Test Bank for Fundamentals of Management , 10th Edition

Test Bank for Fundamentals of Management , 10th Edition gives you instant access to a variety of exam-focused practice questions.

James Rodriguez
about 2 months ago
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Fundamentals of Management, 10e (Robbins)
Chapter 1 Managers and Management
1) Which of the following is a common myth about the study of management?
A) Management is just common sense.
B) Managers need to be well disciplined in all of the business areas.
C) Managers are found in all types of organizations, large and small.
D) Many of today's managers are minorities.
Answer: A
Explanation: Students might be surprised to know that the academic study of management is
filled with insights, based on extensive research, which often run counter to what seems to be
common sense. That's why we decided to tackle head-on this common-sense perception by
opening each chapter with a particular "management myth" and then "debunking" this myth by
explaining how it is just a common-sense myth.
Diff: 2
LO: 1.1: Tell who managers are and where they work.
2) An organization is ________.
A) the physical location where people work
B) any collection of people who perform similar tasks
C) a deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose
D) a group of individuals focused on profit-making for their shareholders
Answer: C
Explanation: By definition, an organization is a deliberate arrangement of people who have a
common purpose or goal. An organization may or may not exist in a discrete physical location.
For example, many of today's political advocacy organizations exist largely as online entities
without a primary physical location. Though some people in an organization may perform
similar tasks, many do not. For example, doctors and administrators may both work for the same
hospital organization but perform very different tasks. Finally, focus on profit does not determine
an organization. Many organizations, such as a bird-watching club, do not include profit as a
Diff: 2
LO: 1.1: Tell who managers are and where they work.

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