
45–54 14% 14%
55–74 20% 14%
75+ 6% 4%
% Total
% Asian-
< $25,000 24% 20%
11% 8%
16% 13%
20% 18%
12% 14%
$100,000+ 18% 29% Composition
of Asian-
Asian-Indian 19%
Vietnamese 11%
Chinese 23%
Korean 10%
Filipino 17%
Japanese 5%
Other Asian 15%
Chapter 1: Data and Decisions– Quiz A Name_________________________
1.1.1 Identify various aspects of studies and experiments and/or classify variables.
1. Viamedia, the cable industry's leading independent cable rep firm and provider of
online advertising services, sponsored an online survey in June, 2013 to understand
television viewing habits. The survey was given to 2,029 American adults age 18 and
older, of whom 1,958 watch television programming. Of interest was how Americans
watched television –72% watch cable TV while 33% watch on a device (tablet,
smartphone, computer). Describe the W’s for the information given.
• Who:
• What:
• When:
• Where:
• How:
• Why:
1.2.2 Identify various aspects of studies and experiments and/or classify variables.
2. The following tables display some of the demographic data collected in a recent
(2012) Nielsen Global Survey analyzing Asian American purchasing behaviors and
television viewing patterns. List the variables in the data set. Indicate whether each
variable is categorical or quantitative. If the variable is quantitative, give the units.
% Total
% Asian-
0–9 13% 12%
10–17 11% 10%
18–24 10% 10%
25–34 13% 16%
45–54 14% 14%
55–74 20% 14%
75+ 6% 4%
% Total
% Asian-
< $25,000 24% 20%
11% 8%
16% 13%
20% 18%
12% 14%
$100,000+ 18% 29% Composition
of Asian-
Asian-Indian 19%
Vietnamese 11%
Chinese 23%
Korean 10%
Filipino 17%
Japanese 5%
Other Asian 15%
1-2 Chapter 1 Data and Decisions
1.2.1 Identify various aspects of studies and experiments and/or classify variables.
3. In addition to the variables listed above, data were also collected on the variables
listed below. Indicate whether each is nominal or ordinal.
• Region of U.S. (NE, NW, MW, SW, SE)
• Education (Less than High School, High School, Some College, College +)
• Marital Status (Single, Widowed, Divorced, Married)
1.2.3 Identify various aspects of studies and experiments and/or classify variables.
4. For each of the following, indicate whether the data are cross-sectional or time series:
• Monthly spending on household goods
• Change in population for 5 consecutive years
• Percentage of adults who bank online
• Composition of types of Asian American families in the most populated U.S.
• Monthly demand for a technology item
• Percentage of adults who purchase goods online
1.2.1 Identify various aspects of studies and experiments and/or classify variables.
3. In addition to the variables listed above, data were also collected on the variables
listed below. Indicate whether each is nominal or ordinal.
• Region of U.S. (NE, NW, MW, SW, SE)
• Education (Less than High School, High School, Some College, College +)
• Marital Status (Single, Widowed, Divorced, Married)
1.2.3 Identify various aspects of studies and experiments and/or classify variables.
4. For each of the following, indicate whether the data are cross-sectional or time series:
• Monthly spending on household goods
• Change in population for 5 consecutive years
• Percentage of adults who bank online
• Composition of types of Asian American families in the most populated U.S.
• Monthly demand for a technology item
• Percentage of adults who purchase goods online
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