Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life, 5th Edition Test Bank
Prepare effectively with Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life, 5th Edition Test Bank—a comprehensive set of questions to help you ace your exams.
Emma Thompson
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Jeffrey Bennett
University of Colorado at Boulder
William L. Briggs
University of Colorado at Denver
Mario F. Triola
Dutchess Community College
Jeffrey Bennett
University of Colorado at Boulder
William L. Briggs
University of Colorado at Denver
Mario F. Triola
Dutchess Community College
Chapter 1 Speaking of Statistics .................................................................................................................. 1
Chapter 2 Measurement in Statistics ...................................................................................................... 13
Chapter 3 Visual Displays of Data .......................................................................................................... 21
Chapter 4 Describing Data .......................................................................................................................... 44
Chapter 5 A Normal World ......................................................................................................................... 63
Chapter 6 Probability in Statistics ........................................................................................................... 71
Chapter 7 Correlation and Causality ...................................................................................................... 83
Chapter 8 Inferences from Samples to Populations ...................................................................... 100
Chapter 9 Hypothesis Testing .................................................................................................................. 108
Chapter 10 t Tests, Two-Way Tables, and ANOVA .................................................................... 123
Answers .................................................................................................................................................................... 135
Chapter 1 Speaking of Statistics .................................................................................................................. 1
Chapter 2 Measurement in Statistics ...................................................................................................... 13
Chapter 3 Visual Displays of Data .......................................................................................................... 21
Chapter 4 Describing Data .......................................................................................................................... 44
Chapter 5 A Normal World ......................................................................................................................... 63
Chapter 6 Probability in Statistics ........................................................................................................... 71
Chapter 7 Correlation and Causality ...................................................................................................... 83
Chapter 8 Inferences from Samples to Populations ...................................................................... 100
Chapter 9 Hypothesis Testing .................................................................................................................. 108
Chapter 10 t Tests, Two-Way Tables, and ANOVA .................................................................... 123
Answers .................................................................................................................................................................... 135
Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life
Chapter 1 (Speaking of Statistics) Exam, form A
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or
answers the question.
For problems 1 and 2, determine whether the evaluated group is a population or a sample.
1) The average (mean) age of all 63 Associate Professors at Cliffton University is 47 years.
A) Population B) Sample
2) A researcher examines the property tax records of 84 property owners in one city and finds that 17%
are behind in their tax payments.
A) Population B) Sample
For problems 3 and 4, determine whether the given value is a statistic or a parameter.
3) The average (mean) age of all 63 Associate Professors at Cliffton University is 47 years.
A) Statistic B) Parameter
4) A researcher examines the property tax records of 84 property owners in one city and finds that 17%
are behind in their tax payments.
A) Statistic B) Parameter
5) Following the Republican National Convention, a poll of 600 voters in a central Illinois community
showed that 57% expected the Republican ticket to win over the Democrat ticket no matter whom the
Democrats chose for vice-president. The margin of error was 4 percentage points. There are 25,000
registered voters in the community. Which range of values is likely to contain the population
A) 13,250 to 15,250 B) 24,400 to 25,600
C) 318 to 366 D) 53% to 61%
6) A poll of 488 citizens of Normal, Illinois, showed that 65% favored strict enforcement of speed limits
with a margin of error of 4%. A second poll of 495 citizens of the same town showed that 34% favored
strict enforcement of speed limits. Assuming that proper sampling techniques were used in both polls,
one may conclude that
A) the percent of the population that favors strict enforcement of speed limits is 49.5% 8%.
B) the percent of the population that favors strict enforcement of speed limits is 49.5% 4%.
C) one or both of the samples may have been unlikely samples from the population.
D) the percent of the population that favors strict enforcement of speed limits is 65% 8%.
7) A poll of 700 attendees of the Taste of Chicago showed that 445 attendees, 65% of the sample,
believed that the food was overpriced. It is estimated that 1,250,000 people attend the Taste. Although
65% plus or minus 5% of attendees believe that the food is overpriced, the Taste is a popular event.
The raw data of the study is (are)
A) 65% of the sample.
B) 700 attendees, 455 attendees.
C) 1,250,000 attendees, 700 attendees, 455 attendees.
D) (60%, 70%)
8) A student wanted to know the favorite lunch at a large high school with a closed campus. What is the
first step in conducting a statistical study to answer the question?
A) Select a random sample of students.
B) Precisely state the goal of the study.
C) Select a random sample of students and teachers.
D) Select a random sample of teachers.
Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life
Chapter 1 (Speaking of Statistics) Exam, form A
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or
answers the question.
For problems 1 and 2, determine whether the evaluated group is a population or a sample.
1) The average (mean) age of all 63 Associate Professors at Cliffton University is 47 years.
A) Population B) Sample
2) A researcher examines the property tax records of 84 property owners in one city and finds that 17%
are behind in their tax payments.
A) Population B) Sample
For problems 3 and 4, determine whether the given value is a statistic or a parameter.
3) The average (mean) age of all 63 Associate Professors at Cliffton University is 47 years.
A) Statistic B) Parameter
4) A researcher examines the property tax records of 84 property owners in one city and finds that 17%
are behind in their tax payments.
A) Statistic B) Parameter
5) Following the Republican National Convention, a poll of 600 voters in a central Illinois community
showed that 57% expected the Republican ticket to win over the Democrat ticket no matter whom the
Democrats chose for vice-president. The margin of error was 4 percentage points. There are 25,000
registered voters in the community. Which range of values is likely to contain the population
A) 13,250 to 15,250 B) 24,400 to 25,600
C) 318 to 366 D) 53% to 61%
6) A poll of 488 citizens of Normal, Illinois, showed that 65% favored strict enforcement of speed limits
with a margin of error of 4%. A second poll of 495 citizens of the same town showed that 34% favored
strict enforcement of speed limits. Assuming that proper sampling techniques were used in both polls,
one may conclude that
A) the percent of the population that favors strict enforcement of speed limits is 49.5% 8%.
B) the percent of the population that favors strict enforcement of speed limits is 49.5% 4%.
C) one or both of the samples may have been unlikely samples from the population.
D) the percent of the population that favors strict enforcement of speed limits is 65% 8%.
7) A poll of 700 attendees of the Taste of Chicago showed that 445 attendees, 65% of the sample,
believed that the food was overpriced. It is estimated that 1,250,000 people attend the Taste. Although
65% plus or minus 5% of attendees believe that the food is overpriced, the Taste is a popular event.
The raw data of the study is (are)
A) 65% of the sample.
B) 700 attendees, 455 attendees.
C) 1,250,000 attendees, 700 attendees, 455 attendees.
D) (60%, 70%)
8) A student wanted to know the favorite lunch at a large high school with a closed campus. What is the
first step in conducting a statistical study to answer the question?
A) Select a random sample of students.
B) Precisely state the goal of the study.
C) Select a random sample of students and teachers.
D) Select a random sample of teachers.
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For problems 9 and 10, determine whether the statement is based on census data or sample
9) The average (mean) age of all 63 Associate Professors at Cliffton University is 47 years.
A) Census data B) Sample data
10) A researcher determines that 17% of 84 property owners in a large city are behind in their tax
A) Census data B) Sample data
For problems 11 and 12, select the most representative sample of the population of interest.
11) A college student who does laundry infrequently wants to determine the effect of stain remover on
what should be white clothes.
A) Reports of two friends, one of whom was given stain remover.
B) The reports of an internet chatroom on laundry techniques.
C) Two loads of personal wash, one with, one without stain remover.
D) Two loads of wash, one personal, one of a friend, the stain remover assigned by a coin flip.
12) The father of a junior high school student wants to determine the most popular book among junior high
students. Select the sample with the least potential bias.
A) A randomly selected group of 10 book sellers
B) A randomly selected group of 30 junior high students
C) A randomly selected group of 30 junior high students leaving the public library
D) The group of 30 junior high students attending the birthday party of the researcher’s child
For problems 13 and 14, identify the sampling technique that was used.
13) A sample consists of every 49th student from a group of 496 students.
A) Systematic
B) Cluster
C) Convenience
D) Random
E) Stratified
14) To avoid working late, a quality-control analyst simply inspects the first 100 items produced in a day.
A) Systematic
B) Cluster
C) Convenience
D) Random
E) Stratified
For problems 15 and 16, determine whether the study is experimental or observational?
15) A marketing firm does a survey to find out how many people use a product. Of the 100 people
contacted, 15 said they use the product.
A) Observational B) Experimental
16) Two samples of fish are taken from a river upstream and downstream of a factory to measure the effect
of pollution from the factory on the fish.
A) Observational B) Experimental
For problems 9 and 10, determine whether the statement is based on census data or sample
9) The average (mean) age of all 63 Associate Professors at Cliffton University is 47 years.
A) Census data B) Sample data
10) A researcher determines that 17% of 84 property owners in a large city are behind in their tax
A) Census data B) Sample data
For problems 11 and 12, select the most representative sample of the population of interest.
11) A college student who does laundry infrequently wants to determine the effect of stain remover on
what should be white clothes.
A) Reports of two friends, one of whom was given stain remover.
B) The reports of an internet chatroom on laundry techniques.
C) Two loads of personal wash, one with, one without stain remover.
D) Two loads of wash, one personal, one of a friend, the stain remover assigned by a coin flip.
12) The father of a junior high school student wants to determine the most popular book among junior high
students. Select the sample with the least potential bias.
A) A randomly selected group of 10 book sellers
B) A randomly selected group of 30 junior high students
C) A randomly selected group of 30 junior high students leaving the public library
D) The group of 30 junior high students attending the birthday party of the researcher’s child
For problems 13 and 14, identify the sampling technique that was used.
13) A sample consists of every 49th student from a group of 496 students.
A) Systematic
B) Cluster
C) Convenience
D) Random
E) Stratified
14) To avoid working late, a quality-control analyst simply inspects the first 100 items produced in a day.
A) Systematic
B) Cluster
C) Convenience
D) Random
E) Stratified
For problems 15 and 16, determine whether the study is experimental or observational?
15) A marketing firm does a survey to find out how many people use a product. Of the 100 people
contacted, 15 said they use the product.
A) Observational B) Experimental
16) Two samples of fish are taken from a river upstream and downstream of a factory to measure the effect
of pollution from the factory on the fish.
A) Observational B) Experimental
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17) A nutritionist wants to conduct a study to validate the efficacy of an herb as an aid in weight loss. She
randomly assigns half of a group of overweight people to a treatment group who are given the herb
with instructions for its use and a planned diet for six weeks. The other half of the group is given
parsley with the same instructions and same diet. A nurse at the nutrition center weighs each subject on
Friday of each week. Select the potential source of confounding.
A) The placebo effect
B) Experimenter effect
C) Method of assignment to treatment and control groups
D) The study is essentially free of potential confounding.
18) Select the most appropriate type of study for the question: Which is the best fertilizer for Mr. Jimenez’s
backyard grass?
A) Experimental B) Experimental blinded
C) Double-blind D) Observational
19) Which data provide the answer to the question: “How many times a week do students at Eureka
College study more than three hours a day?”
A) Of 100 students surveyed, 43 reported that they study at least three hours a day on Saturdays and
B) Of 100 students surveyed, 43 reported that they have studied at least three hours a day.
C) Of 100 students surveyed, 43 reported that they studied at least three hours a day twice last week.
D) Of 100 students surveyed, 43 reported that they intend to study at least three hours a day next
20) Determine which evaluation guideline applies best in questioning the results of the described study:
A homeowner put a brand-name fertilizer/weed killer on half of his lawn and a generic fertilizer/weed
killer on the other half. After three weeks, the generic side had 1 weed per square meter, the other side
had 1.7 weeds per square meter. The generic side required two mowings in the 3 weeks, the brand-
name side one. The homeowner concluded that the generic was superior to the brand name.
A) Consider possible confounding variables.
B) Consider the sample.
C) Consider the type of study.
D) Consider the source.
17) A nutritionist wants to conduct a study to validate the efficacy of an herb as an aid in weight loss. She
randomly assigns half of a group of overweight people to a treatment group who are given the herb
with instructions for its use and a planned diet for six weeks. The other half of the group is given
parsley with the same instructions and same diet. A nurse at the nutrition center weighs each subject on
Friday of each week. Select the potential source of confounding.
A) The placebo effect
B) Experimenter effect
C) Method of assignment to treatment and control groups
D) The study is essentially free of potential confounding.
18) Select the most appropriate type of study for the question: Which is the best fertilizer for Mr. Jimenez’s
backyard grass?
A) Experimental B) Experimental blinded
C) Double-blind D) Observational
19) Which data provide the answer to the question: “How many times a week do students at Eureka
College study more than three hours a day?”
A) Of 100 students surveyed, 43 reported that they study at least three hours a day on Saturdays and
B) Of 100 students surveyed, 43 reported that they have studied at least three hours a day.
C) Of 100 students surveyed, 43 reported that they studied at least three hours a day twice last week.
D) Of 100 students surveyed, 43 reported that they intend to study at least three hours a day next
20) Determine which evaluation guideline applies best in questioning the results of the described study:
A homeowner put a brand-name fertilizer/weed killer on half of his lawn and a generic fertilizer/weed
killer on the other half. After three weeks, the generic side had 1 weed per square meter, the other side
had 1.7 weeds per square meter. The generic side required two mowings in the 3 weeks, the brand-
name side one. The homeowner concluded that the generic was superior to the brand name.
A) Consider possible confounding variables.
B) Consider the sample.
C) Consider the type of study.
D) Consider the source.
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Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life
Chapter 1 (Speaking of Statistics) Exam, form B
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or
answers the question.
For problems 1 and 2, determine whether the evaluated group is a population or a sample.
1) A researcher determines that 42.7% of all downtown office buildings have ventilation problems.
A) Population B) Sample
2) After taking the first exam, 15 students dropped the class.
A) Population B) Sample
For problems 3 and 4, determine whether the given value is a statistic or a parameter.
3) A researcher determines that 42.7% of all downtown office buildings have ventilation problems.
A) Statistic B) Parameter
4) After taking the first exam, 15 students dropped the class.
A) Statistic B) Parameter
5) One month before a recall election, a poll of 500 Wisconsin voters showed that 46% planned to vote
for the Democratic challenger Tom Barrett and 45% planned to vote for Republican Governor Scott
Walker. Undecided voters constituted another 9%. The margin of error was 5 percentage points. What
conclusion can you draw from this poll?
A) Barrett will win the election B) Walker can’t get over 50% of the votes
C) The race is too close to call D) No one will win
6) In a survey of 80 high school football players who committed to play in the Division III CCIW
conference, 64 said that they would work out in their high school weight rooms in the summer before
college. The margin of error for the survey was 6%. A census of all CCIW football players (not just
freshmen) showed that 59% worked out at their high schools. One can conclude that
A) the subjects were less than forthcoming in their responses to the survey.
B) the sample was not representative of the population.
C) there must have been an error in the determination of the margin of error.
D) the census results are consistent with the confidence interval of the study.
7) Data has been collected from a representative sample of a well-defined population to answer the
question: “How much money does the average senior male at Normal Community High School have in
his pockets at the end of the school day on Friday?” The next step in the study is to
A) determine the margin of error.
B) summarize the data with a sample statistic.
C) use the collected data to make inferences about the population.
D) summarize the data with a sample parameter.
Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life
Chapter 1 (Speaking of Statistics) Exam, form B
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or
answers the question.
For problems 1 and 2, determine whether the evaluated group is a population or a sample.
1) A researcher determines that 42.7% of all downtown office buildings have ventilation problems.
A) Population B) Sample
2) After taking the first exam, 15 students dropped the class.
A) Population B) Sample
For problems 3 and 4, determine whether the given value is a statistic or a parameter.
3) A researcher determines that 42.7% of all downtown office buildings have ventilation problems.
A) Statistic B) Parameter
4) After taking the first exam, 15 students dropped the class.
A) Statistic B) Parameter
5) One month before a recall election, a poll of 500 Wisconsin voters showed that 46% planned to vote
for the Democratic challenger Tom Barrett and 45% planned to vote for Republican Governor Scott
Walker. Undecided voters constituted another 9%. The margin of error was 5 percentage points. What
conclusion can you draw from this poll?
A) Barrett will win the election B) Walker can’t get over 50% of the votes
C) The race is too close to call D) No one will win
6) In a survey of 80 high school football players who committed to play in the Division III CCIW
conference, 64 said that they would work out in their high school weight rooms in the summer before
college. The margin of error for the survey was 6%. A census of all CCIW football players (not just
freshmen) showed that 59% worked out at their high schools. One can conclude that
A) the subjects were less than forthcoming in their responses to the survey.
B) the sample was not representative of the population.
C) there must have been an error in the determination of the margin of error.
D) the census results are consistent with the confidence interval of the study.
7) Data has been collected from a representative sample of a well-defined population to answer the
question: “How much money does the average senior male at Normal Community High School have in
his pockets at the end of the school day on Friday?” The next step in the study is to
A) determine the margin of error.
B) summarize the data with a sample statistic.
C) use the collected data to make inferences about the population.
D) summarize the data with a sample parameter.
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8) A U.S. government report stated that, “With bank interest rates around 1.0%, 8% of wage earners
believe it worthwhile to keep money in a savings account. However, at 3.0% interest, 36% of wage
earners believe it worthwhile to keep money in a savings account. The margin of error for both studies
is 4 percentage points.” A proper conclusion from the studies is that
A) increasing the interest rate from 1% to 3% will increase the number of persons saving money in a
savings account.
B) increasing the interest rate may well have no effect on the number of persons saving money in a
savings account.
C) increasing the interest rate will increase the number of persons saving money in a savings
D) the interest rate difference between 1% and 3% may well have no effect on the number of persons
saving money in a savings account.
For problems 9 and 10, determine whether the statement is based on census data or sample
9) Among 50 of the total of 302 patients admitted to an emergency room during one month, 28% had no
health insurance.
A) Census data B) Sample data
10) A researcher surveyed every fifth male entering a florist’s shop on the day before Mother’s Day and
found that 53% of them were married.
A) Census data B) Sample data
For problems 11 and 12, select the most representative sample of the population of interest.
11) An employer wanted to determine the importance of health insurance as a benefit to employees.
A) A group of thirty employees of the company
B) A group of 300 union members work at the company
C) A group of 30 employees from the company who had medical treatment in the past year
D) A group of thirty potential employees at the state office of employment
12) A researcher wants to determine the status of the electorate one month before the presidential election.
Select the sample most likely to produce biased data.
A) A random group of 30 persons in the phone book
B) A group of 30 persons contacted by phone with the numbers randomly chosen
C) A group of 30 persons from the researcher’s birding club who voted in the last election
D) A group of 30 persons on the voter registration list
For problems 13 and 14, identify the sampling techniques used.
13) A market researcher selects 300 female soccer players and 300 male soccer players.
A) Random
B) Cluster
C) Stratified
D) Convenience
E) Systematic
14) A researcher interviews the first 19 colleagues who work in his building as they left work.
A) Random
B) Cluster
C) Stratified
D) Convenience
E) Systematic
8) A U.S. government report stated that, “With bank interest rates around 1.0%, 8% of wage earners
believe it worthwhile to keep money in a savings account. However, at 3.0% interest, 36% of wage
earners believe it worthwhile to keep money in a savings account. The margin of error for both studies
is 4 percentage points.” A proper conclusion from the studies is that
A) increasing the interest rate from 1% to 3% will increase the number of persons saving money in a
savings account.
B) increasing the interest rate may well have no effect on the number of persons saving money in a
savings account.
C) increasing the interest rate will increase the number of persons saving money in a savings
D) the interest rate difference between 1% and 3% may well have no effect on the number of persons
saving money in a savings account.
For problems 9 and 10, determine whether the statement is based on census data or sample
9) Among 50 of the total of 302 patients admitted to an emergency room during one month, 28% had no
health insurance.
A) Census data B) Sample data
10) A researcher surveyed every fifth male entering a florist’s shop on the day before Mother’s Day and
found that 53% of them were married.
A) Census data B) Sample data
For problems 11 and 12, select the most representative sample of the population of interest.
11) An employer wanted to determine the importance of health insurance as a benefit to employees.
A) A group of thirty employees of the company
B) A group of 300 union members work at the company
C) A group of 30 employees from the company who had medical treatment in the past year
D) A group of thirty potential employees at the state office of employment
12) A researcher wants to determine the status of the electorate one month before the presidential election.
Select the sample most likely to produce biased data.
A) A random group of 30 persons in the phone book
B) A group of 30 persons contacted by phone with the numbers randomly chosen
C) A group of 30 persons from the researcher’s birding club who voted in the last election
D) A group of 30 persons on the voter registration list
For problems 13 and 14, identify the sampling techniques used.
13) A market researcher selects 300 female soccer players and 300 male soccer players.
A) Random
B) Cluster
C) Stratified
D) Convenience
E) Systematic
14) A researcher interviews the first 19 colleagues who work in his building as they left work.
A) Random
B) Cluster
C) Stratified
D) Convenience
E) Systematic
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For problems 15 and 16, determine whether the study is observational or experimental.
15) A clinic gives a drug to a group of ten patients and a placebo to another group of ten patients to find
out if the drug has an effect on the patients’ illness.
A) Observational B) Experimental
16) A quality-control specialist compares the output from a machine with a new lubricant to the output of
machines with the old lubricant.
A) Observational B) Experimental
17) A nutritionist wants to conduct a study to validate the efficacy of an herb as an aid in weight loss. She
randomly assigns half of a group of overweight people to a treatment group who are given the herb
with instructions for its use and a planned diet for six weeks. The other half of the group is given the
same diet without the herb. A nurse at the nutrition center weighs each subject on Friday of each week.
Select the potential source of confounding.
A) The placebo effect
B) Method of assignment to treatment and control groups
C) Experimenter effect
D) The study is essentially free of confounding sources.
18) Select the most appropriate type of study for the question: Is Drug B superior to the currently used
Drug A in treating pancreatitis?
A) Observational B) Case-controlled observational
C) Double-blind experiment D) Single-blind experiment
19) A survey of 100 dog owners showed that the average dog ‘checked the mail’ eleven times during an
evening walk. Which question most probably represents the purpose of the study?
A) How many ‘mail check stops’ can a dog be expected to make on an evening walk?
B) How many dog owners take dogs for an evening walk?
C) How many dogs ‘check the mail’ on an evening walk?
D) How many pet owners have dogs?
20) Determine which evaluation guideline applies best in questioning the results of the described study:
A reading teacher wanted to know how many books her students read over the summer. She asked the
local librarian to keep a record for her. The record showed that 7 students checked out a total of 60
books. At the first faculty meeting she reported that, on average, students in her class read 8.6 books
over the summer.
A) Consider the sampling method.
B) Consider the measurement of the variable of interest.
C) Consider the source.
D) Consider possible confounding variables.
For problems 15 and 16, determine whether the study is observational or experimental.
15) A clinic gives a drug to a group of ten patients and a placebo to another group of ten patients to find
out if the drug has an effect on the patients’ illness.
A) Observational B) Experimental
16) A quality-control specialist compares the output from a machine with a new lubricant to the output of
machines with the old lubricant.
A) Observational B) Experimental
17) A nutritionist wants to conduct a study to validate the efficacy of an herb as an aid in weight loss. She
randomly assigns half of a group of overweight people to a treatment group who are given the herb
with instructions for its use and a planned diet for six weeks. The other half of the group is given the
same diet without the herb. A nurse at the nutrition center weighs each subject on Friday of each week.
Select the potential source of confounding.
A) The placebo effect
B) Method of assignment to treatment and control groups
C) Experimenter effect
D) The study is essentially free of confounding sources.
18) Select the most appropriate type of study for the question: Is Drug B superior to the currently used
Drug A in treating pancreatitis?
A) Observational B) Case-controlled observational
C) Double-blind experiment D) Single-blind experiment
19) A survey of 100 dog owners showed that the average dog ‘checked the mail’ eleven times during an
evening walk. Which question most probably represents the purpose of the study?
A) How many ‘mail check stops’ can a dog be expected to make on an evening walk?
B) How many dog owners take dogs for an evening walk?
C) How many dogs ‘check the mail’ on an evening walk?
D) How many pet owners have dogs?
20) Determine which evaluation guideline applies best in questioning the results of the described study:
A reading teacher wanted to know how many books her students read over the summer. She asked the
local librarian to keep a record for her. The record showed that 7 students checked out a total of 60
books. At the first faculty meeting she reported that, on average, students in her class read 8.6 books
over the summer.
A) Consider the sampling method.
B) Consider the measurement of the variable of interest.
C) Consider the source.
D) Consider possible confounding variables.
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Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life
Chapter 1 (Speaking of Statistics) Exam, form C
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or
answers the question.
For problems 1 and 2, determine whether the evaluated group is a population or a sample.
1) Based on a randomly selected group of 500 patients with high cholesterol, it was found that 67% have
heart disease.
A) Population B) Sample
2) An investigation of 150 randomly selected local restaurants concluded that 42% of local restaurants
have serious health code violations.
A) Population B) Sample
For problems 3 and 4, determine whether the given value is a statistic or a parameter.
3) Based on a sample of 500 patients with high cholesterol, it was found that 67% have heart disease.
A) Statistic B) Parameter
4) An investigation of 150 randomly selected local restaurants concluded that 42% of local restaurants
have serious health code violations.
A) Statistic B) Parameter
5) Based on a poll, a newspaper reported that between 54% and 62% of voters would be likely to vote for
new county jail facility. What is the margin of error of the poll?
A) 4% B) 8% C) 27% D) 31%
6) Of 540 college students interviewed, 360 said they were skeptical of statistical studies. The student
conducting the study for the campus paper reported that between 15,000 and 17,000 of the 24,000
students on campus were skeptical of statistical studies. Which of the following is an acceptable
alternative to the original report?
A) “Between 63% and 71% of students at the university are skeptical of statistical studies.”
B) “Two of every three students on campus are skeptical of statistic studies.”
C) “A total of 16,000 students on this campus are skeptical of statistical studies.”
D) “If you are confident in the results of statistical studies, then the person on your left and the
person on your right in every class are skeptical of the results of statistical studies.”
7) Wisconsin had a recall vote for Governor in 2012 with Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett challenging the
Republican Governor Scott Walker. A poll was conducted three weeks prior to the June election by
surveying 520 randomly selected registered voters from the city of Milwaukee. Each voter was
contacted and asked to declare a Barrett or Walker preference electronically. The results showed that
421 of those sampled preferred Barrett. The last step in the statistical study would be to
A) determine the population parameter and the margin of error.
B) examine the results for reasonableness or correctness.
C) review the study and see if the design was correct to meet the goal of the study.
D) publish the results of the study.
Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life
Chapter 1 (Speaking of Statistics) Exam, form C
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or
answers the question.
For problems 1 and 2, determine whether the evaluated group is a population or a sample.
1) Based on a randomly selected group of 500 patients with high cholesterol, it was found that 67% have
heart disease.
A) Population B) Sample
2) An investigation of 150 randomly selected local restaurants concluded that 42% of local restaurants
have serious health code violations.
A) Population B) Sample
For problems 3 and 4, determine whether the given value is a statistic or a parameter.
3) Based on a sample of 500 patients with high cholesterol, it was found that 67% have heart disease.
A) Statistic B) Parameter
4) An investigation of 150 randomly selected local restaurants concluded that 42% of local restaurants
have serious health code violations.
A) Statistic B) Parameter
5) Based on a poll, a newspaper reported that between 54% and 62% of voters would be likely to vote for
new county jail facility. What is the margin of error of the poll?
A) 4% B) 8% C) 27% D) 31%
6) Of 540 college students interviewed, 360 said they were skeptical of statistical studies. The student
conducting the study for the campus paper reported that between 15,000 and 17,000 of the 24,000
students on campus were skeptical of statistical studies. Which of the following is an acceptable
alternative to the original report?
A) “Between 63% and 71% of students at the university are skeptical of statistical studies.”
B) “Two of every three students on campus are skeptical of statistic studies.”
C) “A total of 16,000 students on this campus are skeptical of statistical studies.”
D) “If you are confident in the results of statistical studies, then the person on your left and the
person on your right in every class are skeptical of the results of statistical studies.”
7) Wisconsin had a recall vote for Governor in 2012 with Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett challenging the
Republican Governor Scott Walker. A poll was conducted three weeks prior to the June election by
surveying 520 randomly selected registered voters from the city of Milwaukee. Each voter was
contacted and asked to declare a Barrett or Walker preference electronically. The results showed that
421 of those sampled preferred Barrett. The last step in the statistical study would be to
A) determine the population parameter and the margin of error.
B) examine the results for reasonableness or correctness.
C) review the study and see if the design was correct to meet the goal of the study.
D) publish the results of the study.
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8) A U.S. government report stated that, “With bank interest rates at 3.0%, 21% of wage earners believe it
worthwhile to keep money in a savings account. However, at 5.0% interest, 27% of wage earners
believe it worthwhile to keep money in a savings account. The margin of error for both studies is 4
percentage points.” The goal of the study
A) was to prove that higher interest rates encourage more people to save money.
B) is not clear from the report of the study.
C) was to determine the effect of an interest rate increase from 3% to 5% on the percentage of
persons saving money.
D) was to determine the effect of interest rates on the percentage of persons saving money.
For problems 9 and 10, determine whether the statement is based on sample data or census
9) Based on a randomly selected group of 500 patients with diabetes, it was found that 67% are
A) Sample data B) Census data
10) A researcher examines the records of all the registered voters in one city and finds that 43% are
registered Democrats.
A) Sample data B) Census data
For problems 11 and 12, select the most representative sample of the population of interest.
11) A concerned parent wants to determine the amount of time spent on the phone by her child’s friends.
A) The results of a national poll of 1800 students in the same age group as the child
B) The answers to the question by the parent(s) of 10 of the friends
C) The answers to the question by 10 of the friends
D) The phone records of 10 of the group of friends
12) An employer wanted to determine the importance of health insurance as a benefit to employees. Which
sample is likely to be unbiased by personal interest?
A) A group of 30 employees from the company who had medical treatment in the past year
B) A survey of 300 union members conducted by the union that represents workers at the company.
C) A group of thirty potential employees at the state office of employment
D) All of the groups in A, B, and C have potential bias.
For problems 13 and 14, identify the type of sampling used.
13) A tax auditor randomly selects 500 income tax returns from each of four income tax brackets.
A) Stratified
B) Systematic
C) Convenience
D) Random
E) Cluster
14) The name of each contestant is written on a separate card, the cards are placed in a bag and three
names are picked from the bag.
A) Stratified
B) Systematic
C) Convenience
D) Random
E) Cluster
8) A U.S. government report stated that, “With bank interest rates at 3.0%, 21% of wage earners believe it
worthwhile to keep money in a savings account. However, at 5.0% interest, 27% of wage earners
believe it worthwhile to keep money in a savings account. The margin of error for both studies is 4
percentage points.” The goal of the study
A) was to prove that higher interest rates encourage more people to save money.
B) is not clear from the report of the study.
C) was to determine the effect of an interest rate increase from 3% to 5% on the percentage of
persons saving money.
D) was to determine the effect of interest rates on the percentage of persons saving money.
For problems 9 and 10, determine whether the statement is based on sample data or census
9) Based on a randomly selected group of 500 patients with diabetes, it was found that 67% are
A) Sample data B) Census data
10) A researcher examines the records of all the registered voters in one city and finds that 43% are
registered Democrats.
A) Sample data B) Census data
For problems 11 and 12, select the most representative sample of the population of interest.
11) A concerned parent wants to determine the amount of time spent on the phone by her child’s friends.
A) The results of a national poll of 1800 students in the same age group as the child
B) The answers to the question by the parent(s) of 10 of the friends
C) The answers to the question by 10 of the friends
D) The phone records of 10 of the group of friends
12) An employer wanted to determine the importance of health insurance as a benefit to employees. Which
sample is likely to be unbiased by personal interest?
A) A group of 30 employees from the company who had medical treatment in the past year
B) A survey of 300 union members conducted by the union that represents workers at the company.
C) A group of thirty potential employees at the state office of employment
D) All of the groups in A, B, and C have potential bias.
For problems 13 and 14, identify the type of sampling used.
13) A tax auditor randomly selects 500 income tax returns from each of four income tax brackets.
A) Stratified
B) Systematic
C) Convenience
D) Random
E) Cluster
14) The name of each contestant is written on a separate card, the cards are placed in a bag and three
names are picked from the bag.
A) Stratified
B) Systematic
C) Convenience
D) Random
E) Cluster
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For problems 15 and 16, determine whether the study is experimental or observational.
15) A political pollster reports that his candidate has a 10% lead in the polls with 10% undecided.
A) Experimental B) Observational
16) A stock analyst selects a stock from a group of 20 for investment by choosing the stock with the
greatest earnings per share reported for the last quarter.
A) Experimental B) Observational
17) A biologist wants to determine the effect of a diet supplement by using white rats. A shipment of 20
rats is obtained from a biological supply firm. They arrive in a single box. The biologist reaches into
the box and the first ten rats caught are assigned to the control group and the remaining rats are
assigned to the experimental group receiving the supplement. Select the potential source of
A) Method of formation of the control and treatment groups
B) Experimenter effect
C) Placebo effect
D) The study is essentially free from potential sources of confounding.
18) Select the most appropriate type of study for the question: Is the aspirin produced by a particular
pharmaceutical company better than that of a competitor at relieving headaches?
A) Case-controlled observational B) Observational
C) Double-blind experimental D) Experimental
19) Sixty-seven of the 156 students taking Introductory Statistics are business majors. Which question
most probably represents the purpose of the study?
A) What percent of students take Introductory Statistics?
B) What percent of Introductory Statistics students are business majors?
C) What percent of business majors take Introductory Statistics?
D) What percent of students are business majors?
20) Determine which evaluation guideline applies best in questioning the results of the described study:
A teacher wanted to know the attitudes of faculty on early dismissal for Homecoming. She randomly
selected 20 of the 114 faculty and asked them to circle “agree” or “disagree” on the form:
“Agree/Disagree: Valuable learning time should not be sacrificed for extracurricular social activities.”
A) Consider the wording of any survey.
B) Consider the type of study.
C) Consider the form of response.
D) Consider the sampling method.
For problems 15 and 16, determine whether the study is experimental or observational.
15) A political pollster reports that his candidate has a 10% lead in the polls with 10% undecided.
A) Experimental B) Observational
16) A stock analyst selects a stock from a group of 20 for investment by choosing the stock with the
greatest earnings per share reported for the last quarter.
A) Experimental B) Observational
17) A biologist wants to determine the effect of a diet supplement by using white rats. A shipment of 20
rats is obtained from a biological supply firm. They arrive in a single box. The biologist reaches into
the box and the first ten rats caught are assigned to the control group and the remaining rats are
assigned to the experimental group receiving the supplement. Select the potential source of
A) Method of formation of the control and treatment groups
B) Experimenter effect
C) Placebo effect
D) The study is essentially free from potential sources of confounding.
18) Select the most appropriate type of study for the question: Is the aspirin produced by a particular
pharmaceutical company better than that of a competitor at relieving headaches?
A) Case-controlled observational B) Observational
C) Double-blind experimental D) Experimental
19) Sixty-seven of the 156 students taking Introductory Statistics are business majors. Which question
most probably represents the purpose of the study?
A) What percent of students take Introductory Statistics?
B) What percent of Introductory Statistics students are business majors?
C) What percent of business majors take Introductory Statistics?
D) What percent of students are business majors?
20) Determine which evaluation guideline applies best in questioning the results of the described study:
A teacher wanted to know the attitudes of faculty on early dismissal for Homecoming. She randomly
selected 20 of the 114 faculty and asked them to circle “agree” or “disagree” on the form:
“Agree/Disagree: Valuable learning time should not be sacrificed for extracurricular social activities.”
A) Consider the wording of any survey.
B) Consider the type of study.
C) Consider the form of response.
D) Consider the sampling method.
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Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life
Chapter 1 (Speaking of Statistics) Exam, form D
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or
answers the question.
For problems 1 and 2, determine whether the evaluated group is a population or a sample.
1) A bird bander captured seven ovenbirds in her mist net and found that the average (mean) length (from
the tip of the bill to the end of the tail) was 5.86 inches.
A) Sample B) Population
2) A county planner studying health insurance costs determined that the average (mean) age of 10 of the
37 sheriff’s deputies was 48.6 years.
A) Sample B) Population
For problems 3 and 4, determine whether the given value is a statistic or parameter.
3) As shown in the Crime Watch article of the local newspaper, 37% of the crimes in the county in the
month of September were crimes against property.
A) Statistic B) Parameter
4) A researcher interviewed a random sample of 100 library patrons as they were leaving the library and
found that 54% of them had checked out books.
A) Statistic B) Parameter
5) An internet supplier of refilled ink jet printer cartridges sold cartridges to 30,000 customers over the
past two months. A random sample of 1000 of those customers revealed that 180 were not happy with
their purchase. The margin of error was 2%. Which range of values is likely to contain the population
A) 29,000 to 31,000
B) 16% to 20%
C) 160 to 200
D) 4800 to 6000
6) A poll taken of 500 voters three months before the election showed that 55% favored the Republican
candidate with a margin of error of 4%. A second poll of 500 voters taken two weeks later showed
that 45% favored the Republican candidate, again with a margin of error of 4%. Consider the
following possible explanations for these results.
1. At least one of the polls is wrong since the ranges of possible values of the population parameter
do not overlap.
2. Both polls are right, but voters changed their minds between the two polls.
3. One of the polls selected a sample that was not representative of the population.
Which statements are possible explanations of the results?
A) Statements 1, 2, and 3
B) Statements 1 and 2
C) Statements 1 and 3
D) Statements 2 and 3
7) A political campaign worker wishes to conduct a poll to determine how her candidate is likely to fare
in the upcoming state Senate election. What is the population from which she should choose her
A) All citizens in her candidate’s district
B) All citizens in her candidate’s district who are 18 or older
C) All citizens in her candidate’s district who voted in the previous election.
D) All citizens in her candidate’s district who are likely to vote in the election.
Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life
Chapter 1 (Speaking of Statistics) Exam, form D
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or
answers the question.
For problems 1 and 2, determine whether the evaluated group is a population or a sample.
1) A bird bander captured seven ovenbirds in her mist net and found that the average (mean) length (from
the tip of the bill to the end of the tail) was 5.86 inches.
A) Sample B) Population
2) A county planner studying health insurance costs determined that the average (mean) age of 10 of the
37 sheriff’s deputies was 48.6 years.
A) Sample B) Population
For problems 3 and 4, determine whether the given value is a statistic or parameter.
3) As shown in the Crime Watch article of the local newspaper, 37% of the crimes in the county in the
month of September were crimes against property.
A) Statistic B) Parameter
4) A researcher interviewed a random sample of 100 library patrons as they were leaving the library and
found that 54% of them had checked out books.
A) Statistic B) Parameter
5) An internet supplier of refilled ink jet printer cartridges sold cartridges to 30,000 customers over the
past two months. A random sample of 1000 of those customers revealed that 180 were not happy with
their purchase. The margin of error was 2%. Which range of values is likely to contain the population
A) 29,000 to 31,000
B) 16% to 20%
C) 160 to 200
D) 4800 to 6000
6) A poll taken of 500 voters three months before the election showed that 55% favored the Republican
candidate with a margin of error of 4%. A second poll of 500 voters taken two weeks later showed
that 45% favored the Republican candidate, again with a margin of error of 4%. Consider the
following possible explanations for these results.
1. At least one of the polls is wrong since the ranges of possible values of the population parameter
do not overlap.
2. Both polls are right, but voters changed their minds between the two polls.
3. One of the polls selected a sample that was not representative of the population.
Which statements are possible explanations of the results?
A) Statements 1, 2, and 3
B) Statements 1 and 2
C) Statements 1 and 3
D) Statements 2 and 3
7) A political campaign worker wishes to conduct a poll to determine how her candidate is likely to fare
in the upcoming state Senate election. What is the population from which she should choose her
A) All citizens in her candidate’s district
B) All citizens in her candidate’s district who are 18 or older
C) All citizens in her candidate’s district who voted in the previous election.
D) All citizens in her candidate’s district who are likely to vote in the election.
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8) A researcher wanted to study the relationship between coffee drinking and heart problems. She
interviewed all patients at several area hospitals and found that patients in the hospital for treatment of
heart problems drank an average of 2.7 cups of coffee per day (Margin of error is 1.4 cups) while those
patients being treated for other problems averaged only 1.4 cups of coffee per day (Margin of error is
0.8 cups). What conclusion can you draw about coffee as a cause of heart problems from this
A) Coffee is bad for you.
B) Coffee is good for you.
C) Heart patients drink more coffee than other patients.
D) None, because only patients in hospitals were interviewed.
For problems 9 and 10, determine whether the statement is based on sample data or census
9) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that for the year 2013, 230,815 women
and 2,109 men were diagnosed with breast cancer in the U.S.
A) Sample data B) Census data
10) In September 2016, a Gallup poll asked the following question of 1020 adults. In general, how much
trust and confidence do you have in mass media? 32% responded that they have “a great deal” or “a
fair amount” of trust.
A) Sample data B) Census data
For problems 11 and 12, select the most representative sample of the population of interest.
11) A researcher wishes to determine the average number of text messages per month sent by high school
students who have cell phones.
A) Ask a random sample of 100 students how many text messages they send.
B) Ask a random sample of 100 students with cell phones how many text messages they send.
C) Interview 100 students in the mall who are seen talking on their cell phones.
D) Randomly select the cell phone records of 100 high school students.
12) The state Department of Natural Resources is considering lowering the bag limit on Walleyed Pike on
Mud Lake and wants to know how such a decrease will affect the number of people fishing on Mud
Lake. Which of the following samples is most likely to provide the necessary information?
A) A random sample of all fishermen in the state
B) A random sample of people currently living in the county containing Mud Lake
C) Interviewing all the fisherman on the lake each Saturday in July
D) Interviewing all the resort owners on Mud Lake
For problems 13 and 14, identify the type of sampling used.
13) A quality-improvement technician samples every 500th bag of potato chips coming off the assembly
line to test the chips for fat content.
A) Systematic
B) Cluster
C) Convenience
D) Random
E) Stratified
8) A researcher wanted to study the relationship between coffee drinking and heart problems. She
interviewed all patients at several area hospitals and found that patients in the hospital for treatment of
heart problems drank an average of 2.7 cups of coffee per day (Margin of error is 1.4 cups) while those
patients being treated for other problems averaged only 1.4 cups of coffee per day (Margin of error is
0.8 cups). What conclusion can you draw about coffee as a cause of heart problems from this
A) Coffee is bad for you.
B) Coffee is good for you.
C) Heart patients drink more coffee than other patients.
D) None, because only patients in hospitals were interviewed.
For problems 9 and 10, determine whether the statement is based on sample data or census
9) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that for the year 2013, 230,815 women
and 2,109 men were diagnosed with breast cancer in the U.S.
A) Sample data B) Census data
10) In September 2016, a Gallup poll asked the following question of 1020 adults. In general, how much
trust and confidence do you have in mass media? 32% responded that they have “a great deal” or “a
fair amount” of trust.
A) Sample data B) Census data
For problems 11 and 12, select the most representative sample of the population of interest.
11) A researcher wishes to determine the average number of text messages per month sent by high school
students who have cell phones.
A) Ask a random sample of 100 students how many text messages they send.
B) Ask a random sample of 100 students with cell phones how many text messages they send.
C) Interview 100 students in the mall who are seen talking on their cell phones.
D) Randomly select the cell phone records of 100 high school students.
12) The state Department of Natural Resources is considering lowering the bag limit on Walleyed Pike on
Mud Lake and wants to know how such a decrease will affect the number of people fishing on Mud
Lake. Which of the following samples is most likely to provide the necessary information?
A) A random sample of all fishermen in the state
B) A random sample of people currently living in the county containing Mud Lake
C) Interviewing all the fisherman on the lake each Saturday in July
D) Interviewing all the resort owners on Mud Lake
For problems 13 and 14, identify the type of sampling used.
13) A quality-improvement technician samples every 500th bag of potato chips coming off the assembly
line to test the chips for fat content.
A) Systematic
B) Cluster
C) Convenience
D) Random
E) Stratified
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14) A political science student randomly selects 100 names from the voter list of registered Democrats and
100 from the list of registered Republicans.
A) Systematic
B) Cluster
C) Convenience
D) Random
E) Stratified
For problems 15 and 16, determine whether the study is experimental or observational.
15) Researchers at a medical school want to compare two methods of treating blocked arteries. Fifty
patients in similar condition are randomly assigned to two groups. One group is treated surgically and
the other group is treated with drugs.
A) Observational B) Experimental
16) Researchers at a medical school want to compare the rates of birth defects in babies born to mothers
with low-fat diets with those born to mothers with high-fat diets. For one year, they collected data on
all babies and their mothers in area hospitals, using information obtained from the mothers to
determine whether they fall in the low fat or high fat diet category.
A) Observational B) Experimental
17) A nutritionist wants to conduct a study to determine the efficacy of eating beans as an aid in weight
loss. She randomly assigns half of a group of overweight people to a treatment group who are given a
planned diet which includes a variety of beans at two meals each day for six weeks. The other half of
the group is given the same diet without the beans. Both diets are designed to have the same caloric
content. A nurse at the nutrition center weighs each subject on Friday of each week. Select the
potential source of confounding (if any).
A) Experimenter effect
B) Placebo effect
C) Method of assignment to treatment and control groups
D) The study is essentially free of confounding sources.
18) Select the type of study most appropriate to the question: Researchers wish to study the effects on
weight of feeding by formula versus breast milk. One of the factors to be studied is the body weight of
the children at two years of age. What kind of study would be most appropriate?
A) Observational B) Experimental
C) Double-blind study D) Blinded experimental
19) In a study of teen cell phone use, 117 high school students were observed as they drove out of their
high school parking lot after school. Of these drivers, 46 were already talking on their cell phones as
they drove out. What is the most probable purpose of this study?
A) To find out what percent of high school students have cell phones.
B) To find out what percent of cell phone users are high school students.
C) To find out what percent of high school students use cell phones while driving.
D) To find out what percent of high school students with cell phones drive cars to school.
20) Determine which evaluation guideline(s) apply in questioning the results of the described study.
A mathematics teacher wanted to determine whether assigning homework had a beneficial effect on
student learning in first year algebra. His class met at 8:00 in the morning and he obtained the
cooperation of another teacher of the same class that met at 2:00 in the afternoon. He gave his class no
homework while the other teacher continued to assign homework as he usually did. Both teachers
gave the same tests so that they could compare the results.
A) Consider possible confounding variables
B) Consider the sample
C) Consider the measurement of the variable of interest
D) All of the above
14) A political science student randomly selects 100 names from the voter list of registered Democrats and
100 from the list of registered Republicans.
A) Systematic
B) Cluster
C) Convenience
D) Random
E) Stratified
For problems 15 and 16, determine whether the study is experimental or observational.
15) Researchers at a medical school want to compare two methods of treating blocked arteries. Fifty
patients in similar condition are randomly assigned to two groups. One group is treated surgically and
the other group is treated with drugs.
A) Observational B) Experimental
16) Researchers at a medical school want to compare the rates of birth defects in babies born to mothers
with low-fat diets with those born to mothers with high-fat diets. For one year, they collected data on
all babies and their mothers in area hospitals, using information obtained from the mothers to
determine whether they fall in the low fat or high fat diet category.
A) Observational B) Experimental
17) A nutritionist wants to conduct a study to determine the efficacy of eating beans as an aid in weight
loss. She randomly assigns half of a group of overweight people to a treatment group who are given a
planned diet which includes a variety of beans at two meals each day for six weeks. The other half of
the group is given the same diet without the beans. Both diets are designed to have the same caloric
content. A nurse at the nutrition center weighs each subject on Friday of each week. Select the
potential source of confounding (if any).
A) Experimenter effect
B) Placebo effect
C) Method of assignment to treatment and control groups
D) The study is essentially free of confounding sources.
18) Select the type of study most appropriate to the question: Researchers wish to study the effects on
weight of feeding by formula versus breast milk. One of the factors to be studied is the body weight of
the children at two years of age. What kind of study would be most appropriate?
A) Observational B) Experimental
C) Double-blind study D) Blinded experimental
19) In a study of teen cell phone use, 117 high school students were observed as they drove out of their
high school parking lot after school. Of these drivers, 46 were already talking on their cell phones as
they drove out. What is the most probable purpose of this study?
A) To find out what percent of high school students have cell phones.
B) To find out what percent of cell phone users are high school students.
C) To find out what percent of high school students use cell phones while driving.
D) To find out what percent of high school students with cell phones drive cars to school.
20) Determine which evaluation guideline(s) apply in questioning the results of the described study.
A mathematics teacher wanted to determine whether assigning homework had a beneficial effect on
student learning in first year algebra. His class met at 8:00 in the morning and he obtained the
cooperation of another teacher of the same class that met at 2:00 in the afternoon. He gave his class no
homework while the other teacher continued to assign homework as he usually did. Both teachers
gave the same tests so that they could compare the results.
A) Consider possible confounding variables
B) Consider the sample
C) Consider the measurement of the variable of interest
D) All of the above
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Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life
Chapter 2 (Measurement in Statistics) Exam, form A
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or
answers the question.
For problems 1 and 2, identify the variables as either qualitative or quantitative.
1) The state in which people live.
A) Qualitative B) Quantitative
2) The size of your house.
A) Qualitative B) Quantitative
For problems 3 and 4, identify the number as either continuous or discrete.
3) The average height of all freshmen entering college in a certain year is 68.4 inches.
A) Continuous B) Discrete
4) The number of eggs in a goose nest is 8.
A) Continuous B) Discrete
5) Temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit of the ocean at various depths.
A) Ratio B) Interval C) Ordinal D) Nominal
6) Two statements are given below. Select the statement for which a ratio of the measurements is
meaningful. State “Neither” or “Both” if appropriate.
1. Kasheta ran the race in 22.3 sec, and Louisa ran the same race in 26.4 sec.
2. Juan gets out of school at 2:45 PM, and Aito gets out of school at 3:15 PM.
A) Kasheta ran the race in 22.3 sec, and Louisa ran the same race in 26.4 sec.
B) Neither
C) Both
D) Juan gets out of school at 2:45 PM, and Aito gets out of school at 3:15 PM.
7) Select the description that most completely classifies the given variable.
Soft drink sizes: small, medium, large
A) Qualitative, nominal B) Quantitative, ordinal
C) Quantitative, ordinal, discrete D) Qualitative, ordinal
8) A digital scale reads 0.01 g when it is empty. Identify the potential error in the measurements made on
this scale as random or systematic.
A) Random B) Systematic
9) Totals are determined by rounding to tenths. Identify the potential error as random or systematic.
A) Random B) Systematic
10) The results of a poll are stated as follows: “Based on a survey of 156 randomly selected students, 90%
of the student body of 2870 students agree that no student should have to take final exams in two
consecutive exam periods.” If 2578 students actually agree, then what is the absolute error in the
reported result?
A) 5 students B) 287 students
C) 0.17% D) 292 students
11) A state trooper’s radar indicates that your car is traveling 70 miles per hour; you had the cruise control
set at 65 mph. What is the relative error?
A) 5 mph B) 7.1% C) 7.7% D) 0.929
Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life
Chapter 2 (Measurement in Statistics) Exam, form A
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or
answers the question.
For problems 1 and 2, identify the variables as either qualitative or quantitative.
1) The state in which people live.
A) Qualitative B) Quantitative
2) The size of your house.
A) Qualitative B) Quantitative
For problems 3 and 4, identify the number as either continuous or discrete.
3) The average height of all freshmen entering college in a certain year is 68.4 inches.
A) Continuous B) Discrete
4) The number of eggs in a goose nest is 8.
A) Continuous B) Discrete
5) Temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit of the ocean at various depths.
A) Ratio B) Interval C) Ordinal D) Nominal
6) Two statements are given below. Select the statement for which a ratio of the measurements is
meaningful. State “Neither” or “Both” if appropriate.
1. Kasheta ran the race in 22.3 sec, and Louisa ran the same race in 26.4 sec.
2. Juan gets out of school at 2:45 PM, and Aito gets out of school at 3:15 PM.
A) Kasheta ran the race in 22.3 sec, and Louisa ran the same race in 26.4 sec.
B) Neither
C) Both
D) Juan gets out of school at 2:45 PM, and Aito gets out of school at 3:15 PM.
7) Select the description that most completely classifies the given variable.
Soft drink sizes: small, medium, large
A) Qualitative, nominal B) Quantitative, ordinal
C) Quantitative, ordinal, discrete D) Qualitative, ordinal
8) A digital scale reads 0.01 g when it is empty. Identify the potential error in the measurements made on
this scale as random or systematic.
A) Random B) Systematic
9) Totals are determined by rounding to tenths. Identify the potential error as random or systematic.
A) Random B) Systematic
10) The results of a poll are stated as follows: “Based on a survey of 156 randomly selected students, 90%
of the student body of 2870 students agree that no student should have to take final exams in two
consecutive exam periods.” If 2578 students actually agree, then what is the absolute error in the
reported result?
A) 5 students B) 287 students
C) 0.17% D) 292 students
11) A state trooper’s radar indicates that your car is traveling 70 miles per hour; you had the cruise control
set at 65 mph. What is the relative error?
A) 5 mph B) 7.1% C) 7.7% D) 0.929
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12) According to a specification, the nominal length of a particular manufactured part is 5.4523 cm.
Quality control randomly selects one of the parts, and four different quality-control technicians
measure its length. Their measurements are 5.3234 cm, 5.11259 cm, 5.351 cm, and 5.45 cm. Which
measurement is the most accurate?
A) 5.3234 cm B) 5.11259 cm C) 5.351 cm D) 5.45 cm
13) Compared with a metric scale that has grams as the smallest division, a scale with milligrams as the
smallest division
A) will guarantee measurements that are more accurate, but not necessarily more precise.
B) will guarantee measurements that are more precise and more accurate.
C) will guarantee measurements that are more precise, but not necessarily more accurate.
D) will not guarantee measurements that are more accurate or more precise.
14) In a survey of 500 human resource professionals, 90% said that the appearance of a résumé is very
important for a good first impression. What is the actual number of respondents who said this?
A) 45 respondents.
B) 90 respondents.
C) 400 respondents.
D) 450 respondents.
15) Convert ହ
ଵ to a percent.
A) 31.25% B) 0.3125% C) 3.125% D) 0.03125%
16) Convert 0.45 to a percent.
A) 45% B) 0.0045% C) 4.5% D) 0.45%
17) Humanities majors spend an average of $115 per course on books. Mathematics majors spend an
average of $70 per course on books. What is the percent difference between the two amounts relative
to the amount for mathematics majors (round to the nearest percent)?
A) 64% B) 39% C) 64% D) 39%
18) Boys spend an average of $400 on back-to-school clothes. Girls spend an average of $1032. How much
less is the boy’s average expenditure, relatively, than the girl’s expenditure (round to the nearest
A) 61% B) 158% C) 158% D) 39%
19) Suppose that the cost of a statistics text was $50 in 1995 and is $100 in 2016. What is the ‘Statistics
Text Index’ number, rounded to the nearest tenth, for the 2016 edition with the 1995 price as the
reference value?
A) 20.0 B) 200.0 C) 50.0 D) 2.0
20) A part of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is given below:
Year 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
CPI 53.8 82.4 107.6 130.7 152.4 172.2 195.3 218.1 237.0
Suppose a week’s groceries in 1980 cost $70. What would these groceries cost, to the nearest dollar, 10
years later?
A) $38 B) $44 C) $111 D) $129
12) According to a specification, the nominal length of a particular manufactured part is 5.4523 cm.
Quality control randomly selects one of the parts, and four different quality-control technicians
measure its length. Their measurements are 5.3234 cm, 5.11259 cm, 5.351 cm, and 5.45 cm. Which
measurement is the most accurate?
A) 5.3234 cm B) 5.11259 cm C) 5.351 cm D) 5.45 cm
13) Compared with a metric scale that has grams as the smallest division, a scale with milligrams as the
smallest division
A) will guarantee measurements that are more accurate, but not necessarily more precise.
B) will guarantee measurements that are more precise and more accurate.
C) will guarantee measurements that are more precise, but not necessarily more accurate.
D) will not guarantee measurements that are more accurate or more precise.
14) In a survey of 500 human resource professionals, 90% said that the appearance of a résumé is very
important for a good first impression. What is the actual number of respondents who said this?
A) 45 respondents.
B) 90 respondents.
C) 400 respondents.
D) 450 respondents.
15) Convert ହ
ଵ to a percent.
A) 31.25% B) 0.3125% C) 3.125% D) 0.03125%
16) Convert 0.45 to a percent.
A) 45% B) 0.0045% C) 4.5% D) 0.45%
17) Humanities majors spend an average of $115 per course on books. Mathematics majors spend an
average of $70 per course on books. What is the percent difference between the two amounts relative
to the amount for mathematics majors (round to the nearest percent)?
A) 64% B) 39% C) 64% D) 39%
18) Boys spend an average of $400 on back-to-school clothes. Girls spend an average of $1032. How much
less is the boy’s average expenditure, relatively, than the girl’s expenditure (round to the nearest
A) 61% B) 158% C) 158% D) 39%
19) Suppose that the cost of a statistics text was $50 in 1995 and is $100 in 2016. What is the ‘Statistics
Text Index’ number, rounded to the nearest tenth, for the 2016 edition with the 1995 price as the
reference value?
A) 20.0 B) 200.0 C) 50.0 D) 2.0
20) A part of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is given below:
Year 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
CPI 53.8 82.4 107.6 130.7 152.4 172.2 195.3 218.1 237.0
Suppose a week’s groceries in 1980 cost $70. What would these groceries cost, to the nearest dollar, 10
years later?
A) $38 B) $44 C) $111 D) $129
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Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life
Chapter 2 (Measurement in Statistics) Exam, form B
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or
answers the question.
For problems 1 and 2, identify the variable as either qualitative or quantitative.
1) A person’s height in feet.
A) Qualitative B) Quantitative
2) A person’s political affiliation.
A) Qualitative B) Quantitative
For problems 3 and 4, identify the number as either discrete or continuous.
3) The number of books available from is 227,362.
A) Discrete B) Continuous
4) An athlete runs 100 meters in 10.7 seconds.
A) Discrete B) Continuous
5) Determine which of the four levels of measurement is most appropriate.
Ages of survey respondents.
A) Ratio B) Interval C) Ordinal D) Nominal
6) Two statements are given below. Select the statement for which a ratio of the measurements is
meaningful. State “Neither” or “Both” if appropriate.
1. Kim pulled weeds at the rate of twenty weeds per minute, and Jorge pulled 18 weeds per minute.
2. Anna Lisa swam 45 yards underwater, and Marissa swam 35 yards underwater.
A) Anna Lisa swam 45 yards underwater, and Marissa swam 35 yards underwater.
B) Kim pulled weeds at the rate of twenty weeds per minute, and Jorge pulled 18 weeds per minute.
C) Neither
D) Both
7) Select the description that most completely classifies the given variable.
Preference ratings: as in “Rate the item of most importance to you a 5 and that of least importance a 1”
A) Qualitative, ordinal B) Quantitative, ordinal
C) Quantitative, ordinal, discrete D) Qualitative, nominal
8) A computer uses voice recognition software. Identify a misinterpreted word as a systematic or random
A) Systematic B) Random
9) Identify the potential error in recording arrival times for interstate highway trips as random or
A) Systematic B) Random
10) The size of an e-mail file is stated as 210 kB, but the file size is actually 220.5 kB. What is the absolute
A) 5% B) 10% C) 10.5 kB D) 10.5 kB
11) The pickup time of an answering machine is set at 5 rings, but the machine picks up after 4 rings. What
is the relative error?
A) 1 ring B) 4 to 6 rings C) 25% D) 20%
12) The approximate value of is 3.1415927. Which of the following experimentally determined values is
the most precise?
A) 3.14 B) 3.247 C) 3.412114 D) 3.3245
Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life
Chapter 2 (Measurement in Statistics) Exam, form B
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or
answers the question.
For problems 1 and 2, identify the variable as either qualitative or quantitative.
1) A person’s height in feet.
A) Qualitative B) Quantitative
2) A person’s political affiliation.
A) Qualitative B) Quantitative
For problems 3 and 4, identify the number as either discrete or continuous.
3) The number of books available from is 227,362.
A) Discrete B) Continuous
4) An athlete runs 100 meters in 10.7 seconds.
A) Discrete B) Continuous
5) Determine which of the four levels of measurement is most appropriate.
Ages of survey respondents.
A) Ratio B) Interval C) Ordinal D) Nominal
6) Two statements are given below. Select the statement for which a ratio of the measurements is
meaningful. State “Neither” or “Both” if appropriate.
1. Kim pulled weeds at the rate of twenty weeds per minute, and Jorge pulled 18 weeds per minute.
2. Anna Lisa swam 45 yards underwater, and Marissa swam 35 yards underwater.
A) Anna Lisa swam 45 yards underwater, and Marissa swam 35 yards underwater.
B) Kim pulled weeds at the rate of twenty weeds per minute, and Jorge pulled 18 weeds per minute.
C) Neither
D) Both
7) Select the description that most completely classifies the given variable.
Preference ratings: as in “Rate the item of most importance to you a 5 and that of least importance a 1”
A) Qualitative, ordinal B) Quantitative, ordinal
C) Quantitative, ordinal, discrete D) Qualitative, nominal
8) A computer uses voice recognition software. Identify a misinterpreted word as a systematic or random
A) Systematic B) Random
9) Identify the potential error in recording arrival times for interstate highway trips as random or
A) Systematic B) Random
10) The size of an e-mail file is stated as 210 kB, but the file size is actually 220.5 kB. What is the absolute
A) 5% B) 10% C) 10.5 kB D) 10.5 kB
11) The pickup time of an answering machine is set at 5 rings, but the machine picks up after 4 rings. What
is the relative error?
A) 1 ring B) 4 to 6 rings C) 25% D) 20%
12) The approximate value of is 3.1415927. Which of the following experimentally determined values is
the most precise?
A) 3.14 B) 3.247 C) 3.412114 D) 3.3245
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13) Compared with a stopwatch that gives readings as _ _ . _ seconds (e.g. 23.5 seconds), a stopwatch that
gives readings as _ _ . _ _ seconds (e.g. 23.54 seconds) is
A) more accurate, but not necessarily more precise.
B) more precise and more accurate.
C) not necessarily more precise or more accurate.
D) more precise, but not necessarily more accurate.
14) In a survey of 500 human resource professionals, 80% said that the appearance of a resume is very
important for a good first impression. What is the actual number of respondents who said this?
A) 45 respondents
B) 80 respondents
C) 400 respondents
D) 450 respondents
15) Convert 13% to decimal form.
A) 0.013 B) 0.13 C) 1.3 D) 13
16) Convert 5.65 to a percent.
A) 565% B) 5.65% C) 0.565% D) 56.5%
17) Research shows that 14% of 6th graders in K6 schools have tried cigarettes and 61% of 7th graders in
89 or 79 middle schools have tried cigarettes. What is the absolute increase, to the nearest percent?
A) 77% B) 336% C) 436% D) 47%
18) Research shows that 14.3% of persons 2025 years old vote and 59.9% of persons 6065 years old
vote. What is the absolute increase from the younger group to the older group, to the nearest point?
A) 76 points B) 319 points C) 46 points D) 46 points
19) Suppose that the cost of a statistics text was $55 in 1995 and is $90 in 2016. What is the ‘Statistics
Text Index’ number, rounded to the nearest tenth, for the 1995 edition with the 2016 price as the
reference value?
A) 0.6 B) 163.6 C) 1.6 D) 61.1
20) A part of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) table is given below:
Year 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
CPI 53.8 82.4 107.6 130.7 152.4 172.2 195.3 218.1 237.0
Suppose an actuary’s salary was $86,000 in 1995. What would the salary have to have been in 1975 if
it had just kept up with inflation (round to the nearest $1000)?
A) $244,000 B) $30,000 C) $58,000 D) $128,000
13) Compared with a stopwatch that gives readings as _ _ . _ seconds (e.g. 23.5 seconds), a stopwatch that
gives readings as _ _ . _ _ seconds (e.g. 23.54 seconds) is
A) more accurate, but not necessarily more precise.
B) more precise and more accurate.
C) not necessarily more precise or more accurate.
D) more precise, but not necessarily more accurate.
14) In a survey of 500 human resource professionals, 80% said that the appearance of a resume is very
important for a good first impression. What is the actual number of respondents who said this?
A) 45 respondents
B) 80 respondents
C) 400 respondents
D) 450 respondents
15) Convert 13% to decimal form.
A) 0.013 B) 0.13 C) 1.3 D) 13
16) Convert 5.65 to a percent.
A) 565% B) 5.65% C) 0.565% D) 56.5%
17) Research shows that 14% of 6th graders in K6 schools have tried cigarettes and 61% of 7th graders in
89 or 79 middle schools have tried cigarettes. What is the absolute increase, to the nearest percent?
A) 77% B) 336% C) 436% D) 47%
18) Research shows that 14.3% of persons 2025 years old vote and 59.9% of persons 6065 years old
vote. What is the absolute increase from the younger group to the older group, to the nearest point?
A) 76 points B) 319 points C) 46 points D) 46 points
19) Suppose that the cost of a statistics text was $55 in 1995 and is $90 in 2016. What is the ‘Statistics
Text Index’ number, rounded to the nearest tenth, for the 1995 edition with the 2016 price as the
reference value?
A) 0.6 B) 163.6 C) 1.6 D) 61.1
20) A part of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) table is given below:
Year 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
CPI 53.8 82.4 107.6 130.7 152.4 172.2 195.3 218.1 237.0
Suppose an actuary’s salary was $86,000 in 1995. What would the salary have to have been in 1975 if
it had just kept up with inflation (round to the nearest $1000)?
A) $244,000 B) $30,000 C) $58,000 D) $128,000
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Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life
Chapter 2 (Measurement in Statistics) Exam, form C
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or
answers the question.
For problems 1 and 2, identify the variable as either quantitative or qualitative.
1) Brand of basketball shoes worn by a team.
A) Quantitative B) Qualitative
2) Outcome of tossing a coin.
A) Quantitative B) Qualitative
For problems 3 and 4, identify the number as either continuous or discrete.
3) The average speed of cars passing a busy intersection between 4:30 P.M. and 6:30 P.M. on a Friday is
32.3 mi/h.
A) Continuous B) Discrete
4) The total number of scam emails you receive in a month is 7.
A) Continuous B) Discrete
5) Determine which of the four levels of measurement is most appropriate.
Political party preference of survey respondents.
A) Nominal B) Ordinal C) Interval D) Ratio
6) Two statements are given below. Select the statement for which a ratio of the measurements is
meaningful. State “Neither” or “Both” if appropriate.
1. The fertilized grass grew 2.9 inches in a week; the unfertilized grass grew 1.8 inches in the same
2. The single-stage model rocket went up 287 ft; the two-stage model rocket went up 412 ft.
A) The single-stage model rocket went up 287 ft; the two-stage model rocket went up 412 ft.
B) The fertilized grass grew 2.9 inches in a week; the unfertilized grass grew 1.8 inches in the same
C) Neither
D) Both
7) Select the description that most completely classifies the given variable.
Number of wins by the NFL teams in the NFC Central division
A) Quantitative, nominal B) Quantitative, interval
C) Qualitative, interval D) Quantitative, ratio
8) A cook estimates one-third of a cup in a cup measuring cup marked in quarters. Assuming that the
cook knows how big 1/3 is, relative to 1/4 and 1/2, identify the potential measurement error as
systematic or random.
A) Systematic B) Random
9) A person is always late for class. Identify the potential error as random or systematic.
A) Systematic B) Random
10) Rather than use the two scoops of coffee recommended by the manufacturer, a coffee aficionado uses
three scoops of coffee per pot. What is the relative error?
A) –50% B) 1
33 %
C) 50% D) 1
33 %
11) A pharmacist puts 32 pills into a prescription order that calls for 30 pills. What is the absolute error?
A) 6.7% B) 2 pills C) 2 pills D) 6.7%
Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life
Chapter 2 (Measurement in Statistics) Exam, form C
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or
answers the question.
For problems 1 and 2, identify the variable as either quantitative or qualitative.
1) Brand of basketball shoes worn by a team.
A) Quantitative B) Qualitative
2) Outcome of tossing a coin.
A) Quantitative B) Qualitative
For problems 3 and 4, identify the number as either continuous or discrete.
3) The average speed of cars passing a busy intersection between 4:30 P.M. and 6:30 P.M. on a Friday is
32.3 mi/h.
A) Continuous B) Discrete
4) The total number of scam emails you receive in a month is 7.
A) Continuous B) Discrete
5) Determine which of the four levels of measurement is most appropriate.
Political party preference of survey respondents.
A) Nominal B) Ordinal C) Interval D) Ratio
6) Two statements are given below. Select the statement for which a ratio of the measurements is
meaningful. State “Neither” or “Both” if appropriate.
1. The fertilized grass grew 2.9 inches in a week; the unfertilized grass grew 1.8 inches in the same
2. The single-stage model rocket went up 287 ft; the two-stage model rocket went up 412 ft.
A) The single-stage model rocket went up 287 ft; the two-stage model rocket went up 412 ft.
B) The fertilized grass grew 2.9 inches in a week; the unfertilized grass grew 1.8 inches in the same
C) Neither
D) Both
7) Select the description that most completely classifies the given variable.
Number of wins by the NFL teams in the NFC Central division
A) Quantitative, nominal B) Quantitative, interval
C) Qualitative, interval D) Quantitative, ratio
8) A cook estimates one-third of a cup in a cup measuring cup marked in quarters. Assuming that the
cook knows how big 1/3 is, relative to 1/4 and 1/2, identify the potential measurement error as
systematic or random.
A) Systematic B) Random
9) A person is always late for class. Identify the potential error as random or systematic.
A) Systematic B) Random
10) Rather than use the two scoops of coffee recommended by the manufacturer, a coffee aficionado uses
three scoops of coffee per pot. What is the relative error?
A) –50% B) 1
33 %
C) 50% D) 1
33 %
11) A pharmacist puts 32 pills into a prescription order that calls for 30 pills. What is the absolute error?
A) 6.7% B) 2 pills C) 2 pills D) 6.7%
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12) The approximate value of is 3.1415927. Which of the following experimentally determined values is
the most accurate?
A) 3.14 B) 3.3245 C) 3.412114 D) 3.247
13) Which of the following statements is correct?
A) “Precise measurement” means the same thing as “accurate measurement.”
B) An accurate measurement must be precise.
C) A precise measurement must be accurate.
D) A precise measurement is not necessarily accurate.
14) In a survey of 500 human resource professionals, 70% said that the appearance of a resume is very
important for a good first impression. What is the actual number of respondents who said this?
A) 35 respondents
B) 70 respondents
C) 350 respondents
D) 400 respondents
15) Convert 1779% to decimal form.
A) 177.9 B) 17.79 C) 1.779 D) 177,900
16) Convert 0.0195% to decimal form.
A) 0.000195 B) 1.95 C) 0.195 D) 19.5
17) A professor’s checking account balance a year ago was $1470. Currently, it is $1040. Calculate the
relative percentage change to the nearest percentage point.
A) 41% B) 29% C) 41% D) 29%
18) Research shows that 15.5% of persons 2025 years old vote and 63.5% of persons 6065 years old
vote. What is the relative change from the younger group to the older group, to the nearest percent?
A) 48% B) 76% C) 310% D) 48%
19) Suppose that the cost of a statistics text was $60 in 1995 and is $90 in 2016. What is the ‘Statistics
Text Index’ number, rounded to the nearest tenth, for the 2016 edition with the 1995 price as the
reference value?
A) 150 B) 66.7 C) 100.0 D) 50
20) A part of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) table is given below:
Year 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
CPI 53.8 82.4 107.6 130.7 152.4 172.2 195.3 218.1 237.0
What is the percent increase of a market basket of goods from 1975 to 1985? Round the percent to the
nearest integer.
A) 100% B) 200% C) 54% D) 50%
12) The approximate value of is 3.1415927. Which of the following experimentally determined values is
the most accurate?
A) 3.14 B) 3.3245 C) 3.412114 D) 3.247
13) Which of the following statements is correct?
A) “Precise measurement” means the same thing as “accurate measurement.”
B) An accurate measurement must be precise.
C) A precise measurement must be accurate.
D) A precise measurement is not necessarily accurate.
14) In a survey of 500 human resource professionals, 70% said that the appearance of a resume is very
important for a good first impression. What is the actual number of respondents who said this?
A) 35 respondents
B) 70 respondents
C) 350 respondents
D) 400 respondents
15) Convert 1779% to decimal form.
A) 177.9 B) 17.79 C) 1.779 D) 177,900
16) Convert 0.0195% to decimal form.
A) 0.000195 B) 1.95 C) 0.195 D) 19.5
17) A professor’s checking account balance a year ago was $1470. Currently, it is $1040. Calculate the
relative percentage change to the nearest percentage point.
A) 41% B) 29% C) 41% D) 29%
18) Research shows that 15.5% of persons 2025 years old vote and 63.5% of persons 6065 years old
vote. What is the relative change from the younger group to the older group, to the nearest percent?
A) 48% B) 76% C) 310% D) 48%
19) Suppose that the cost of a statistics text was $60 in 1995 and is $90 in 2016. What is the ‘Statistics
Text Index’ number, rounded to the nearest tenth, for the 2016 edition with the 1995 price as the
reference value?
A) 150 B) 66.7 C) 100.0 D) 50
20) A part of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) table is given below:
Year 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
CPI 53.8 82.4 107.6 130.7 152.4 172.2 195.3 218.1 237.0
What is the percent increase of a market basket of goods from 1975 to 1985? Round the percent to the
nearest integer.
A) 100% B) 200% C) 54% D) 50%
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Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life
Chapter 2 (Measurement in Statistics) Exam, form D
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or
answers the question.
For problems 1 and 2, identify the variable as either quantitative or qualitative.
1) A player’s number on her soccer jersey
A) Quantitative B) Qualitative
2) The number of textbooks owned by a student
A) Quantitative B) Qualitative
For problems 3 and 4, identify the number as either continuous or discrete.
3) The number of Direct TV customers
A) Continuous B) Discrete
4) The voltage of the electricity in a power line
A) Continuous B) Discrete
5) Determine which of the four levels of measurement is most appropriate.
A librarian rates fives books on an “ease of reading” scale from 1 (easy) to 10 (hard).
A) Nominal B) Ordinal C) Interval D) Ratio
6) Two statements are given below. Select the statement for which a ratio of the measurements is
meaningful. State “Neither” or “Both” if appropriate.
1. Jan earned a B on her test and Bob earned a C.
2. Bob wears size 9 shoes and Earl wears size 13.
A) Jan earned a B on her test and Bob earned a C.
B) Bob wears size 9 shoes and Earl wears size 13.
C) Neither
D) Both
7) Select the description that most completely classifies the given variable.
A Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) test is useful in detecting prostate cancer in men. A sample of
blood is analyzed and the concentration of PSA is reported in nanograms per milliliter. Values less
than 4.0 are considered normal and values over 10.0 indicate that further tests are needed. The best
classification of the PSA variable is
A) Nominal B) Qualitative, Ordinal
C) Quantitative, Continuous D) Quantitative, Discrete
8) Amtrak passenger trains are often late in arriving at their destinations. Identify the potential error in
arrival time as systematic or random.
A) Systematic B) Random
9) A recipe for grape jelly calls for 4 pounds of grapes. The jelly maker estimates the 4 pounds of grapes
by standing on a bathroom scale with and without the grapes. The scale only shows the weight to the
nearest pound. Identify the error in the weight as systematic or random.
A) Systematic B) Random
10) The grape jelly maker in the previous problem actually uses 3 pounds, 12 ounces of grapes instead of
the 4 pounds called for by the recipe. What is the relative error? (There are 16 ounces in a pound.)
A) 4 ounces B) –4 ounces C) 6.25% D) –6.25%
11) A golfer estimates that the distance to the hole for his next shot is 200 yards. The actual distance is
exactly 212 yards. What is the relative error?
A) –12 yards B) 6.0% C) 6.0% D) –5.7%
Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life
Chapter 2 (Measurement in Statistics) Exam, form D
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or
answers the question.
For problems 1 and 2, identify the variable as either quantitative or qualitative.
1) A player’s number on her soccer jersey
A) Quantitative B) Qualitative
2) The number of textbooks owned by a student
A) Quantitative B) Qualitative
For problems 3 and 4, identify the number as either continuous or discrete.
3) The number of Direct TV customers
A) Continuous B) Discrete
4) The voltage of the electricity in a power line
A) Continuous B) Discrete
5) Determine which of the four levels of measurement is most appropriate.
A librarian rates fives books on an “ease of reading” scale from 1 (easy) to 10 (hard).
A) Nominal B) Ordinal C) Interval D) Ratio
6) Two statements are given below. Select the statement for which a ratio of the measurements is
meaningful. State “Neither” or “Both” if appropriate.
1. Jan earned a B on her test and Bob earned a C.
2. Bob wears size 9 shoes and Earl wears size 13.
A) Jan earned a B on her test and Bob earned a C.
B) Bob wears size 9 shoes and Earl wears size 13.
C) Neither
D) Both
7) Select the description that most completely classifies the given variable.
A Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) test is useful in detecting prostate cancer in men. A sample of
blood is analyzed and the concentration of PSA is reported in nanograms per milliliter. Values less
than 4.0 are considered normal and values over 10.0 indicate that further tests are needed. The best
classification of the PSA variable is
A) Nominal B) Qualitative, Ordinal
C) Quantitative, Continuous D) Quantitative, Discrete
8) Amtrak passenger trains are often late in arriving at their destinations. Identify the potential error in
arrival time as systematic or random.
A) Systematic B) Random
9) A recipe for grape jelly calls for 4 pounds of grapes. The jelly maker estimates the 4 pounds of grapes
by standing on a bathroom scale with and without the grapes. The scale only shows the weight to the
nearest pound. Identify the error in the weight as systematic or random.
A) Systematic B) Random
10) The grape jelly maker in the previous problem actually uses 3 pounds, 12 ounces of grapes instead of
the 4 pounds called for by the recipe. What is the relative error? (There are 16 ounces in a pound.)
A) 4 ounces B) –4 ounces C) 6.25% D) –6.25%
11) A golfer estimates that the distance to the hole for his next shot is 200 yards. The actual distance is
exactly 212 yards. What is the relative error?
A) –12 yards B) 6.0% C) 6.0% D) –5.7%
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12) Avogadro’s number is the number of molecules of a substance in a quantity of the substance measured
in grams equal to its atomic weight. It can only be determined by chemistry or physics experiments. It
is named after Amadeo Avogadro, who postulated in 1811 that this number was the same for all
substances. Various values for this constant have been determined experimentally. Some of them are
6.02 x 10 23
, 6.022 x 10 23
, and 6.02214199 x 10 23
. The 10 23 means that you have to move the decimal
point 23 places to the right. Which of these values is the most accurate?
A) 6.02 x 10 23 B) 6.022 x 10 23 C) 6.02214199 x 10 23 D) We can’t tell.
13) Compared to a scale that measures your weight to tenths of a pound, a scale that measures your weight
to the nearest ounce is
A) more precise and more accurate.
B) less precise, but may be more accurate.
C) more precise, but may be less accurate.
D) less precise and less accurate.
14) In a survey of 500 human resource professionals, 60% said that the appearance of a resume is very
important for a good first impression. What is the actual number of respondents who said this?
A) 30 respondents
B) 60 respondents
C) 300 respondents
D) 360 respondents
15) Convert 112.463% to decimal form.
A) 1.12463 B) 11.2463 C) 1124.63 D) 11246.3
16) Convert 0.1963 to a percent.
A) 0.001963% B) 0.01963% C) 1.963% D) 19.63%
17) After a year of weight training, Harold’s weight changed from 172 pounds to 185 pounds. What is his
percent increase in weight to the nearest tenth?
A) 13.0 pounds B) 8.0% C) 7.6% D) 7.0%
18) On September 28, 2012, the average price of a gallon of regular unleaded gas in Eau Claire,
Wisconsin, was $3.89 while in Appleton, Wisconsin, the average price was $3.74. What is the
percentage difference in price in Appleton (to the nearest tenth of a percent) relative to the price in Eau
A) 3.9% B) 3.9% C) –4.0% D) 4.0%
19) Suppose that the cost of a statistics text was $45 in 1995 and $76 in 2016. What is the Statistics Text
Index number, rounded to the nearest tenth, for the 1995 edition with the 2016 price as the reference
A) 0.6 B) 5.9 C) 59.2 D) 168.9
20) A part of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) table is given below:
Year 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
CPI 53.8 82.4 107.6 130.7 152.4 172.2 195.3 218.1 237.0
Suppose that a statistician’s salary was $64,000 in 1985. What would the salary have to be in 2005 to
keep up with inflation (rounded to the nearest $1000)?
A) $125,000 B) $69,000 C) $116,000 D) $35,000
12) Avogadro’s number is the number of molecules of a substance in a quantity of the substance measured
in grams equal to its atomic weight. It can only be determined by chemistry or physics experiments. It
is named after Amadeo Avogadro, who postulated in 1811 that this number was the same for all
substances. Various values for this constant have been determined experimentally. Some of them are
6.02 x 10 23
, 6.022 x 10 23
, and 6.02214199 x 10 23
. The 10 23 means that you have to move the decimal
point 23 places to the right. Which of these values is the most accurate?
A) 6.02 x 10 23 B) 6.022 x 10 23 C) 6.02214199 x 10 23 D) We can’t tell.
13) Compared to a scale that measures your weight to tenths of a pound, a scale that measures your weight
to the nearest ounce is
A) more precise and more accurate.
B) less precise, but may be more accurate.
C) more precise, but may be less accurate.
D) less precise and less accurate.
14) In a survey of 500 human resource professionals, 60% said that the appearance of a resume is very
important for a good first impression. What is the actual number of respondents who said this?
A) 30 respondents
B) 60 respondents
C) 300 respondents
D) 360 respondents
15) Convert 112.463% to decimal form.
A) 1.12463 B) 11.2463 C) 1124.63 D) 11246.3
16) Convert 0.1963 to a percent.
A) 0.001963% B) 0.01963% C) 1.963% D) 19.63%
17) After a year of weight training, Harold’s weight changed from 172 pounds to 185 pounds. What is his
percent increase in weight to the nearest tenth?
A) 13.0 pounds B) 8.0% C) 7.6% D) 7.0%
18) On September 28, 2012, the average price of a gallon of regular unleaded gas in Eau Claire,
Wisconsin, was $3.89 while in Appleton, Wisconsin, the average price was $3.74. What is the
percentage difference in price in Appleton (to the nearest tenth of a percent) relative to the price in Eau
A) 3.9% B) 3.9% C) –4.0% D) 4.0%
19) Suppose that the cost of a statistics text was $45 in 1995 and $76 in 2016. What is the Statistics Text
Index number, rounded to the nearest tenth, for the 1995 edition with the 2016 price as the reference
A) 0.6 B) 5.9 C) 59.2 D) 168.9
20) A part of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) table is given below:
Year 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
CPI 53.8 82.4 107.6 130.7 152.4 172.2 195.3 218.1 237.0
Suppose that a statistician’s salary was $64,000 in 1985. What would the salary have to be in 2005 to
keep up with inflation (rounded to the nearest $1000)?
A) $125,000 B) $69,000 C) $116,000 D) $35,000
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Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life
Chapter 3 (Visual Displays of Data) Exam, form A
1) A car insurance company conducted a survey to find out how many car accidents people had been
involved in. They selected a sample of 32 adults between the ages of 30 and 70 and asked each person
how many accidents they had been involved in during the past ten years. The following data were
0 1 0 3 2 1 0 2
1 1 1 0 2 0 4 1
2 0 0 1 0 2 1 3
1 3 0 0 1 0 5 4
Construct a frequency table for the number of car accidents with each line containing only one value
for the number of accidents.
2) The frequency table below shows the distribution of Ned’s bowling scores. Construct the relative
frequency table.
Ned’s Bowling Scores Number of Games
141–160 16
161–180 56
181–200 41
201–220 6
221–240 1
3) The top speeds of 50 dragsters at Rock Falls Raceway were recorded.
Speed of Dragsters Number of Cars
80–99 1
100–109 7
110–119 26
120–129 16
Construct a cumulative frequency table for the data.
4) The table lists the winners of the Wimbledon women’s singles title for the years 1976–1995. Construct
a bar chart for the given relative frequencies.
Winner Frequency Relative Frequency
C. Evert 2 0.10
V. Wade 1 0.05
M. Navratilova 9 0.45
C. Martinez 1 0.05
S. Graf 6 0.30
E. Goolagong 1 0.05
Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life
Chapter 3 (Visual Displays of Data) Exam, form A
1) A car insurance company conducted a survey to find out how many car accidents people had been
involved in. They selected a sample of 32 adults between the ages of 30 and 70 and asked each person
how many accidents they had been involved in during the past ten years. The following data were
0 1 0 3 2 1 0 2
1 1 1 0 2 0 4 1
2 0 0 1 0 2 1 3
1 3 0 0 1 0 5 4
Construct a frequency table for the number of car accidents with each line containing only one value
for the number of accidents.
2) The frequency table below shows the distribution of Ned’s bowling scores. Construct the relative
frequency table.
Ned’s Bowling Scores Number of Games
141–160 16
161–180 56
181–200 41
201–220 6
221–240 1
3) The top speeds of 50 dragsters at Rock Falls Raceway were recorded.
Speed of Dragsters Number of Cars
80–99 1
100–109 7
110–119 26
120–129 16
Construct a cumulative frequency table for the data.
4) The table lists the winners of the Wimbledon women’s singles title for the years 1976–1995. Construct
a bar chart for the given relative frequencies.
Winner Frequency Relative Frequency
C. Evert 2 0.10
V. Wade 1 0.05
M. Navratilova 9 0.45
C. Martinez 1 0.05
S. Graf 6 0.30
E. Goolagong 1 0.05
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5) The following dot plot represents the ages of the customers who visited a sporting goods store on a
particular Monday.
Ages of Customers at a Sporting Goods Store
How many people in the sample were aged between 20 and 28, inclusive?
6) Wagenlucht Ice Cream Company is always trying to create new flavors of ice cream. They are market
testing three kinds to find out which one has the best chance by of becoming popular. They give small
samples of each to 50 people at a grocery store. 15 ice cream tasters preferred the Strawberry Cream,
30 preferred Choco-Nuts, and 5 loved the Orange Mint. Construct a Pareto chart to represent these
preferences. Choose the vertical scale so that the relative frequencies are represented.
7) After reviewing a movie, 400 people rated the movie as excellent, good, or fair. The following data
give the rating distribution. Which pie chart below represents the given data set?
Excellent Good Fair
120 180 100
Movie Rating
Movie Rating
5) The following dot plot represents the ages of the customers who visited a sporting goods store on a
particular Monday.
Ages of Customers at a Sporting Goods Store
How many people in the sample were aged between 20 and 28, inclusive?
6) Wagenlucht Ice Cream Company is always trying to create new flavors of ice cream. They are market
testing three kinds to find out which one has the best chance by of becoming popular. They give small
samples of each to 50 people at a grocery store. 15 ice cream tasters preferred the Strawberry Cream,
30 preferred Choco-Nuts, and 5 loved the Orange Mint. Construct a Pareto chart to represent these
preferences. Choose the vertical scale so that the relative frequencies are represented.
7) After reviewing a movie, 400 people rated the movie as excellent, good, or fair. The following data
give the rating distribution. Which pie chart below represents the given data set?
Excellent Good Fair
120 180 100
Movie Rating
Movie Rating
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8) A nurse measured the blood pressure of each patient who visited her clinic. Following is a relative-
frequency histogram for the systolic blood pressure readings for those people aged between 25 and 40.
Use the histogram to answer the question. The blood pressure readings were rounded up to the next
whole number.
Approximately what percentage of the people aged 25–40 had a systolic blood pressure reading greater
than or equal to 130?
A) 15% B) 28% C) 75% D) 90%
9) A medical research team studied the ages of patients who had strokes caused by stress. The results of
34 patients are tabulated below.
Age of Stroke Frequency
25–29 3
30–34 3
35–39 6
40–44 4
45–49 5
50–54 4
55–59 5
60–64 5
Construct the frequency histogram.
8) A nurse measured the blood pressure of each patient who visited her clinic. Following is a relative-
frequency histogram for the systolic blood pressure readings for those people aged between 25 and 40.
Use the histogram to answer the question. The blood pressure readings were rounded up to the next
whole number.
Approximately what percentage of the people aged 25–40 had a systolic blood pressure reading greater
than or equal to 130?
A) 15% B) 28% C) 75% D) 90%
9) A medical research team studied the ages of patients who had strokes caused by stress. The results of
34 patients are tabulated below.
Age of Stroke Frequency
25–29 3
30–34 3
35–39 6
40–44 4
45–49 5
50–54 4
55–59 5
60–64 5
Construct the frequency histogram.
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10) Find the original data from the stem-and-leaf plot.
Stem Leaves
9 5 9
10 1 9
11 5 5
A) 95, 91, 99, 101, 111, 115 B) 91, 95, 91, 109, 119, 115
C) 95, 99, 101, 101, 115, 115 D) 95, 99, 101, 109, 115, 115
11) A machine is supposed to fill juice bottles with 16 fluid ounces of juice. The manufacturer picks a
sample of bottles that have been filled by the machine and determines the volume of juice in each
bottle. The results are shown in the following stem-and-leaf diagram. The leaf unit is 0.1.
15 1
15 2 3 3
15 6 6 7 7 7 7
15 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9
16 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
16 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3
16 4 4 5
16 6 6
16 8
How many bottles were sampled?
A) 9 B) 10 C) 15 D) 44
10) Find the original data from the stem-and-leaf plot.
Stem Leaves
9 5 9
10 1 9
11 5 5
A) 95, 91, 99, 101, 111, 115 B) 91, 95, 91, 109, 119, 115
C) 95, 99, 101, 101, 115, 115 D) 95, 99, 101, 109, 115, 115
11) A machine is supposed to fill juice bottles with 16 fluid ounces of juice. The manufacturer picks a
sample of bottles that have been filled by the machine and determines the volume of juice in each
bottle. The results are shown in the following stem-and-leaf diagram. The leaf unit is 0.1.
15 1
15 2 3 3
15 6 6 7 7 7 7
15 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9
16 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
16 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3
16 4 4 5
16 6 6
16 8
How many bottles were sampled?
A) 9 B) 10 C) 15 D) 44
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12) Which line chart below represents the data?
Weight of Cats
Weight (lb) Number of Cats
5–7 2
8–10 9
11–13 18
14–16 13
17–19 4
20–22 1
D) None of the above
12) Which line chart below represents the data?
Weight of Cats
Weight (lb) Number of Cats
5–7 2
8–10 9
11–13 18
14–16 13
17–19 4
20–22 1
D) None of the above
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13) The table shows the price of a volatile stock from the months January 2016 through December 2016 as
determined by the closing price on the last trading day of the month. The price is rounded to the nearest
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
32 70 73 111 184 87 45 42 67 87 94 111
Which time series line chart represents the data?
D) None of the above
13) The table shows the price of a volatile stock from the months January 2016 through December 2016 as
determined by the closing price on the last trading day of the month. The price is rounded to the nearest
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
32 70 73 111 184 87 45 42 67 87 94 111
Which time series line chart represents the data?
D) None of the above
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14) Identify the utility that decreases as a percentage of the total utility bill from January to June.
A) Electric
B) Natural Gas
C) Water
D) None decrease from January to June.
15) Identify the class (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior) that has the greatest increase in 2.5 or better
GPAs over the five decades.
A) Senior (Sr) B) Junior (Jr) C) Sophomore (So) D) Freshman (Fr)
14) Identify the utility that decreases as a percentage of the total utility bill from January to June.
A) Electric
B) Natural Gas
C) Water
D) None decrease from January to June.
15) Identify the class (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior) that has the greatest increase in 2.5 or better
GPAs over the five decades.
A) Senior (Sr) B) Junior (Jr) C) Sophomore (So) D) Freshman (Fr)
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Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life
Chapter 3 (Visual Displays of Data) Exam, form B
1) A teacher asked each of her students how many novels they had read in the previous six months.
The results are shown below.
0 1 5 4 2 1 3 2
2 7 2 5 0 1 0 1
1 2 6 0 2 3 1 2
7 1 4 2 3 1 7 0
0 2 1 1 0 6 1 7
Construct a frequency table for the number of novels read.
2) On Monday mornings, a bookie tabulates the point spreads for the basketball games played on
Saturday and Sunday. He found that 5 games had a spread of 1 or 2 points, 4 had a spread of 3 to 6
points, 4 had a spread of 7 to 10, and 3 were more than 10. Construct the relative frequency table for
the data the bookie obtained for the weekend basketball games.
3) The frequency table shows the lengths in inches of 40 fireplace logs.
Length (in.) Number of Logs
14.5–14.9 2
15.0–15.4 5
15.5–15.9 12
16.0–16.4 11
16.5–16.9 7
17.0–17.4 3
Construct a cumulative frequency table for the data.
4) Construct a bar chart for the relative frequencies given.
Blood Type Frequency Relative Frequency
O 22 0.44
A 19 0.38
B 6 0.12
AB 3 0.06
5) The following dot plot represents the ages of the people in a sample selected from a group of campaign
Age of Campaign Volunteers
How many people were in the sample?
A) 15 B) 21 C) 27 D) 28
Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life
Chapter 3 (Visual Displays of Data) Exam, form B
1) A teacher asked each of her students how many novels they had read in the previous six months.
The results are shown below.
0 1 5 4 2 1 3 2
2 7 2 5 0 1 0 1
1 2 6 0 2 3 1 2
7 1 4 2 3 1 7 0
0 2 1 1 0 6 1 7
Construct a frequency table for the number of novels read.
2) On Monday mornings, a bookie tabulates the point spreads for the basketball games played on
Saturday and Sunday. He found that 5 games had a spread of 1 or 2 points, 4 had a spread of 3 to 6
points, 4 had a spread of 7 to 10, and 3 were more than 10. Construct the relative frequency table for
the data the bookie obtained for the weekend basketball games.
3) The frequency table shows the lengths in inches of 40 fireplace logs.
Length (in.) Number of Logs
14.5–14.9 2
15.0–15.4 5
15.5–15.9 12
16.0–16.4 11
16.5–16.9 7
17.0–17.4 3
Construct a cumulative frequency table for the data.
4) Construct a bar chart for the relative frequencies given.
Blood Type Frequency Relative Frequency
O 22 0.44
A 19 0.38
B 6 0.12
AB 3 0.06
5) The following dot plot represents the ages of the people in a sample selected from a group of campaign
Age of Campaign Volunteers
How many people were in the sample?
A) 15 B) 21 C) 27 D) 28
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